Minutes of Meeting

Minutes of Meeting
Scenario Tools Visualization
Miroslav Vrbanac
Attended by
Skype Meeting
Sascha Burdick
UPB, Paderborn
Project Leader
Jens Frieben
UPB, Paderborn
Zvonimir Zoltán Marić
FER, Zagreb
Josip Jurić
FER, Zagreb
Mikael Krekola
Miroslav Vrbanac
MDH, Västerås
Team Leader 1
Team Leader 2
FER, Zagreb
Oliver Sudmann
UPB, Paderborn
Joel Greenyer
UPB, Paderborn
Project Supervisor
TOPIC: Discussion about project conclusions from previous meeting
We discussed every conclusion from previous meeting, including redesign, redefinition of classes
with EMF, loading simulation model…
We will document more, we will document how layers are connected and how rendering and
updating is made
We will start refactoring our code for easier programming on the long run
Previous conclusions that are listed below were accepted
We’ll use classes from the example project in the world editor
o Properties of the loaded simulation objects will be shown as read-only properties and will be
extracted from the objects using reflection
o Miroslav will be responsible for loading
The class diagram of the new EMF Physics Model (is in the project google-group)
o No big changes to the existing Java-based Physics Model
o Because EMF classes cannot be inherited, the existing JME model (inheriting the existing
Physics model) has to be changed
 The inheritance of the physics model will be replaced by references to physics objects
o Jens will do the switching
The components diagram of our project (in the project google group)
o Main components:
 Controller
 Physics
 3D View
 Simulation model
The models in our project:
o Simulation model
 Created in the Simulation component (the German project)
 Contains information about the simulation
o Physics model
 Contains all the real world-info (coordinates of all the objects – tracks, railcabs, …)
 References the simulation model
o Visual (JME) model
 Renders the 3d visualization of the attached physics object
 References the physics model
Main use cases:
o Loading the simulation model
 User chooses the simulation model and loads it in to the world editor
 The controller loads the simulation objects from the selected model-file into the world
 The loaded objects are shown to the user in a eclipse view as a list
 The properties of an object are shown in a separate eclipse view, after it has been
selected in the list
o Mapping the simulation objects to physics/visual objects
 The user chooses for every loaded simulation object what physics/visual object
(StraightTrack, CurvedTrack, Switch, Railcab, …) it will map to
 The controller creates the chosen visual object for the selected simulation object
 The created visual object sets its reference to a new instance of the according physics
 The created visual object is shown in the visualization view (the view with the 3d
scene rendering)
o Editing visualization scene
 The user chooses a simulation object from the list, and then edits the properties of the
mapped visual/physics object (e.g. start-vector, end-vector, position-on-track, …)
 The view sets the new value of the property to the visual/physics object
 The visualization view reacts on changes of properties of the visual object and renders
the object accordingly
o Starting the simulation
 The user chooses to start the simulation
 The controller sets the mode of the visual/physics model to simulation-mode (instead
of world-editor-mode), and the physics and visual model start to update
 In the simulation-mode the user cannot edit the properties of the objects
o Stop the simulation
 The user chooses to stop the simulation
 The controller sets the mode of the visual/physics model to world-editor-mode and the
physics and visual model stop updating
 In the world-editor-mode the user is able to edit the properties of the objects
TOPIC: Discussion about Acceptance plan document
Zoltan requested others to review Acceptance plan document
 German part of the team and supervisor will make an overview
TOPIC: Discussion about next presentation
Sascha will start making the presentation and Zoltan will join tomorrow
Zoltan will be presenting it
We will save current results so we will have a working demo on presentation day