Call to Order (Meredith Loomis Quinlan)
Meeting called to order at 9:01 PM.
Roll Call (Jacob Morden)
Adoption of Agenda
Motion by Anna, Seconded by Milo. Motion passes.
Executive Reports
a. President (Meredith Loomis Quinlan)
i. Meeting with Provost
Two new professors in biology and business, to increase professor numbers.
b. Vice President (Tendai Mudyiwa)
Only one unexcused absence per Commissioner per quarter.
c. Secretary of Records (Jacob Morden)
If you are going to have to miss a meeting, please let me know.
d. Secretary of Finance (Darrin Camilleri)
FPC wants to remind Commissioners to be consistent.
e. Secretary of Public Relations (Dion Bullock)
Committee Reports
a. Athletic Committee (Anna Asbury)
Meeting set for next week.
b. Educational Policies Committee (Milo Reed Madole)
Theorizing Citizenship and Immigration, Human Rights in International Law, and World Pottery courses
have been approved.
Faculty would like an article in the Index about seniors needing a seminar or shared-passage to graduate.
c. Experiential Education Committee (Malcolm Daniels)
Grad-School Fair is this week.
d. Information Services Committee (Daniel Pohanka)
College is thinking about hiring a consulting firm on how to change the school’s website.
Printing issues are being taken care of.
Web handbook for RCCs to get trained and have meetings.
e. Student Affairs Committee / SLAC (Alex Werder)
Student Activities Fee was started in the 2010-2011 school year; fee now increases with tuition increases, but
the President brought up the idea that perhaps the increase will be raised with the cost of living on campus.
StuOrgs have $300 a year to use for “group bonding” activities etc. $100 publicity budget for StuOrgs.
Issues from last year: Club Sports & Travel.
Money leftover from SA fee was put towards the Resource Room and a kitchenette and storage lockers in the
Barrett Living Room.
Senior benefits from the Student Activities fee?
Diversity Advisory Board being started by Dean Joshua.
f. Student Conduct Advisers Subcommittee (Milo Reed Madole)
No SCA training session until 1st Week of Winter Quarter.
g. Constitutional Integrity Committee (Lucas Kushner)
Goals for the year were set. Robert’s Rules for StuComm specific issues.
h. Financial Policies Committee (Darrin Camilleri)
Motion to move FPC reports to the top of the agenda. Motion passes.
$19,795.65 remaining in General Fund for the quarter
Approved: $15 for Habitat breakfast food
Approved: $110 for Ping Pong Club paddles, balls, and tournament prizes
Denied: $300 for International Student Organization DJ
Recommendation: Approve $380 for Outing Club Homecoming weekend trip
Motioned by Darrin, seconded by JJ. Motion passes with one abstention.
Recommendation: Deny $965.70 for Outing Club mid-term break trip
Late turn-in of budget request is the reasoning for FPC’s recommendation to deny the request.
Motion to deny the budget request by Darrin, seconded by Alex.
Movement to amend the motion to approve the budget request by Umang, seconded by JJ.
Movement to suspend the ByLaws by Colin, seconded by Anna.
Motion passes.
Movement to amend the motion to approve $480 for vehicle rental, seconded by Anna.
Motion passes with one abstention.
Motion to approve $480 for the Outing Club. Motion passes with four abstentions.
Recommendation: Deny $1000 for Naked Music printing (Modification from last request)
Motion to deny the request by Darrin, seconded by Alex.
Previous Question passed.
Motion to deny $1000, Motion passes with two abstention and threes denies.
Recommendation: Approve $750 for Women of Color monthly zine
Motion to approve $750 by Darrin, seconded by Mara.
Movement to amend the motion to $1000 by Milo, seconded by JJ. Motion passes with 3 abstentions.
Move to previous question by Lucas, seconded by Ellen.
Motion passes with 2 oppositions.
Motion to approve the $1000 amendment, amendment passes.
Motion to approve $1000 for, motion passes.
Motion by Darrin to approve $1000 Naked Magazine, seconded by Lucas.
Motion passes with two abstentions.
If approved, $19,415.65 left to allocate in General Fund
If approved, $250 left in Gift Fund
i. Joint Committee on Student Organization Recognition (Cesar Gutierrez)
Meeting with Brian set.
j. Public Relations Committee (Dion Bullock) and Student Service Hours
Gift cards are not made available through K College funds. Pushing the contest back to after Homecoming.
k. Club Sports Council (Colin Lennox)
Access to the trainers. Hockey team fell through.
l. Student Activities Report (Anna Asbury)
First 250 people at Homecoming will get prize socks.
m. School Spirit (Milo Reed Madole)
Flash Mob for Homecoming! DJ Enferno’s Party Rock 
n. Food Policy (Ellen Murphy)
o. LACs and Curriculum (Joe Barth and Alex Werder)
LACs will be a big project.
p. First Year Experience (Anna Asbury)
VI. Old Business
a. Homecoming (Milo Reed Madole, Dion Bullock) AKA We need to get the ball rolling! 2 weeks!
StuComm members will be required to work shifts for this huge event.
VII. New Business
Public Comment
IX. Good of the Order
X. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 10:50 PM.