STUDENT REGISTRATION FORM FOR MATH & SKILLS DAY 2015 MATH CONTEST Forms must be returned on or before MARCH 30, 2015 for students to be eligible to compete. Return completed form to Barb Shreckengost at Southwestern Oregon Community College, 1988 Newmark, Coos Bay, OR 97420; fax: 888-7247; e-mail: . DATE: CONTEST AREA: Math Contests INSTRUCTOR(S) COMPLETING FORM: SCHOOL: Student Names Math Level Grade Level 9-12 Lunch Request (Please put an X in the appropriate box) Lunch Pre-Algebra Pre-Algebra Algebra I Algebra I Geometry Geometry Algebra II Algebra II Open I Open I Open II Open II BS: 1/29/2015 5335506835 No Lunch February 11, 2015 To the Math Department: I have made arrangements for the regional math contest this year to be held on the Southwestern campus on Thursday, April 2, 2015. We will discuss the arrangements for the state contest on the day of our local contest. LUNCHES: There are several options for lunch. Our cafeteria has agreed to charge $5 for an all you can eat lunch. Students could each pay as they go through the line, we could bill the high school based on actual students that went through the line (with a ticket specific to your high school), you could have each student bring a sack lunch from home, you could see if your high school cafeteria could provide sack lunches for everyone, you could go off campus for lunch, etc. Whichever way you decide, I will need to have you specify on the registration forms: a check in the ‘Lunch’ column means your students will be eating at our dining services facility in Empire Hall (then you need to tell me if it will be student paid or high school paid), or a check in the ‘No Lunch’ column means your students will not be eating at our dining services facility in Empire Hall (they will have a sack lunch/eat off campus/etc). Lunch is from 10:30 am –1:00 pm in Empire Hall. Please try to send your students in small groups every 10-15 minutes, so that not all students eat at the same time. High school staff/contest leaders/judges will be responsible for their own lunch costs; but I will need to know if you plan to eat in Empire Hall. The main issue is that I need to be able to give our dining services staff an estimate of the total number of lunches to prepare above those that they prepare for our regular daily housing students/staff. The college is awarding certificates for those placing 1st/2nd/3rd and there will be tuition waiver awards for 1st and 2nd place winners. We will be hosting an awards ceremony for winners of all contests. These winners can bring their parents and teacher to the ceremony. More details to follow regarding the Awards Ceremony. BS: 1/29/2015 5335506835 I hope that each school will be able to bring 2 students for each level. The six levels are the same as in the past: Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Open I, and Open II. Open I students will have course work beyond the Algebra II level, but not including calculus. Open II students will have had some course work in calculus. There will be no state competition for the Pre-Algebra and the Algebra I levels. STUDENTS CANNOT COMPETE IN A LEVEL BELOW THE COURSE LEVEL THEY ARE CURRENTLY IN, OR HAVE ALREADY COMPLETED! I will ask that each of you monitor some of the tests as they are given and then grade that test. (A key will be provided) That will help me a lot. This you have done in the past and it has been appreciated. I welcome all the help you can give. Please use the registration form above to let Barb Shreckengost know whether or not you and your students will be participating this year by Monday, MARCH 30, 2015 (or earlier) as well as how many students will be attending. You may write to me at the address listed below or call me at the college any time; just leave a message (888-7249). If you will not be involved this year, please pass this letter on to the appropriate individual in the department and ask that person to contact us within the guidelines as stated above. Be sure to remind your students that they should bring pencils and calculators. We will adhere to the following schedule: Southwestern Campus 9:30 – 9:45 9:45 - 10:45 10:30 – 1:00 Thursday, April 2, 2015 Arrive on Campus Tests Lunch Thank you for your time, effort, and consideration given this matter. Sincerely, Kyriakos Kypriotakis (Dr. K) Sean Hutcherson Southwestern 1988 Newmark Coos Bay, OR 97420 888-7249/888-7254 BS: 1/29/2015 5335506835 Check-in Eden 1 Sitkum Hall Empire Hall