Procedures for LRE More Restrictive Placement 2 /13

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Procedures for Self Contained Placement - LRE: 0-39%
Time in General Education Classes or RATE Placement
Self Contained / RATE recommendation form (SPE 43) of student who has documented disruptive behavior in
general ed. classes or functioning below the 5-10%tile on MAP is completed by case manager and submitted to
school principal for approval and signature.
Case manager schedules an “In – house” review of the SPE 43 and using the LRE/PROGRESS MONITORING
RUBRIC, analyzes achievement data, discipline, academic or behavior interventions. The “In – House” team
should be current regular ed teachers, administrator, psychologist, guidance and/or mental health counselor,
SLP, ( if served) and case manager. (SPE 23 – LRE Team Review Committee Results)
If LRE Review Team denies the request for SC / RATE Placement, specific details of why the request was
denied is documented on the SPE 23 – LRE Team Review Results. (ie: lack of evidence of interventions; BIP
results over time, etc)
If the LRE Team approves the recommendation for self contained or RATE placement, notify Director of
Special Services, especially if a school change in involved to verify space availability in the class.
The case manager schedules an IEP Special Review meeting, including the parent and student. ( if age 13+) A
Prior Written Notice outlines the proposed changes to the parent.
Send a copy of the LRE Decision Packet to the Director of Special Services. The receiving principal will be
notified by Sped Services. The receiving school special ed teacher must be invited to the Special Review and
may need to assist in the revision of the IEP for the new placement.
A Re-evaluation Review may be part of this process, but not required. Check re-eval due dates/ IEP
Team decides.
Notifications, Prior Written Notice/Proposal to Change Placement sent to parent and new teacher.
A Revised IEP is written to reflect LRE changes, Present Levels, Findings, Service Time and appropriate
Modifications and accommodations in general ed classes (related arts/ exploratory/ elective
classes) must be clear for the regular ed teacher to follow. Also indicate classroom location of
modifications/ accommodations.
10. Section V – Related Services for Self Contained Placement:
Transportation added, if student will ride Special Needs bus
11. Additional Meeting Participants:
School psychologist
New self contained teacher
12. Location of meeting:
Same school, if self contained class is located in same school
New school, if child is moving to a new location
(Except for Spring roll-up meetings)
13. IEP Meeting Preparation:
Case Manager notifies Director of Special Services, if a change in
school is involved. The Director informs the receiving school
principal of the Proposed Change in Placement
Case Manager contacts new self contained RATE teacher to plan/develop draft IEP
Invite all disability teachers ( incl. speech) and related services
providers to the Proposed Change in Placement Meeting
Maintain communication with parent prior to IEP meeting. A scheduled visit to the proposed new
class may be appropriate.
Case Manager Notifies Transportation, if Special Needs bus required