25 March 2010 - University of Exeter

25TH MARCH 2010
Mark Overton (MO), Chair
Jan Jones, Secretary
Jill Court (JC)
Alex Khan (AK)
Graham Moncur (GM)
Karen Gallagher (KG)
Nicola Baker (NB)
Paul O’Callaghan (PO)
Apologies received from Dr Stewart Barr (SB), Hugh McCann (HM) and Paul
Grogan (PG), Gemma Richens (GR) and Lora Mihova (LM).
Mark Overton welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Terms of Reference
The terms of reference were agreed with the inclusion of the following items:
The group will meet monthly with the initial project being signed off by the end
of July 2010, in time for the new academic year
The strategy will cover a 5 year period (2010/11 – 2014/15) and include
regular reviews
KG will represent the key contact point for Procurement Services
Action: KG to finalise the Terms of Reference of re-issue.
Copies of the minutes to be sent to Gill Easton, Head of Academic Projects for
Background of Waste and Recycling at the University.
KG delivered a presentation outlining the background to the drivers for waste and
recycling. A copy is appended to these minutes.
MO emphasised the importance of legislative compliance and the link between
waste / recycling performance with funding, etc. It was also noted that the cost of
waste disposal at the University could be as much as a million pounds, which
represents around 0.5% of the University’s total turnover.
Development of a Waste and Recycling Strategy
The aim of the strategy is to:
Determine total waste costs
Determine total waste arisings
Understand current disposal routes
Identify opportunities to reduce waste arisings, waste sent to landfill,
promote reuse and increase recycling
IT Equipment
Academic Services dispose of IT for a small number of Schools. This uses the
free DELL Service. DELL dispose of material via SIMMS waste. The biggest
challenge to this disposal route is finding space to accommodate equipment
awaiting collection. It was suggested a central collection scheme would be
beneficial. PO is also evaluating another free IT collection service.
Action: AK to contact School Computing Colleagues to ascertain current IT
disposal routes, quantities generated and costs.
Until recently all waste furniture was disposed of to landfill. PO has since
indentified opportunities to re-use the equipment, in some cases via a third party.
Cooking Oil
Cooking oil was originally disposed of via a local company however following a
Duty of Care check this has now ceased. At present Greenearth Biodiesel is
collected the oil. In order to use this fuel for the University fleet, a small
Intermediate Bulk Container with a pump will need to be installed on site. A
student is currently evaluating the most economic and environmentally sound
route for cooking oil disposal. The report is due at the end of April.
Food Waste
At present this is being collected by Biffa but there is a proposal to purchase an
In-Vessel Composter. This is currently under negotiation.
Construction Waste
There is currently no information regarding the amount of construction waste
generated by the University. KG highlighted that this is now a requirement of the
HEFCE Estates Management Statistics.
Action: HM to identify construction waste information currently held by EDS.
Hazardous Waste
There is currently no information regarding waste stream and quantities disposed
off directly within academic areas.
Action: KG to contact College Managers and Professional Service Managers to
ascertain current disposal routes, quantities generated and costs.
Residential Waste
GR has contacted Geoff Pringle to request improvement in Halls of residencies
recycling facilities.
Action: NB to provide a summary of current facilities in halls of residencies.
Other waste streams
A large amount of data was collated by Tony Brown during his MSc Work Base
Learning Project.
Action: KG to prepare a list of data required for the next meeting
Recycling Infrastructure
KG reported that funding has been secured for internal recycling facilities via the
Recyclezone scheme. This has been match funded by Jeremy Lindley. This
scheme is dependent on the University adopting a segregate at source
approach. KG highlighted the following benefits of this:
Facilitates the adoption of free collection schemes and/or realise the value
from waste streams
Builds on existing infrastructure
Lower contamination option as lower residual volumes and less disposed
off via incineration (waste to energy plants)
JC suggested that a mixed recyclates approach would be beneficial and this has
been adopted by other Universities. KG stated that no funding was available at
present for co-mingled recycling infrastructure.
Action: SB to provide advice regarding the benefits of comingled recycling
versus segregate at source.
Post Meeting Note: A tour of the Manchester BIFFA Materials Recovery Facility
The success of a furniture re-use scheme and other revenue generating projects
will be dependent on the identification of a resource centre as outlined in the
VCEG paper.
Action: JC to identify opportunities for the resource centre location.
Biffa Contract
Despite problems with the contract there has been an improvement over the past
6 months. The Group requested information about opportunities available within
the BIFFA contract to improve recycling.
Action: KG to contact John Malloch regarding current position of the contract.
Next Meeting
JJ - Please include date and time
Summary of Actions
Finalise Terms of Reference
Contact School computing colleagues to ascertain current
IT disposal routes, quantities generated and costs
Identify construction waste information currently held by
Contact College Managers and Professional Service
Managers to ascertain current disposal routes, quantities
generated and costs
Provide a summary of current facilities in halls of
Prepare a list of waste data required
Provide advice regarding the benefits of co-mingled
recycling versus segregate at source
Identify opportunities for the resource centre location.
Contact John Malloch regarding current position of the
BIFFA contract