Introduction to Psychology-Counseling in a

Chabot College
Fall 2001
Replaced Fall 2010
Course Outline for Psychology-Counseling 1
Catalog Description:
1 – Introduction to Psychology-Counseling in a Multicultural Environment
3 units
Introduction to psychology-counseling theory, skills, techniques, and processes in working with
individuals and/or groups. Multiculturalism in American society. Emphasis placed on issues and
processes of a minority-majority environment. Includes review of demographics, social services,
community agencies, and intervention programs. Fundamental counseling techniques, counseling
theory and socio-cultural issues related to working in the “service provider” role. Strongly
recommended: eligibility for English 1A and completion of Psychology-Counseling 13. 3 hours.
[Typical contact hours: 52.5]
Prerequisite Skills:
Expected Outcomes for Students:
Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. apply Psychology-Counseling theory and techniques;
2. describe fundamental Psychology-Counseling techniques and theories;
3. describe methods of effecting behavioral change;
4. identify the demographic composition of one’s campus and environment;
5. develop a fundamental plan of action with an individual to affect that individual’s behavioral
change or desired life change;
6. assess socio-economic/cultural barriers;
7. identify local intervention or social service programs;
8. express the importance of an individualized action plan for behavioral change.
Course Content
1. Overview of Psychology-Counseling Field of Study
a. Definition of Psychology
b. Definition of Sociology
c. Definition of Counseling
d. Definition of Psychology-Counseling
2. Psychology-Counseling Skills and Techniques including but not limited to:
a. Reflection
b. Paraphrasing and Clarification
c. Empathy
d. Silence as a Technique
e. Positive and Negative Reinforcement
f. Active Listening and Questioning
g. Non-verbal Communication
h. Body Language
i. Operant Conditioning
j. Classical Conditioning
k. Written and Unwritten Contracts
3. Demographics
a. Campus Demographics
b. Community Demographics
c. Statewide Demographics
d. Environmental Demographic Diversity
e. Effects on Provision of Services
4. Knowledge of Local Services and/or Agencies
a. Social Services and Programs
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Fall 2001
b. Mental Health Services and Programs
c. Rehabilitation Services and Programs
d. Economic Services, Public Assistance, Food Stamps, etc.
e. Educational Services and Programs
f. Observational Experience(s)
5. Counseling/Multicultural Theory (Theorists) such as, but not limited to:
a. Gates
b. Freud
c. Jung
d. Chavéz
e. Hooker
f. Takaki
g. D’Souza
h. Skinner
i. Adler
j. Banks
6. Individualized Action Planning
a. Individualized Assessment
b. Multi-Cultural Issues
c. Socio-economic Issues
d. Achieving Consumer Buy-in and/or Cooperation
e. Assessing Impact of Others on Plan
f. Referrals to Appropriate Community Resources
g. Writing an Action Plan
h. Establishing Clear, Achievable Goals and Objectives
i. Follow-up and Intervention
Methods of Presentation:
Lecture and discussion
Environmental observation(s)
Conducting (Voluntary) Oral Histories
Role-playing and simulation exercises
Use of videotapes and other media
Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
Typical Assignments
1. Using a traditional college-level dictionary and a college-level thesaurus (consult with the
professional librarians if you have any questions about an appropriate source), define the terms
“empathy” and “sympathy.” Make a list of the ways the term “empathy” differs from the term
“sympathy.” Be ready to discuss your ideas in class.
2. Sit in the Chabot College cafeteria for a period of approximately 30 minutes observing the
interaction and communication of others. Identify one specific interaction and/or communication
which illustrates intercultural communication differences and write a short summary of how your
observation affected your impression of the two participants. Were stereotypes involved? If so,
were they reinforced or debunked?
3. Ask a member of your family to agree to give you their oral history. Conduct an oral history
interview and write a 1-2 page summary of that person’s life events. What specific event(s) were
most important to the individual’s present life situation? What are your impressions of the
individual’s self-esteem and self-identity?
4. In-class role-play situation:
Student A – role of service provider
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Student B – plays the part of a person referred to the guidance office for lack of attendance in
Other Students – observe interaction and make notes on the process:
a. How did the service provider initiate contact?
b. How did the consumer/client react to the initial contact?
c. How did the service provider introduce issue(s) of concern?
d. How did the consumer/client receive the issue(s)?
e. What Psychology-Counseling techniques did the service provider use?
f. Were the Psychology-Counseling techniques successful?
g. How did the service provider terminate the session?
h. How effective was the closure process?
i. What was the value of the session? Did it affect behavioral change?
5. In-class modeling exercise:
Instructor – role of service provider
Student C – plays the part of a person referred to the guidance office for lack of attendance in
Other Students – observe interaction and make notes on the process:
a. How did the service provider initiate contact?
b. How did the consumer/client react to the initial contact?
c. How did the service provider introduce issue(s) of concern?
d. How did the consumer/client receive the issue(s)?
e. What Psychology-Counseling techniques did the service provider use?
f. Were the Psychology-Counseling techniques successful?
g. How did the service provider terminate the session?
h. How effective was the closure process?
i. What was the value of the session? Did it affect behavioral change?
6. View the video documentary, “Children of the Camps,” regarding personal encounter
sessions for Japanese-Americans who were children during the internment of JapaneseAmericans from 1942-45 (copy available in the Chabot College Library). To which of the
participants did you most easily relate? Why? Be ready to discuss in class.
Methods of Evaluating Student Progress
1. Midterm Exam
2. Individual and/or Group Projects
3. Observation Summaries
4. Sample Case Summaries
5. Oral History Summary
6. Final Exam
Textbook(s) (Typical):
Taking Sides, Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Race and Ethnicity, Third edition, Monk,
R.C. Guildford: Dushkin/McGraw-Hill, 2000
Stand! Race and Ethnicity – Contending Ideas and Opinion, Mori, B. (Ed.), Bellevue: Coursewise
Publishing, 2000
The Meaning of Difference, Second edition, Rosemblum, K. and Travis, T. Boston: McGraw-Hill,
Special Student Materials: None
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