D. Research Support

D. Research Support
Ongoing Research Support
P50 MH077083, Mayberg (PI)
07/15/2006 – 06/30/2012
Predictor of Antidepressant Treatment Response: Emory CIDAR Grant
Predictor of antidepressant treatment response. The CIDAR is a single-site, randomized, double blind, clinical
trial. Biological and psychological data that may predict response to antidepressant treatments are collected.
Role: Co-PI
PO1AG026423, Herndon (PI)
04/15/2007 - 03/31/2012
Evolution of Aging and Dementia in Female Primates
To study the effects of aging with behavioral, biological and imaging markers.
Role: PI on Imaging Core
R01-MH056120-08A2 Bremner (PI)
07/01/2007 - 06/30/2012
Neural Circuits in Women with Abuse and PTSD
To study neurobiological basis of effects of abuse in women with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Role: Co-PI
P50 CA128301, Goodman, Hu, Meltzer (PIs)
04/01/2008 – 03/31/2013
Emory Molecular and Translational Imaging Center
To develop and validate molecular imaging methods for oncological applications and to translate them to
clinical settings.
Role: PI
U01 MH081988, Walker (PI)
09/30/2008 – 04/30/2013
Predictors and Mechanisms of Conversion to Psychosis.
Enhance our ability to identify persons at high risk for imminent psychosis, by refine predictors of conversion,
and expanding our understanding of the underlying neural mechanisms.
Role: Co-Investigator
P50 MH078105 Gunnar, Sanchez, (PIs)
Early Experience, Stress and Neurobehavioral Development Center
To examine the effects of early adverse care on neurobehavioral development, both in humans and nonhuman
R21 CA 141836, Shim (PI)
04/01/2010 – 03/30/2012
Using Proton MRS to Predict Response of SAHA Treatment in Glioblastoma
To identify proton MR metabolites that can predict the response of SAHA treatment in an orthotopic brain
tumor rat model;
Role: Co-PI
NHLBI-HV-10-08, Taylor (PI)
08/15/2010 – 07/14/2015
Georgia Institute of Tech.
Center for Translation Cardiovascular Nanomedicine
The broad and long-term vision of this PEN is to develop and apply nanotechnology and biomolecular
engineering tools and approaches to address compelling medical needs in the detection and treatment of
atherosclerosis and the repair of damaged vasculature and heart tissue.
Role: Co-PI
R01 MH058846, Bachevalier (PI)
12/15/2010 – 11/30/2015
Development of Medial Temporal Lobe Functions
The purpose of this study is to characterize the early developmental trajectories of the hippocampus and
amygdala in the rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) using noninvasive MRI techniques.
Role: Co-PI
R01 NS070879, Buetefisch (PI)
04/01/2011 – 03/31/2012
Enhancing Stroke Recovery Through Cortical Stimulation
The research proposed links science to neurorehabilitation in stroke patients by establishing the extent to
which the contralesional M1 might serve as a new target for interventions to improve motor performance poststroke.
Role: Co-PI
AG025688, Levy (PI)
05/01/11 – 04/30/2012
The Emory Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
The objectives in this application are to systematically study the effects of stimulation of cM1 in order to define
the factors that influence cM1 excitability as it relates to motor function post-stroke.
Role: Co-PI
R01 EY012440, Sathian (PI)
04/01/2011 – 03/31/2016
Cross-Modal Interactions Between Vision And Touch
This project is to learn how the sense of touch might be different in normal individuals, the blind, and people
with various neurological disorders.The aim is to understand the basis of sensation in health and disease.
Role: Co-PI
R21-HD067906, Buetefisch (PI)
10/01/2011- 09/30/2013
Mechanisms of Functional Recovery after Stroke
Structurally reorganizing motor cortex in stroke patients through Hebbian-type stimulation
Completed Research Support (in past 3 years)
R01DA17795 Hu (PI)
Assessing Developmental Effects of Prenatal Cocaine Exposure
To ascertain developmental changes in the brain as a consequence of prenatal cocaine exposure.
Role: PI
P50MH058922 Mayberg (PI)
Early Trauma and Brain Structure and Connectivity – CONTE Project 9
To ascertain structural and connectivity abnormalities in the brain due to early trauma.
Role: Co-PI
R01EB002009 Hu (PI)
Improvement and Application of fMRI
Develop a technique for the monitoring and compensation of physiology related fluctuation in fMRI data.
Role: PI
U01 HL080711-01
Bao (PI)
Nanotechnology: Detection & Analysis of Plaque Formation
Detection and analysis of plaque formation.
Role: Co-PI
R21 HD055255-01 Sanchez (PI)
4/2007 – 3/2010
Understanding Neurodevelopment in Macaques with Different Rearing Experiences
Build upon previous finding on the impace of early maltreatment on behavior and neuroendocring function of
rhesus monkeys during their first two years of life, and extends the study to the adolescent and adult ages.
Role: Co-PI