Washington State Concord Grape Research Council DUE 5 :00 p.m. January 31, 2015 by email to: prosser.grants@wsu.edu PROJECT PROPOSAL PROPOSED DURATION: Project Title: PI: Organization: Telephone: Email: Address: Address 2: City/State/Zip: Co-PI (2): Organization: Telephone: Email: Address: Address 2: City/State/Zip: Co-PI(3): Organization: Telephone: Email: Address: Address 2: City/State/Zip: Co-PI (4): Organization: Telephone: Email: Address: Address 2: City/State/Zip: Cooperators: Total Project Request: Year 1: Year 2: Year 3: Other funding sources (If no other funding sources are anticipated, type in “None” and delete agency name, amt. request and notes) Agency Name: Amt. requested/awarded: (retain either requested or awarded and delete the other) Notes: Budget Approved By: Date: Item Salaries Benefits Wages Benefits Equipment Supplies Travel Miscellaneous Total FY 2015 FY 2016 Footnotes: Statement of the Problem: Objective(s) of Proposed Research: Justification and Importance of Proposed Research: Procedures to Accomplish Objective(s): Current Work: Research Timetable for Project: Present Outlook and Estimated Success in Accomplishing Objective(s): Literature Cited: FY 2017 WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY: Assurance Statement(s) PI: Dept: WSU ID: Credit: Co-PI: Dept: WSU ID: Credit: 0 Co-PI: Dept: WSU ID: Credit: 0 Total: 0 Must total 100% OGRD#: (if known) PI email: PI Phone: Project Title: Sponsor: WSU Account #: Biosafety and Chemical Safety includes transgenic plants; * includes livestock pathogens and toxins Project does NOT involve recombinant DNA/Vectors/Plasmids, Infectious/Select Agents, Carcinogens, Mutagens, or Teratogens; EUP’s Project involves: Carcinogens, Mutagens, or Teratogens Recombinant DNA/Vectors/Plasmids EUP (Experimental Use Pesticides) Infectious/Select Agents* MUA #: (if known) Protection of Human Subjects Project does NOT involve human subjects IRB #: Project does involve human subjects (if known) Care and Use of Animals (includes the use of human tissue or bodily fluids) Project does NOT involve vertebrate animals ASAF #: Project does involve vertebrate animals (if known) Use of Radioactive Materials or Radiation Equipment Project does NOT involve the use of radioactive materials or radiation equipment Project does involve the use of radioactive materials or radiation equipment Conflict of Interest Conflict of interest definitions and questions (www.ogrd.wsu.edu/coi_dq/) Project does NOT involve a Conflict of Interest Project does involve a Conflict of Interest