BATTERY CHARGER SHORT CORSE PREPAIRED BY NASIR GHAURI A.M TSG 1 COMPONEMTS OF D.C SYSTEM i) BATTERY ii) BATTERY CHARGER iii) D.C DISTRIBUTION BOARD BATTERIES TYPES OF BATTERIES i) PRIMARY BATTERIES ii) SECONDRY BATTERIES PRIMARY BATTERIES Non rechargeable cells known as Primary cells. SECONDRY BATTERIES Battery cells can be recharged because the chemical reaction that occurs during discharge can be reversed by applying a reverse current into the cell. The cell can be discharged and recharged many times (often many thousand times) before it is degraded to the point where it can no longer provide reliable service. 2 LEAD-ACID BATTERIES It is also called a ‘wet-cell’ or ‘flooded-cell’ battery because the electrolyte is in a liquid form. They are vented batteries because the charging process can produce gasses of hydrogen and oxygen which needs to be able to escape from the confines of the battery case. In its charged state the (positive plates) are lead peroxide, the (negative plates) are lead, and the electrolyte is dilute sulphuric acid. As the cell is discharged the plates are converted to lead sulphate and the electrolyte becomes water. The chemical reaction looks like this PbO2 + Pb + 2H2SO4 ↔ 2PbSO4 + 2H2 + ½O2 Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) Batteries Type of lead acid battery which is more common because of the reduced maintenance requirements. More correctly, Called a valve regulated leadacid battery, because they do have a valve to release internal gas build up which can result from overcharging. The electrolyte has been jellified making the battery more resistant to extreme temperatures, vibration and shock. This is also why they are sometimes called ‘Gel Cells’. They also have calcium included in the plate construction which reduces the gassing effects, minimising loss of electrolyte. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF LEAD-ACID BATTERIES i) POSITIVE PLATE PbO2 ii) NAGETIVE PLATE Pb iii) SULPHURIC ACID AS AN H2SO4 ELECTROLYTE CHEMICAL REACTION LEAD-ACID BATTERIES PbO2 + Pb + 2H2SO4 ↔ 2PbSO4 + 2H2 + ½O2 Lead acid batteries have reduced life expectancy if they are left in a discharged condition. Ordinarily they do not deal well with deep discharge cycles 3 CHARGING REQUIRMENTS OF BATTERIES i) INITIAL / AFTER CAPACITY TEST CHARGING ii) FLOAT CHARGING iii) BOOST CHARGING iv) PERIODIC / EQUALIZING CHARGING INITIAL / AFTER CAPACITY TEST CHARGING CHARGING RATE SHOULD BE MANTINED AS PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTION WHICH IS APPROXIMATLLY 7% OF AMPER HOUR CAPACITY FLOAT CHARGING CHARGING VOLTAGE THAT COUNTERACTS SELF DISCHARGE A battery is said to float when charging voltage is slightly greater than the open circuit voltage of the battery. Note: Charge batteries continuously at the float voltage recommended by the manufacturer BOOST VOLTAGE AFTER DISCHARGE, THE BATTERY IS RECHARGED AT HIGHER CHARGING RATE 4 Condition For Boost Charge 1. Following heavy discharge. 2. If specific gravity (corrected for temperature) of any cell is more than 10 points (0.010) below the full charge value while on float. 3. If the voltage of any cell is more than 0.04 volt below the average cell voltage when the battery is on float. 4. If the level in any cell or cells falls at or near the minimum fill line a lot of distilled water must be added to restore the level to the maximum fill line. If this condition occurs, an equalizing charge must be performed to restore specific gravity. PRIODIC / EQUALIZING CHARGE CORRECTIVE TYPE OF CHARGE THAT BRINGS ALL CELLS UP TO FULLY CHARGE CONDITION. IT IS APPLIED AFTER INITIAL CHARGE, CAPACITY TEST AND A SPACIFIC PERIOD. THE VOLTAGE LEVEL IS KEPT EQUIVALENT TO THAT OF BOOST CHARGE. The purpose of the equalizing charge is to ensure that every plate in every cell is brought with certainty to a state of full charge by a slight overcharge. TEMPERATURE Higher temperatures reduce the operational life. Lower temperatures reduce the available capacity. If the battery operating temperature is different from 77°F, a correcting factor is to be applied to capacity value taking into account discharge time. (Reference IEEE-450-2010) The permissible operating temperature range is 5°F to 130°F, The recommended operating temperature range is 68°F to 77°F. This will maximize life and minimize maintenance. 5 Operating Temperature Recommended Applied Float Voltage VPC (Haze Battery) Temperature Voltage Range 0-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-40 2.33 - 2.35 2.30 - 2.33 2.27 - 2.30 2.27 - 2.30 2.25 - 2.27 2.23 - 2.25 2.21 - 2.23 All technical data relates to a rated temperature of 77°F( 25°C). 6 7 ELECTROLYTE Electrolyte is a diluted sulfuric acid. The nominal S.G. of the electrolyte at 77°F. The maximum deviation is +/-.01g/cm3.Higher temperatures will decrease electrolyte density, while lower temperatures increase electrolyte density. The correction factor is .001 for each 3°F. For each 3°F over 77°F, add .001 to the S.G. reading. For each 3°F below 77°F, subtract .001 from the S.G. reading. Storage Store the batteries in a dry, clean and preferably cool and frost-free location. Do not expose the cells to direct sunlight. ►Note: Failure to observe these conditions may result in reduced capacity and service life as well as voiding the battery warranty. 8 BATTERY CHARGER A DEVICE WHICH IS USED TO MAINTAIN BATTERY AND LOAD UNDER ALL OPERATING CONDITIONS PARTS OF BATTERY CHARGER i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) MAIN TRANSFORMER BRIDGE RECTIFIRE LC FILTER BLOCKING DIODE FREE WHEELING DIODE LOAD VOLTAGE CONTROL CIRCUIT FIRING CIRCUIT PROTECTION CIRCUIT Main Transformer Main purpose of transformer is isolation between AC to DC and also used to reduce voltage Bridge Rectifier Converts A.C into D.C Half-wave Rectification 0.405 ratio – η Centre-tap 0.81 Bridge 0.81 3Ø Bridge 0.968 LC Filter Purpose of LC Filter is Harmonic suppression Blocking Diode Used to protect from Reverse Power Free Wheeling Diode Used for Reverse Recovery 9 10 11 12 DRAWINGS 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 D.C DISTRIBUTION BOARD HOLDS ALL PROTECTIONS, CONTROLS AND OPERATIONS TYPE-A Battery Battery Charger Distribution Board █------------█-----------█ TYPE-A Battery Battery Charger Distribution Board █------------█-------------█ │ █Coupler C.B │ █------------█------------█ Battery Battery Charger Distribution Board 20