2010 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION WILLIAMSON COUNTY LIVESTOCK ASSOCIATION NAME: _______________________________________________________ ADDRESS : _______________________________________________________ CITY: ____________________________________ ZIP ____________________ PHONE: (_______) __________________________ EMAIL: ___________________________________ DUES: MAIL APPLICATION TO: ______ WCLA MEMBERSHIP - $25 WILLIAMSON COUNTY LIVESTOCK ASSN. ______ ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP -$15 Joseph J. Wolf 1580 CR 448 TAYLOR, TX. 76574 Please list the family member’s names that will be exhibiting livestock at the WCLA Livestock Show. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ WCLA MEMBERSHIP - $25 per year (January 1 thru December 31) WCLA membership is intended for families participating in the WCLA Show and Sale. This membership includes two voting members, all home mailings, and two dinners to the Members/Guest/Buyer’s Appreciation Dinner. WCLA membership entitles all family members to any additional financial support provided by the Williamson County Livestock Association. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP - $15 per year (January 1 thru December 31) Associate membership is intended for those not having family members participate in the WCLA Show and Sale but choose to remain active members of the Association. This membership includes one voting member, all home mailings and two dinners to the Members/Guest/Buyer’s Appreciation Dinner. Associate membership does not include any additional financial support provided by the Williamson County Livestock Association. WCLA MEETINGS ARE HELD THE 1ST WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH. ALL MEMBERS ARE WELCOMED AND ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND. PLEASE VISIT WCLA’S WEBSITE AT www.wmcolivestock.org