Department of Health Promotion and Policy

Division of Dental Hygiene
DHYG 311
Instrumentation: Pre-Clinical Foundations
Exploring the Possibilities: The ODU and #17 Explorers Worksheet #3
Name: _____________________
Are you right-handed or left-handed”? (circle one)
If you have not already done so, please take a minute to attach your typodont onto the manikin head.
Please pick up your mirror and the ODU 11/12 explorer.
1. What identifying characteristics did you use to determine which of the instruments in your cassette is the
ODU 11/12?
2. If we were interested in exploring the first molar on the maxilla, dominant side, please answer:
a. Write out the full name of this tooth
b. Is the chin up or down?
c. Which way is the head tilted? To the right or the left (circle one)
d. What is the clinician’s clock position?
e. Are you using direct or indirect vision?
f. The mirror is held in which hand? Dominant or Nondominant? (circle one)
g. Mirror fulcrum is where?
h. Determine the correct ‘working end’ by:
i. placing the explorer in the mouth and lining the terminal shank up to the mesial lingual line
angle on #3 (or #14 if you are left handed)
ii. ‘point’ of instrument tip should be pointing towards the mesial (col)
iii. ‘point’ of instrument should be pointing towards the tooth surface- not towards the gingiva.
If tip is pointing out towards the gingiva, flip your instrument and repeat i and ii.
iv. have your pod instructor verify that you are using the correct working end.
Instructor initials _______
3. Now that you are using the correct working end- how are you going to explore the distal lingual surface? Take a
few minutes to figure this out and then explain some ‘tips’ you used to ready yourself for exploring this surface:
4. Begin ‘exploring’ the distal lingual surface of the first molar.
a. Insertion is at the distal lingual line angle. Remember that the terminal shank is parallel to the long axis
of the tooth.
b. Now begin your walking stroke into the distal col area.
c. When you are done, reposition your tip so that it is now pointing towards the mesial and begin
‘exploring the direct lingual. On the direct lingual surface, the terminal shank of the explorer is NOT parallel
to the long axis of the tooth. It should be angled towards the mesial.
d. After exploring the direct lingual surface, move right away into exploring the mesial lingual surface.
5. Without lifting your fulcrum finger, explore the distal lingual surface of the dominant side, maxillary 2nd
premolar. Now explore the lingual and mesial lingual surfaces.
6. With some slight fulcrum adjustment, proceed to explore the first premolar, same arch, lingual surfaces.
7. Now you are ready to explore the lingual surfaces of the anterior teeth. What changes need to occur?
8. Proceed with exploring the anterior linguals up to the canine on the adjacent quadrant.
9. Repeat exploring the maxillary dominant posterior and anterior sextants- all lingual surfaces.
a. Is your back aligned correctly to the back of the clinician’s stool?
b. Is the small of your back against the back of the clinician’s chair?
10. When all of the above is completed- please demonstrate your exploring technique to your instructor.
When both of you are comfortable with technique, have your instructor sign off on this quadrant _______
11. Repeat steps 1-10 for the dominant maxillary quadrant- buccal surfaces:
Instructor verification of correct working end of instrument for #3 (or #14) _________________
Instructor verification that all buccal surfaces have been satisfactorily explored ______________
12. Repeat steps 1-10 for the non-dominant maxillary quadrant:
Instructor verification of correct working end of instrument for buccal ________
lingual ________
Instructor verification that all surfaces of this quadrant have been satisfactorily explored _______
13. Repeat steps 1-10 for the mandibular left posterior sextant:
Instructor verification of correct working end of instrument for buccal ________
lingual ________
Instructor verification that all surfaces of the mand. left have been satisfactorily explored _______
14. Repeat steps 1-10 for the mandibular right posterior sextant:
Instructor verification of correct working end of instrument for buccal ________
lingual ________
Instructor verification that all surfaces of the mand. right have been satisfactorily explored_____
15. Now go back and only do the Mandibular anterior teeth- linguals/facials
a. What is your clock position for each?
b. What tooth is it recommended that you begin exploring on?
c. Should you use suction?
If so, where is it placed?
d. What other methods can you use to dry the facial/lingual surface?
e. What type of vision do you use on the facial and lingual surfaces?
f. Demonstrate exploring of the facial/lingual surfaces.
Instructor initials _____/______
Now, please pick up your mirror and the #17 explorer.
1. What identifying characteristics did you use to determine which of the instruments in your cassette is the #17?
2. Where is this instrument primarily used?
3. What clock position is used when using this instrument?
4. Begin exploring the Maxillary anterior sextant:
a. What tooth is it recommended that you begin exploring on?
b. Should you use suction? If so, where is it placed?
e. What type of vision do you use on the facial surfaces?________ lingual surfaces? _________
f. Using the #17 explorer, demonstrate exploring of the
i. Maxillary facial surfaces
ii. Maxillary lingual surfaces
Instructor initials _____/______
g. Using the #17 explorer, demonstrate exploring of the
i. Mandibular facial surfaces
ii. Mandibular lingual surfaces
Instructor initials _____/______