. NORTHWICH TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY 7th April, 2015 Present : Cllr Alison Gerrard – Town Mayor Councillors : D Bowden A. Stott A. Cooper K. Rimmer B. Jamieson Mrs J Illidge S. Kryger Also present: G. Gibson A. Dimelow Mrs. L Nelson T. Lawrenson P. Dolan Mrs G Gough R. Cotterill Chris Shaw – Town Clerk Mrs L Clansey – Assistant Clerk Mrs. L. Moore – Events Co-ordinator/P.A. Mrs. T. Cash – Council Secretary NTC 14/164 TO RECEIVE A PRESENTATION FROM SUSTRANS REGARDING THE NORTHWICH STRATEGY A presentation was delivered to members by Peter Green, Sustrans Area Manager. Mr Green provided a brief summary of the Northwich Cycling Strategy. Members were handed an Options Study Summary and Update documents. Main areas covering the routes around Northwich Railway Station, and Barons Quay. Mr Green gave background to this. Transport solutions include walking/cycling into town. Looking at improvements to suggested routes that can be easily found, easily and intuitively followed. Signs of a high standard and provide a joined up network. Also looked for alternative routes, an example of which is the Rudheath route for ease of use, providing signed shortcuts for pedestrians and cyclists. Signs are not always apparent and need to be more obvious. The town centre is a vibrant heart, needs to be visited regularly and not damaged by future developments. Albion Way may be used as an alternative to cyclists, but main goal is to connect links. Have sought to identify quiet road routes with short traffic free or shared space links for pedestrians and cyclists not available to motor vehicles. Bridges cause difficulties for routes, and would like to see replacement bridge (in the long term) to enable links to Winnington, improved access to the Infirmary and Verdin Park. Would urge the Council to consider this link. Good quality paths provided in other towns, looking for similar in Northwich. It is also a desire to link with neighbouring towns of Winsford and Middlewich. A map was included in the summary report which illustrated what needs to be done. Cllr. Bowden introduced Mike Cooksley who is involved with the Northwich Neighbourhood Plan, Leading the Transport Group, and explained that the intention is when the Cycling Strategy study is completed it will form part of the NNP. Mr. Cooksley also thanked NTC for taking on the future developments of the town and becoming very proactive in the initiative on a local basis. Cllr. Bowden Acknowledged the hard work and much time taken in creating the NNP. Northwich Town Centre does not have space for separate routes for cyclists, but by working with pedestrians and motorists we have to prioritise what we can to realistically achieve within our budget. CWAC have done a cycle study and put up signage out of town, but some of the safety aspect causes concern. Mr Green agreed with these comments and added the need to create safe routes to get into town. Cllrs. Dolan and Jamieson asked about specific routes to the Winnington area, and were pleased to see a proposed 20 mph speed limit on some stretches within the gyratory system. Mr Green was thanked for his informative presentation by the Mayor. ………………………….. Date ……………………………………. Cllr Mrs Alison Gerrard Town Mayor 1 NTC 14/165 TO RECEIVE A PRESENTATION FROM CHESHIRE YOUNG CARERS Apologies were made to the Council as representatives from C.Y.C. were unable to attend. NTC 14/166 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE OR ABSENCE Apologies for absence and reasons were received from Councillors Mrs. D. Cooke, B. Cooke, A. Dimelow, M. Donnelly and G. Gough. Cllr. Hough did not attend. . NTC 14/167 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to declare any interest under the following categories: • Pecuniary Interest • Outside Bodies Interest • Family, Friend or Close Associate interest Cllrs Dolan declared an interest in any matters relating to the N.H.S.. NTC 14/168 OPEN FORUM There were no public questions. NTC14/169 SIGNING OF THE MINUTES That the minutes of Town Council Meeting held on Monday 2nd March, 2015 be confirmed as a true and accurate record, proposed by Cllr Rimmer, seconded by Cllr Stott. Members noted minutes of the Planning and Environment Committee meeting held on Tuesday 17th March, 2015. Were duly noted as a true record by Cllr. Stott and seconded by Cllr. Jamieson. Cllr. Stott commented that many residents attended the Planning Meeting to air their objections regarding a submitted Planning application in their residential vicinity. Members noted minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting held on Tuesday 17th March, 2015. Were duly noted a a true record by Cllr. Rimmer, seconded by Cllr. Jamieson. Members noted minutes of the Policy and Operations Committee meeting held on Tuesday 31st March. Cllr. Stott acting Chair, discussed staff issues including Appraisals and Targets noted. ……………………….. Date ……………………………………. Cllr Mrs Alison Gerrard Town Mayor 2 NTC14/170 TOWN MAYOR’S COMMUNICATIONS The Mayor informed members that she had attended the following events during March. 85 1st Graduation of 55 Entry 146 (Northwich) Sqdn. At UCAN. 86 4th Sheriff’s Brunch, Hosted by Sheriff of Chester Cllr. Herbert Manley 87 4th Brownie evening visit to Council Chamber, Q & A session. 88 5th Return of the Forbidden Planet school production The Grange. 89 9th Rotary Club of Northwich, Special Speakers Meeting 90 20th Winsford Mayor’s Charity Dinner. Vale Royal Abbey. 91 21st Swimathon Event, Moss Farm 92 21st Knutsford Civic Ball. Hosted by Mayor and Mayoress of Knutsford 93 25th Local Councils Excellence Awards, Eaton Park. 94 26th Ron Carey Memorial, Northwich Railway Station 95 27th McCarthy & Stone Professionals lunch at new Assisted Living Dev. N/wich Marina 96 30th Rotary Club of Northwich 92nd Charter Night, Vale Royal Abbey. The Mayor advised that invitations will be sent out shortly for the Mayor’s Charity Ball. NTC14/171 TOWN CLERK’S REPORT TC reported on the following: Northwich Railway Station A meeting took place on Wednesday 1st April with Abellio Northern to discuss the Northern Rail Franchise. Cllr. Cooper gave an overview of the franchise. Resolved TC has contacted Serco and Arriva who also wish to speak to members regarding the above franchise. If members wish to meet them the meeting will be arranged in the next 2 weeks. ……………………….. Date ……………………………………. Cllr Mrs Alison Gerrard Town Mayor 3 Leighton Hospital Maternity Unit Members had raised concerns previously regarding the potential closure of Maternity Unit at Leighton Hospital. Response to this has been received from Tracy Bullock, Chief Executive Officer of which members are aware of the contents. Cllr. Dolan advised that live births were declining, there is a question mark around provision, there are concerns regarding 1-2-1 Midwives. Has requested these issues are further considered. Cllr. Bowden’s understanding having read the report is that other areas are taking over the Maternity Unit. Cllr. Cooper added the Trust is having to finance this Unit at Leighton under considerable pressure. Good service is currently given. Newsletter The spring edition of the NTC Newsletter is nearing completion and will be available for the next Artisan Market. Subway Improvements are still progressing with talks going ahead regarding the removal of water feature, the installation of hanging baskets and a socket for a Christmas Tree. Austin Street Allotments All asbestos has now been removed and a large clear up has been undertaken removing trees, shrubs and rubbish. Approximately 100 tonnes of rubbish has been removed from the site including a car, caravan and other items not associated with an Allotment site. An electrical cable was damaged accidentally, but now resolved. The drainage use is currently being investigated and we are currently in talks with INEOS regarding this. The main path and additional plots have now been installed and these will be allocated shortly. Cllr. Jamieson thanked NTC for a fantastic job and well done for all the hard work. Town Council Services NTC has won contracts for Lach Dennis and Comberbach Parish Councils to add to the ever growing list of contracts. Cemetery paths and new Cremation Plots Work will begin after the Easter break and will take around 3 weeks to complete. Cllr. Rimmer commented that he had visited the site and knows the state of the paths before repair. Church Walk Paddling Pool Improvements NTC have received a WREN Grant to refurbish the Paddling Pool, the process continues of receiving quotes for the work which we anticipate will be done in the Autumn. Tree Survey and Associated Works Tree survey has been carried out at Whalley Road Playing Field and at Church Walk Play Area which highlighted some high-risk trees needing immediate attention. These works have now been completed and we will carry on surveying our areas every three years to meet our insurance requirements. ………………………….. Date ……………………………………. Cllr Mrs Alison Gerrard Town Mayor 4 Northwich Flood Defence The Environment Agency has started the work to the flood defences in Northwich and is using Whalley Road to stockpile soil in that area for the bund which will eventually go across our field. The EA have assured us that the area will be reinstated to a high standard when works are completed. Liverpool Street Garages Work has now been undertaken on the garages at Liverpool Street to tidy the area which has been raised previously in Full Council before Christmas. TC is working with local wardens and PCSO to ascertain ownership of the unsecured garages. Will keep members informed of the outcome. Cenotaph Survey and Refurbishment Survey results are now coming back and we will be in a position over the next 2 weeks to apply for the funding from the War Memorial Trust. James Street Play Area Installation of play equipment is now complete, although better weather is needed before the wet pour is installed. Once fully completed we shall have a Grand Opening, inviting residents and members. Events Artisan Markets/Council Surgery The next Artisan Market will be 11th April, and will include our Council Surgery as usual. Members are requested to support this event. Pedal Power Preparations are well under way for the second Pedal Power festival, and a website, Facebook and twitter account have been created.10,000 leaflets are being printed as handouts at the Artisan Market and will be delivered to local schools. Funding of £5,000 from the locality has been secured to support the event. Cllr. Cooper commented there is a steady stream of applications being received. Northwich Carnival The Northwich Carnival is on Saturday 4th July, and will take place as usual in Verdin Park. Community Day Annual Community Day will take place on Saturday 1st August at Vickersway Park and will be full of activities for all the family, mostly free of charge. Further update to members closer to the event. ………………………….. Date ……………………………………. Cllr Mrs Alison Gerrard Town Mayor 5 NTC 14/172 TO APPROVE THE USE OF INTERNAL AUDITORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Approved Cllr Rimmer proposed that the recommendation to continue to use Internal Auditors JDH Business Services. This was seconded by Cllr. Cooper. NTC 14/173 TO NOTE THE FIRE STRATEGY CONSULTATION RESPONSE CARRIED OUT BY NTC, WTC AND MTC The previous 5 year strategy worked well, and plans for the next 5 years show progress has been made. A reduction of almost 50% in fire incidents over the last 10 years. A proposed building of a dedicated safety and Lifeskills Centre at Lymm is being welcomed. Cllr. Rimmer commented that it is good that Fire and Rescue supports the Prince’s Trust. NTC 14/174 TO DISCUSS PARKING ENFORCEMENT Cllr Jamieson informed members that parking enforcement has now been in place for a year. Over 5,000 tickets have been issued for various parking offences. Market Street car park specifically attracted over 1,000 tickets. Considers that this will deter people from coming into Northwich. Resolved TC to set up meeting to discuss this ongoing issue with Jamie Baron NTC 14/175 TO DISCUSS WHALLEY ROAD PARKING Cllr. Cooper commented on the one way system suggested in the recent meeting with CWAC. Cllr. Jamieson noted other issues that were discussed including Residents Parking Permits, and the way this could be properly managed. There appears to be no reasonable reason why residents have to pay due to changes in their locality. Resolved TC to contact Jamie Baron as above, and report back to Council. NTC 14/176 WINNINGTON URBAN VILLAGE TC attended a meeting with McPhillips. Comments were invited regarding locations of various Highways improvement works and the timescales given for these works to be carried out. Cllrs. Dolan and Jamieson noted points in the report provided regarding how this can be phased in as plans will have a significant impact on residents, and additional impact on Northwich Town Centre from the Winnington and Hartford areas, finding this not really acceptable as the mentioned plans will have a negative impact on town traders. Resolved TC to contact Contractors (McPhillips) for further meeting. ……………………….. Date ……………………………………. Cllr Mrs Alison Gerrard Town Mayor 6 NTC 14/177 TO DISCUSS UNADOPTED ROADS IN WINNINGTON Cllr. Dolan advised there are some 130 properties to be brought up to standard. He is asking for support of £2,500. NTC have not been made aware of this issue. £300,000 will be needed to bring up to standard. Cllr. Dolan was not aware of the issues around Darwin Street. Property holders may not all contribute. Suggested the money from the Urban Village be used to fund this improvement. Cllr. Cooper has received a letter sent to residents from CWAC. Press release said no money was required initially. CWAC letter tends to contradict the press release. Resolved TC to enquire if the interest free loan offered could not be extended to others, and the money repaid when property is sold. NTC 14/178 TO APPROVE PLANNING COMMITTEE RESPONSE TO CLEAN ENERGY Last full Council Meeting Mr. Paul Mathias spoke about this subject. Cllr. Bowdon gave a brief overview of the presentation given. Clean energy is essential for a healthy environment. A suitable response to Mr. Mathias was considered by members. Cllr. Bowden moved that the response be accepted, seconded by Cllr. Rimmer. Accepted NTC 14/178 TO APPROVE TOWN CLERK’S RECOMMENDATION TO INSTALL A BOLLARD ON THE MAIN PATH IN WITTON CEMETERY Report provided explanation as to the reasons why a bollard is required in the Cemetery. This is a safety measure and will prevent vehicles, other than funeral vehicles driving onto the pathway. This will also ensure that Contractors and visitors report to reception to sign in and be issued with an official pass. If Contractors need to gain access to the path, a key will be issued to lower the bollard. The key will be returned to the office when signing out. This of course excludes members of the public visiting graves. Moved by Cllr. Cooper, seconded by Cllr. Stott. NTC 14/179 CWAC EXCELLENCE AWARDS NTC were recognised at a recent CWAC Awards Evening ceremony. This was attended by Chris Shaw, Lesley Moore, Cllr. Nelson and the Mayor. Out of the 8 entered categories, NTC were shortlisted for 4 and won 2. These were, Innovation in Service, outright winner. Council of the Year – Highly Commended/Runner Up. Awards are on display at our Reception Desk. TC wished to thank all staff for their contribution to these awards and continued support. Cllr. Stott also thanked staff for their hard work. There was a vote of thanks to NTC. Moved by Cllr. Bowden, seconded by Cllr. Stott. ……………………….. Date ……………………………………. Cllr Mrs Alison Gerrard Town Mayor 7 NTC 14/180 CWAC AND PARTNERS CORRESPONDENCE Town and Parish Council Elections. Cllr. Jamieson considered the report provided, noting a change to the arrangements to withdraw nominations. Members expressed concerns that the report suggests that town and parish clerks should seek candidates to stand down to avoid contested elections. On the subject of Mental Health and Wellbeing, Cllr. Dolan summarised the report, and raised concerns about the provision of mental health services within the Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment structure within CWAC, and also stressed the need for improvements to mental health services. Cllr. Cooper drew attention to the Cycle Sportif article. Cllr. Jamieson noted some services being outsourced and the CWAC Joint Venture Partnership. NTC 14/181 MONTHLY SURGERY AT NORTHWICH ARTISAN MARKET Cllr. Murphy was present on the NTC Stand at the Artisan Market and noted mixed views from the public on memorial Court. NTC 14/182 DATE OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday 5TH May 2015 at 6.30pm. There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.55 pm. …………………………………….. Date ……………………………………. Cllr Mrs Alison Gerrard Town Mayor 8