Session A - Hamilton Trust


Science Year 3

Chemistry Strand: Rocks

Session E

Programme of study:

Compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their


simple physical properties

rocks further

Working scientifically

Set up simple practical enquiries, comparative and fair tests

Record findings using simple scientific language, drawings, labelled diagrams and tables

Report on findings from enquiries



Bag of washed mixed sand, gravel, pebbles and stones, range of sieves, computers, dictionaries, lists of words (ring words on sheet with diff colours according to ability groups), examples of different kinds of rocks (chalk, limestone, granite, slate, sandstone, marble, basalt, mudstone, obsidian), a range of topic books about rocks, A6 folded paper, glue, large piece of paper. Vinegar, dropper. Access to internet.

Whole class teaching:

(links to Sessions 8a to 9a, Our Planet Theme, Adventure in Space Topic & Session 3a,

Believers & Thinkers Theme, Meet the Greeks Topic)

Review learning from last session. Read vocabulary sheet together (session resource for activity 8). Explain activities and remind chn how to record on A5 paper as they rotate round the activities (session D resources).

Safety: - Discuss issues such as taking care with small particles and eyes. Wash hands after handling sand, pebbles, rocks, etc.

Group activities:

Activity 6 Adult-led activity:

Objective – To understand that particles of different sizes can be separated by sieving.

Activity: Use different sized sieves to separate sand, pebbles and stones into bags.

Sieves can be made by using 4 containers (margarine, bigger margarine and ice cream tubs for example). Make holes in 3 of these - small, medium and large, last container catches everything - start with container with largest holes.

Resources – bag of washed mixed sand, gravel, pebbles and stones.

Activity 7

Objective – To use ICT to research rocks.

Activity: Visit Rock Hounds and see what else you can learn or do quiz on

or a pictorial quiz on


Resources – computers.

Activity 8

Objective – To understand the vocabulary of rocks.

Activity: Use a dictionary to look up your group’s words and write their meanings (teacher will need to check dictionaries and ring words on sheet with diff colours according to ability groups).

Resources - dictionaries, lists of words (session resources).

Activity 9

Objective – To sort rocks into different groups and name some of them.

Activity: Sort rocks and match some of them to the labels (session resources) and make a list.

Resources - examples of different kinds of rocks (chalk, limestone, granite, slate, sandstone, marble, basalt, pumice, obsidian) and labels.

Activity 10

Objective – To find out what happens when you drip vinegar onto rocks.

Activity: Use a dropper to carefully add two or three drops of vinegar to each rock in turn. Record what happens.

Resources - vinegar, dropper, selection of rocks.


Review activities. If you have an example of talc – show chn how soft this is and explain that the rock is the basis for talcum powder. Show chn how pumice floats on water – air trapped inside. Pass pumice round for chn to feel how light it is. What do chn think would happen to other rocks in water? Do chn have any suggestions about how they would improve their rock investigations if they did them again?

I can:

1. Describe how sand particles and pebbles can be separated.

2. Recognise differences between rocks.

3. Sort rocks and name some of them.

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