CURRICULUM VITAE OF YANTAO LI Contact Information The Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology The University of Maryland 701 E. Pratt St., Baltimore, MD 21202 Fax: (410) 234-8896 Telephone: (410) 234-8833 E-mail: Education Background 2002-2007 Ph. D. (Microbial Biotechnology), The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (part of my Ph.D. work was done at Arizona State University from 2004 to 2006) 1998-2002 B. S. (Plant Biology), Nanjing University, P.R. China Research Interests My research interest is in the area of algal biology and biotechnology. The goal is to understand lipid synthesis, turnover, and lipid body biogenesis in microalgae, to rationally engineer algae for biofuel production and bioremediation, and to biochemically convert algal feedstock into biofuels. Lipid synthesis, turnover, and lipid body biogenesis: Molecular and cellular mechanisms regulating lipid metabolism in microalgae are poorly understood. We address these mechanisms by using systems biology and molecular biology approaches. We use the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and the marine oleaginous microalga Nannochloropsis oceanica as model systems. Transcriptome, proteome and lipidome profiling of Nannochloropsis and Chlamydomonas has been employed to identify putative regulatory factors and rate-limiting steps for triacylglycerol synthesis and storage. Our goal is to advance basic knowledge on photosynthetic carbon allocation and lipid metabolism in microalgae, particularly the molecular mechanisms regulating triacylglycerol synthesis and lipid body biogenesis. Genetic engineering for biofuel production and bioremediation: Microalgal biomass is a promising feedstock for fuels and chemicals. The low biomass and lipid productivity obtained from native strains is a major challenge for algae-based biofuel production. To overcome this problem, we have developed tools and strategies to generate algal mutant strains with improved phenotype. Promising algal strains are tested in advanced photobioreactors using an integrated approach for carbon capture, wastewater remediation, and biofuel production. Biochemical conversion of algal feedstock into biofuels: Chemical extraction and conversion of algal biomass into biofuels is energy and cost intensive. We propose biochemical conversion of algae biomass to generate lipid-based fuels and fermentation-based fuels through lipase and lyase-based processes. Biochemical conversion will bring the ability to eliminate the multiplestep, energy-intensive chemical extraction and transesterification processes, provide easy product separation, and produce minimum amounts of side products. Publications Jin Li, Danxiang Han, Dongmei Wang, Kang Ning, Jing Jia, Li Wei, Xiaoyan Jing, Ranran Huang, Jie Chen, Yantao Li, Qiang Hu, and Jian Xu. (2014) Choreography of transcriptomes and lipidomes in Nannochloropsis reveals the mechanisms of oleaginousness in microalgae. Plant Cell In Press Jin Liu, Henri Gerken and Yantao Li (2014) Single-tube colony PCR of microalgae for DNA amplification and transformant screening. Journal of Applied Phycology In press, DOI 10.1007/s10811-013-0220-3 1 Danxiang Han*, Yantao Li*, and Qiang Hu (2013) Astaxanthin in microalgae: pathways, functions and biotechnological implications. Algae 28, 131-147. (*Equal contribution) Yantao Li, Danxiang Han, Kang-Sup Yoon, Shunni Zhu, Milton Sommerfeld and Qiang Hu. Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms for Lipid Synthesis and Accumulation in Microalgae: Biotechnological Implications. In Handbook of Microalgal Culture, 2nd Edition; Amos Richmond and Qiang Hu, editors. In press, Chapter 28, pp. 545-565 Danxiang Han, Yantao Li, and Qiang Hu. Biology and Commercial Aspects of Haematococcus pluvialis. In Handbook of Microalgal Culture, 2nd Edition; Amos Richmond and Qiang Hu, editors. In press, Chapter 20, pp. 388-405 Yuan-Kun Lee, Wei Chen, Hui Shen, Danxiang Han, Yantao Li, Howland Jones, Jerilyn A. Timlin, and Qiang Hu Basic Culturing and Analytical Measurement Techniques. In Handbook of Microalgal Culture, 2nd Edition; Amos Richmond and Qiang Hu, editors. In press, Chapter 3, pp. 37-68 Kang-Sup Yoon, Danxiang Han, Yantao Li, Milton Sommerfeld and Qiang Hu. (2012) Phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase is a multifunctional enzyme involved in membrane lipid turnover and degradation while synthesizing triacylglycerol in the unicellular green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant cell. 24:1-18. Aaron Packer, Yantao Li, Tom Andersen, Qiang Hu, Yang Kuang, Milton Sommerfeld. (2011) Growth and neutral lipid synthesis in green microalgae: a mathematical model. Bioresource Technology. 102: 111-117 Yantao Li, Danxiang Han, Milton Sommerfeld, and Qiang Hu. (2011) Photosynthetic carbon partitioning in the oleaginous microalga Pseudochlorococcum sp. (Chlorophyceae) under nitrogen-limited conditions. Bioresource Technology. 102: 123-129 Yantao Li, Danxiang Han, Guangrong Hu, Milton Sommerfeld, and Qiang Hu. (2010) Inhibition of starch synthesis responsible for overproduction of lipids in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 107: 258-268 Yantao Li, Danxiang Han, Guangrong Hu, David Dauvillee, Milton Sommerfeld, Steven Ball, and Qiang Hu. (2010) Chlamydomonas starchless mutant defective in ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase hyper-accumulates triacylglycerol. Metabolic Engineering 12: 387-391 Yantao Li, Milton Sommerfeld, Feng Chen and Qiang Hu. (2010) Effect of photon flux density on carotenoid biosynthesis in Haematococcus pluvialis (Chlorophyceae): A comparative study between wild type and an astaxanthin-overproduction mutant. Journal of Applied Phycology 22: 253-263 Yantao Li, Junchao Huang, Gerhard Sandmann, and Feng Chen. (2009) High-light and salt stress differently regulate the biosynthesis of astaxanthin in Chlorella zofingiensis (Chlorophyceae). Journal of Phycology 45(3): 635-641 Yantao Li, Junchao Huang, Gerhard Sandmann, and Feng Chen. (2008) Glucose-induced expression of carotenoid biosynthetic genes in the dark is differentially regulated by glucose 2 sensing and the mitochondrial respiratory chain in the astaxanthin-producing green alga Chlorella zofingiensis. Planta 228:735-743 Yantao Li, Milton Sommerfeld, Feng Chen and Qiang Hu. (2008) Consumption of oxygen by astaxanthin biosynthesis: a protective mechanism against oxidative stress in Haematococcus pluvialis (Chlorophyceae). Journal of Plant Physiology 165:1783-1797 (Highly accessed article) Zhengyu Hu, Yantao Li, Milton Sommerfeld, Feng Chen and Qiang Hu. (2008) Enhanced protection against oxidative stress in an astaxanthin-overproduction Haematococcus mutant. European Journal of Phycology 43:365-376 Junchao Huang, Jin Liu, Yantao Li, and Feng Chen. (2008) Isolation and characterization of the phytoene desaturase gene as a potential selective marker for genetic engineering of the astaxanthin-producing green alga Chlorella zofingiensis. Journal of Phycology 44(3): 684-690. Ni Sun, Yan Wang, Yantao Li, Junchao Huang and Feng Chen. (2008) Sugar-based growth, astaxanthin accumulation and carotenogenic transcription of heterotrophic Chlorella zofingiensis (Chlorophyta). Process Biochemistry 43:1288-1292 3