SYLLABUS Course : Biology Class/Major : XII/Natural Science Semester :2 Standard of Competency : 4. Understanding evolution theory with the implication in saling temas Basic Competence Learning Material Learning Activities Indicators 4.1 Explain theory, Theory, principles, and mechanisms of evolution. Do literature study finds various theory hits evolution from various expert. Explaining several evolution theory and facts that support about biology evolution theory receiving. Compare various theory from several experts finds similarity and opinion difference that proposed. Explaining basic idea of Darwin’s evolution theory. principle and biology evolution mechanism. • The theories of evolution. Evolution explains the gradual development of living things in the long term than simple shapes into more complex shapes. There are several theories that could explain changes in the evolution of living beings. The period prior to Darwin (eg Plato, Aristotle, Carolus Linnaeus, Buffon, Erasmus Darwin, Lamarck) period Darwin Charles Darwin, Alfred Russel Wallace The period after Darwin T. Dozhansky, G.G Simpson, Ernst Mayer • The principle of evolution Some organisms found in some Will do class discussion merefleksi self evolution theory truth. Finding similarity and differentiation expert viewing about evolution. Valuing truth of evolution theory based on society viewing. Character Value communicative lots reading independent curiosity work hard dicipline responsibility religious social caring democratic creative honest Asesstment Kinds of Project: Individual and Group project, Performance and writing test Form of Instrument: Observation product, essay test, multiple choice, oral test. Alokasi Waktu Learning Source 2 x 45’ Sources: Biology 3 Esis Article Journal Internet Tools: VCD/CD player, OHP/computer/LCD. Materials: WORKSHEET, presentation matters, CD/Vide parts of the world looks like, but do not have a close kinship ties. There should be a very different organisms, but it turns out to be closely related. (divergent and convergent evolution) • Mechanisms of evolution Evolution does not apply to individual Evolution in populations (The law of Hardy - Weinberg) Causes of Evolution (Mutation, sexual reproduction and recombination, gene flow, non-random mating, small population size, natural selection (according to Darwin and Wallace), Natural selection in the context of modern evolutionary theory, the influence of natural selection on population (directional selection, stabilizing selection, disruptive selection ) Speciation and Extinction (Reproductive isolation mechanism, type - type of speciation, extinction) 4.2.Communicating result of biology evolution study. Do study from evolution evidence Describing links between mutation and evolution. charta/picture based on expert opinion finds factor and evolution Finding factors and supporting clues existence instruction. Origins of life that make evolution happen. theories about the origins of life (Kosmozoa theory, the theory of Do class discussion on evolution Explaining basic principle of Hardyabiogenesis, the theory of instruction shaped fossil, biogenesis, the theory of homologi, embriologi comparison Weinberg. chemical evolution etc. Applying Hardy-Weinberg law theoretically through example of Time scales in the evolution mathematics calculation. (Fossil record, a half-life) Do literature study finds hook between mutation and evolution Explaining how natural selection The history of life on earth is espoused drawings supporter can make evolution become perfect. (The Arkhaean, proteozoik, pass team-work. Paleozoik, Mesozoic, Senozoik) Discuss mutation connection and Explaining why variation is important in selection. Human Origins evolution based on (Human apes, Homo habilis, instructions/evidence that found Explaining by using example how Homo erectus, homo sapiens) experts. environment factors act as balancer or evolutionary power of natural Hint evolution selection. (Fossil, anatomy, biochemistry, biogeography, domestication, Explaining role of isolation protective resemblance mechanism in new species evolution. Several studies of the evolution Decomposing one examples of artificial selection. Explaining speciation process. religious environment caring communicative democratic independent curiosity lots reading responsibility discipline creative Kinds of Project: Group task, examination, Individual project, Performance and writing test Form of Instrument: Observation product, essay test, multiple choice, oral test. 4 x 45’ Sources: Biology 3 Esis Article Journal Internet Tools: VCD/CD player, OHP/computer/LCD. Materials: WORKSHEET, presentation matters, CD/Vide 4.3 Describing new tendency about evolution theory New tendency about evolution theory • The new trend of evolution theory. • The new view of evolution by Harun Yahya and the theory of intelligent design. • Both views are expressed that living things contained in the earth created with intelligent plans and not by accident. • Changes in human changes made to the environment could cause damage or may cause the extinction of certain species species Do study literature/penelusuran internet finds kapita selekta (opinion, opinion) about life genealogy on earth (theory abiogenesis until bichemistry evolution theory). Do class discussion mengkaji various opinion experts, like louis pasteurize, harold urey, al oparin, etc. about life genealogy. Self reflection on life genealogy theory with moral values and religion. Watching vcd/cd harun yahya on the opinion hits evolution theory. Make argumentation on opinion harun yahya and Charles Darwin about evolution theory. Explaining the origin of live on earth scientifically of many viewing/theory. Explaining expert efforts that proof scientific truth about origin of life. Evaluating scientific truth about the origin of life. Explaining new viewing about evolution theory development. Explaining Harun Yahya viewing about evolution theory. communicative lots reading independent curiosity work hard dicipline responsibility religious social caring democratic creative honest Source: Biology 3 Esis Article Journal Internet 2 X 45’ Sources: Biology 3 Esis Article Journal Internet Tools: Tools: VCD/CD player, OHP/computer/LCD. Materials: Worksheet, presentation, picture/ charta evolution evidence, cd/vcd harun yahya about evolution Materials: WORKSHEET, presentation matters, CD/Vide VCD/CD player, OHP/computer/LCD. SYLLABUS Course Class/Major Semester Standar Kompetensi Basic Competence Explaining definition, basic principle and kinds of Biotechnology 5.1 : Biology : XII/Natural Science :2 : 5. Understanding basic principle of biotechnology and its implication in Salingtemas. Learning Material Learning Activities Indicators Biotechnology • The meaning and basic principles of Biotechnology. Biotechnology was developed to increase b the value-added raw materials by utilizing microorganisms or parts i thereof. So that the resulting products o and services. t Biotechnology involves the disciplines e of microbiology, biochemistry, genetics, c biology, cell biology molecular h n of Biotechnology. • Types o Biotechnology can be developed l through tissue culture, transplantation of genes o and genetic engineering. g y . Digging of information about biotechnology and its development, through the study of literature or the internet Analyzing the various products of conventional and modern biotechnology through the study of literature or the internet Using Charta / images found genetic engineering and biotechnology agent stages of the process of genetic engineering. Explaining biotechnology definition. Explaining basic priciple of biotechnology. Explaining additional value that is got from biotechnology development. Differentiating between conventional biotechnology and modern biotechnology. Categorizing conventional biotechnology product and modern biotechnology. Explaining genetic engineering process. Identiying arrangement of genetic engineering process. Character Value Assetment Time Allocation (minutes) communicative lots reading independent curiosity work hard dicipline responsibility religious social caring democratic creative honest Kinds of Project: Group task, examination, 6 X 45’ Individual project, Performance and writing test Form of Instrument: Observation product, essay test, multiple choice, oral test. Learning Source Source: Aryulina, Diah Biology 3 Esis Article Jurnal Biology 3B KLS XII (Yudhistira), Biology D.A pratiwi kelas XII ( Erlangga) Internet http. //www. intelligentdesignn Bioteknologi. Tools: OHP/Computer/ LCD. Material: LKS experiment making fermented glutinous 6.1 Basic Competence Learning Material Learning Activities Indicators Character Value Assetment Time Allocation (minutes) Giving example of genetic engineering result that useful for life. 5.2. Explaining and analyzing biotechnology role and the implication of biotechnology in saling temas. • The role and implications of biotechnology. • The implications of biotechnology in environmental science, technology, and society i • Impactmof the use of biotechnology. Biotechnology products beneficial to p increasel human welfare, on the other hand the security question, i such as GMO products. c a t i o n o f o Logging application of biotechnology in food, clothing, industrial, environmental and medical quality improvement through field observations to markets, hospitals, pharmacies, etc. industry. o Analyze the impact of the utilization of biotechnology products, such as transgenic food products, tissue culture o Creating a conventional biotechnology products, are like nata de coco, tempeh, tauco, etc. in groups Identifying the sources of biotechnology agents and products generated. Outlines the use of microorganisms in the retrieval of high quality metal ore from low grade ore. Explain the advantages and disadvantages derived from biotechnology products. Explaining the impact of the utilization of biotechnology in various fields of production. Make proposals for alternative use of the impact of genetically engineered products, baby tube and the sperm bank. Learning Source 6.2 Pecobaan make yogurt 6.1 Task 62 pages, presentation materials, etc, Charta / genetic engineering drawings. religious environment caring communicative democratic independent curiosity lots reading responsibility discipline creative Jenis tagihan: Penugasan (kelompok/individu), Performans, Bentuk instrumen: Produk, unjuk kerja, pengamatan sikap, pilihan ganda, dan uraian. 2 X 45’ Source: Aryulina, Diah Biology 3 Esis Article Jurnal Internet Biology 3B KLS XII (Yudhistira), Biology D.A pratiwi kelas XII ( Erlangga) Internet http. //www. intelligentdesignn Bioteknologi. Basic Competence Learning Material b i o t e c h n o l o g y r i Learning Activities Indicators Create reports of conventional manufacture of biotechnology products. Character Value Assetment Time Allocation (minutes) Learning Source Tools: OHP/Computer/ LCD. Material: Presentation Worksheet