Resources Utilization Signature Page for

Signatures Required on the “Application for REB Review”
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
January, 2008
The following is a list of St. Joseph’s officials who are authorized to sign the Application for REB Review form when
resources involving their respective areas are required. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all areas from
which resources will be required have been consulted and have indicated agreement by signing where appropriate on the
Resources Utilization Pages and the Signature Page for Chief of Department; Director, Clinical Services/V.P. and
Professional Practice Leader. (Please note that this list is reviewed and updated periodically.)
Name of Authorized Official or Designate:
1. Health Records
Rose Iannone, Manager
2. Laboratory Services
Matthew McQueen, Chief, Lab Medicine
3. Medication/Drugs (Pharmacy)
Carolyn Gosse, Director, or
Shamim Jamal-Rajan, Research Pharmacist
4. Radiology/Diagnostic Imaging
Mary Ann Breitigam, Research & Special
Projects Coordinator
5. Nuclear Medicine
Betty Ng, Manager
6. Radiation Safety Officer
Rhonda Buchy
7. Information Technology
Doug Campbell, Research System Analyst
Inpatient Areas:
Complex Continuing Care
Moyra VandeVooren, Nurse Manager
Chest Unit, Head & Neck, IV, SDU
Diane Husbands, Nurse Manager
Signatures required on REB applications – SJHH
January, 2008
Martin Ruaux, Nurse Manager
Darlene Kennedy, Nurse Manager
GI General Surgery, Surgical Short Stay
Sherry Noseworthy, Nurse Manager
Patricia Mlekuz, Nurse Manager
Lily Waugh, Nurse Manager
3 Nephrology & Transplant
Martin Ruaux, Nurse Manager
Maternal Child (Combined Care, BANA,
Special Care nursery)
Amanda Dean Chartrand, Nurse Manager
Maternal Child (Birthing, Assessment and
Triage, 2 Fontbonne)
Marnie Buchanan, Nurse Manager
GAU, 4 Geriatrics, Palliative Care
Stephanie Pust, Nurse Manager
Donna Johnson, Nurse Manager
Psychiatry (Level 10 Tower)
Barb Pizzingrilli, Nurse Manager
Psychiatry (Level 9 Tower)
Maryanne Mancini, Nurse Manager
Psychiatry (B2, D2, C2)
Mary Puntillo, OSM – Schizophrenia Services
Psychiatry (Consultation-Liaison, A2)
Shona McIntyre, Nurse Manager
Occupational Therapy
Monica Alderson, Professional Practice Leader
Vince DePaul, Professional Practice Leader (Acting)
Randi McCabe, Chief Psychologist and Professional
Practice Leader
January, 2008
Signatures required on REB applications – SJHH
Recreational Therapy
Susy Marrone, Professional Practice Leader (Acting)
Respiratory Therapy
Jill Randall, Professional Practice Leader
Social Work
Jane Loncke,Professional Practice Leader (Acting)
Speech-Language Pathology
Jane Loncke, Professional Practice Leader
Nutrition Services
Rita Accadia, Clinical Nutrition Coordinator/
David Savage, Director, Nutrition & Hospitality Services and
Romeo Cercone, VP - Rehabilitation & Long Term Care
Outpatient Areas:
DSU/PAAU/Outpatient Dept.
Glen Caswell, Nurse Manager
Motility, Endoscopy
Sherry Noseworthy, Nurse Manager
Fracture Clinic
Patricia Mlekuz, Nurse Manager
Dialysis, Hemo Service, Peritoneal Dialysis,
Progressive Care, Kidney Function Clinic,
Peggy Maskell, Nurse Manager
Dialysis (satellite programs) and
home hemodialysis
Kim Fagerros, Nurse Manager
Terry McGurk, Nurse Manager
Barb Pizzingrilli, Nurse Manager
Outpatient Schizophrenia Services
Mary Puntillo, OSM – Schizophrenia Services
Anxiety Treatment and Research Centre
Randi McCabe, Chief Psychologist
Signatures required on REB applications – SJHH
January, 2008
Mood Disorders Clinic, Women’s Health
Concerns Clinic
Peter Bieling, OSM – Mood Disorders
Community Psychiatry
Maryanne Mancini, Nurse Manager
East Region Mental Health Services
Judi Santone, Nurse Manager
Mental Health Rehabilitation Services
Mary Griffiths, OSM (Acting)
OR, PAR, Surgery Centre (CAHS)
Pat Kahle, Nurse Manager
Transplant Clinic
Martin Ruaux, Nurse Manager
Jennifer Anderson, Nurse Manager
Urgent Care - CAHS, OPD - CAHS
Tammy Robinson, Nurse Manager
5 Fontbonne Clinics
Donna Johnson, Nurse Manager
Jill Randall, Manager
Director, Clinical Services’ Review (clinical programs):
Derek McNally:
 Chest Unit, Head & Neck, IV, Stepdown Unit
 Respiratory Therapy, FIRH
 Kidney & Urinary Program: Hemodialysis Service, Kidney Function Program, Dialysis Satellite (Stoney Creek),
Progressive Care, Peritoneal Dialysis/Apheresis, 3 Nephrology, RTU, Transplant Clinic, 2 Uro/Gyne
Karen Prine:
 PeriOperative Program: OR, PAR/ Surgery Centre (CAHS), DSU, PAAU
Jackie Barrett:
 Maternal /Child Health Program: Birthing, Maternal Registration, Post-Partum, NICU, Pediatric Day Surgery,
2 Fontbonne OB/Gyn Clinic
 Musculoskeletal/Fracture Clinic
 GI Program: GI General Surgery, Motility, Surgical Short Stay, Endoscopy
Signatures required on REB applications – SJHH
January, 2008
Ida Porteous:
 4 CTU, MAU
 5 Fontbonne Clinics
 GAU, Geriatric Services, Palliative Care
 Emergency Services: ER, Urgent Care CAHS
Annette Gillis:
 Complex Continuing Care
 Cardiac Care: 4 CRU/CCU
 Critical Care: ICU, Critical Care Response Team
 Rehabilitation Unit
 Ambulatory Clinics CAHS
 Outpatient Dept. (OPD)
Mental Health & Addictions Program – Marilyn Dakers-Hayward:
 Forensic Services, H2 and G2 inpatient units
 Psychogeriatric Services, A1 inpatient unit and Outreach Teams (Hamilton, Brant, Halton and Niagara)
 Schizophrenia Services – Inpatient (D2, B2 and C2) and Ambulatory Services including CSS
 Mood and Anxiety Disorders – Inpatient D1, Ambulatory Programs – CMHS, Women’s Health Concerns Clinic,
Anxiety Research and Treatment Centre
 Early Intervention in Psychosis Program and Outreach Services
 Acquired Brain Injury Unit
Mental Health & Addictions Program - Jodi Younger (Acting):
 Acute Inpatient Units, SJHH - (Level 9 & 10 Juravinski Tower, A2 and acute mental health beds at CMHS, and
 Specialized Assessment Unit – G1
 Mental Health Rehabilitation Services including Assertive Community Treatment Teams
 Acute Ambulatory Clinics including ERMHS, CPS, COAST and 3G at MUMC
 Addiction Services for men and women including inpatient and ambulatory services at SJHH and HHS
 Psychiatry Emergency Services including EPT and COAST
 Consultation/Liaison Service at SJHH and HHS
Signatures required on REB applications – SJHH
January, 2008
NOTE: Where a physician is the Principal Investigator or Local Principal Investigator for the
study, the Chief of the Department must sign as the last signature
Chief of Department Review:
Department of Medicine
Hugh Fuller, Chief
Department of Laboratory Medicine
Matthew McQueen, Chief
Department of Anaesthesia
Alex Dauphin, Chief
Department of Diagnostic Imaging
Dan Franic, Chief (Acting)
Department of Emergency Medicine
Agostino Bellissimo, Chief
Department of Eye Medicine & Eye Surgery
James Martin, Chief
Department of Family Medicine
Fionnella Crombie, Chief
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Rory McDonagh, Chief
Department of Pediatrics
Moyez Ladhani, Deputy Chief
Department of Psychiatry
Robert Zipursky, Chief
Department of Surgery
J.E.M. (Ted) Young, Chief
Centre for Evaluation of Medicines
Mitchell Levine, Director & Ian Rodger, VP Research and
Intensive Care Unit
Roman Jaeschke, Medical Director & Hugh Fuller,
Chief of Medicine
Palliative Care
Anne Boyle (interim), Medical Director & Hugh Fuller,
Chief of Medicine
Signatures required on REB applications – SJHH
January, 2008
NOTE: Where a member of an allied health profession is the Principal Investigator or Local
Principal Investigator for the study, the Professional Practice Leader
must sign as the last signature
Linda Holingham, Professional Practice Leader
Clinical Nutrition
Rita Accadia, Professional Practice Leader
Laboratory Medicine
Bonnie Page, Professional Practice Leader
Medical Radiation Technology
Jay Neadles, Professional Practice Leader
Heather Hoxby, Professional Practice Leader
Occupational Therapy
Monica Alderson, Professional Practice Leader
Carmine Nieuwstraten, Professional Practice Leader
Vince DePaul, Professional Practice Leader (Acting)
Randi McCabe, Chief Psychologist and Professional
Practice Leader
Respiratory Therapy
Jill Randall, Professional Practice Leader
Social Work
Jane Loncke, Professional Practice Leader (Acting)
Speech-Language Pathology
Jane Loncke, Professional Practice Leader
Therapeutic Recreation
Susy Marrone, Professional Practice Leader (Acting)
Signatures required on REB applications – SJHH
January, 2008