Dual verb constructions When two verbs follow each other in a sentence we call these “dual verb constructions”. There are several dual verb constructions. A. Composite tenses (e.g. the passé composé) When a verb consists of an auxiliary and a past participle this is a COMPOSITE TENSE. Examples: a. Mon frère a mangé un sandwich. b. Je suis allé(e) au cinéma. c. Nous nous sommes réveillés à six heures. B. With verbs like “aimer, détester, adorer” Used when you love or hate DOING SOMETHING rather than love or hate AN OBJECT. In this case the first verb is CONJUGATED (present tense, imparfait) and the second verb is in the INFINITIVE. Examples: a. J’aime les pizzas ~ J’aime manger des pizzas b. Mon frère déteste le rugby ~ Mon frère déteste jouer au rugby. c. Quand j’étais jeune j’aimais les dessins animés ~ Quand j’étais jeune j’aimais regarder les dessins animés. C. With modal verbs (vouloir, pouvoir, devoir, savoir) These verbs are nearly always followed by another verb IN THE INFINITIVE. They are not actually actions in themselves, they tell the listener more about the second verb. It creates a mood for the verb that follows. Examples: a. Je veux faire mes devoirs (I want to do my homework) b. Je peux faire mes devoirs (I can do my homework) c. Je dois faire mes devoirs (I must do my homework) d. Je sais faire mes devoirs (I know how to do my homework) D. When using the futur proche (the near future tense) In this case the first verb is aller which is CONJUGATED and the second verb is in the INFINITIVE. Examples: a. Mes copains vont aller à la pêche après le collège. b. À neuf heures je vais regarder la télé. E. In some cases two verbs are connected with a preposition, usually à or de. Examples: 1. Cette cuillère sert à remuer le café.(This spoon serves [is used] to stir the coffee) 3. Pendant les vacances je m’habitue à me lever plus tard le matin. (In the holidays I get used to getting up later in the morning) 2. Le garçon apprend à parler français.(The boy is learning to speak French.) 4. Ma sœur essaie de perdre du poids parce qu’elle pèse 95 kilos. (My sister is trying to lose weight because she weighs 95 kilos.) F. When using the passé récent (the recent past tense) In this case the first verb venir is CONJUGATED and is then followed by de and the INFINITIVE of the second verb Examples: a. Je viens de faire la vaisselle. (I have just finished doing the dishes) b. Le prof venait de parler aux élèves quand on a frappé à la porte. (The teacher had just finished talking to the students when there was a knock on the door) 18. Exercise: Translate the following sentences using two verbs in their correct form. 1. The boys went to the stadium yesterday and they bought five tickets for the match. [aller, acheter] ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. 2. The kangaroos love to eat leaves and grass. [manger] ...................................................... ............................................................................................................................. 3. You must phone your mother before 5 o’clock. [téléphoner]............................................... ............................................................................................................................. 4. After school the girls are going to go to the mall and buy a present for their friend. [aller, acheter] ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. 5. We had fun watching the new Woody Allen film. [s’amuser, regarder] ................................... ............................................................................................................................. 6. You can drink a coke now because you have just finished doing your homework. [pouvoir, boire, finir] ...................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. 7. I am thinking of travelling to France during the holidays. [penser, voyager] ........................... ............................................................................................................................. 8. Have you finished drawing the pictures in my exercise book? [finir, dessiner] ......................... ............................................................................................................................. 9. You (plural) can borrow my scissors but you must return them to me. [emprunter, rendre] ......... ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. 10. They want to swim for half an hour and then they want to go to a café. [vouloir, nager, aller] ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. 11. Do you know how to drive a car? [savoir, conduire] ........................................................ ............................................................................................................................. 12. We are going to suntan on the beach after our exam. [bronzer] ........................................ ............................................................................................................................. 13. Don’t bother your father because he has just come home from work. [déranger, rentrer] ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. 14. Our teacher teaches us to write without errors. [enseigner, écrire] ..................................... ............................................................................................................................. 15. The lazy boy hates washing the dishes. [détester, laver] .................................................. ............................................................................................................................. 19.