An-Najah National University Faculty of Engineering Department of Communication Engineering Final Project year 2014 Target Tracking using Doppler radar Prepare by: Mohammad Alawneh, Bara Sous, Hasan Khalid Submitted to:Dr. Falah Hasan Eng. Jamal Kharosheh Abstract This project use pulse Doppler radar to track target (determine the target velocity and distance), the main technology of this project is Doppler Effect (A change in the observed frequency of a wave, as electromagnetics, occurring when the source and observer are in motion relative to each other, with the frequency increasing when the source and observer approach each other and decreasing when they move apart. The motion of the source causes a real shift in frequency of the wave, while the motion of the observer produces only an apparent shift in frequency). The second technology is power receive, the value of power determine the target distance (power receive proportional to distance) Key Word: Doppler Effect, power receive, pulse duration, and frequency operation. Table of Contents Chapter .1 Introduction ....................................................................................... 1 Chapter .2 History of Radar ................................................................................ 2 Chapter.3 Radar Systems .................................................................................... 3 3.1 Radar Principle ............................................................................................ 3 3.2 Radar Equation and System Considerations ..................................................... 4 3.3 Common Radar Types ................................................................................... 5 3.4 Frequency Regulation.................................................................................... 5 3.5 Radar a Frequency Band ............................................................................... 6 3.6 Radar Application ......................................................................................... 8 Chapter.4 pulse Doppler Radar ........................................................................... 9 4.1 Principle of Doppler Radar ............................................................................ 9 4.2 Typical Doppler Radar System ..................................................................... 11 4.3 Distance Measurement ................................................................................ 11 Chapter.5 System Implementation ...................................................................... 14 5.1 Microwave Motion sensor (HB100)............................................................... 15 5.2 Low Frequency High Gain Amplifier ............................................................. 18 5.3 Microcontrollers (Arduino UNO).................................................................. 19 5.4 Result ........................................................................................................ 20 Chapter .6 Feasibility Study............................................................................... 21 Chapter.7 Conclusions and Future work ............................................................. 22 7.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................. 22 7.2 Future work ................................................................................................ 22 References ....................................................................................................... 23 Appendix A ...................................................................................................... 24 CD Attachment ................................................................................................. 27 List of Figure Figure 1 Basic radar principle and operation. ................................................................ 3 Figure 2 Radar configurations (a) Monostatic radar (b) Bistatic radar. ......................... 4 Figure 3 Doppler shift and wave reflection ................................................................... 9 Figure 4 Doppler Shift Caused by Relative Motion of the Target. .............................. 10 Figure 5 Doppler Frequencies vs. Relative Speed of the Target. ................................ 10 Figure 6 Typical Doppler Radar (Motion Detectors). ................................................. 11 Figure 7 Voltage Controlled Transceiver. ................................................................... 12 Figure 8 Gunn Voltage Controlled Oscillator Frequency vs. Time. ............................ 12 Figure 9 Dopler Radar System(contenouce wave ). ................................................... 14 Figure 10 Dopler Radar System (Pulse wave). ............................................................ 14 Figure 11 HB100 module (hardware and simulink) ................................................... 15 Figure 12 Rediation Pattern of the module . ................................................................ 16 Figure 13 Simulink of Low Frequency High Gain Amplifer . .................................... 18 Figure 14 Arduino UNO revession 3 . ......................................................................... 19 Figure 15 Basic radar module and operation. .............................................................. 22 List of Table Table 1 American Institutes of Aeronautics and Astronautics for radar frequency band. ............................................................................................................................... 6 Table 2 Radar frequency band use in worldwide police radar. ...................................... 7 Table 3 ITU frequency band use in radar system . ........................................................ 7 Table 4 experimentally reading of speed and distance. ............................................... 20 Table 5 Project coast. ................................................................................................... 21 Chapter .1 Introduction Radar stands for radio detection and ranging. It operates by radiating electromagnetic waves and detecting the echo returned from the targets. The nature of an echo signal provides information about the target range, direction, and velocity. Although radar cannot reorganize the collar of the object and resolve the detailed features of the target like the human eye, it can see through darkness, fog and rain, and over a much longer range. It can also measure the range, direction, and velocity of the target. Basic radar consists of a transmitter, a receiver, and a transmitting and receiving antenna. A very small portion of the transmitted energy is intercepted and reflected by the target. A part of the reflection is reradiated back to the radar (this is called backreradiating). The back-reradiating is received by the radar, amplified, and processed. The range to the target is found from the time it takes for the transmitted signal to travel to the target and back. The direction or angular position of the target is determined by the arrival angle of the returned signal. A directive antenna with a narrow beamwidth is generally used to find the direction. The relative motion of the target can be determined from the Doppler shift in the carrier frequency of the returned signal. Although the basic concept is fairly simple, the actual implementation of radar could be complicated in order to obtain the information in a complex environment. 1 Chapter .2 History of Radar Before RADAR could be born, scientists first needed to understand the principles of radio waves. In 1887, a physicist named Heinrich Hertz began experimenting with radio waves in his laboratory in Germany. He found that radio waves could be transmitted through different materials. Some materials reflected the radio waves. He developed a system to measure the speed of the waves. The data he collected, and the information he uncovered, encouraged further scientific investigation of radio. Hertz's experiments were the foundation for the development of radio communication, and, later, RADAR. Thirty years later, scientists around the world were researching the practical use of radio waves to detect and locate objects. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, great effort was put into developing a system by which you could transmit and receive radio waves, providing useful information. By the 1940s, and the outbreak of World War II, the first useful RADAR systems were in place. Germany, France, Great Britain, and the United States all used RADAR to navigate their ships, guide their airplanes, and detect enemy craft before they attacked. In the midst of war, the most significant peacetime application of RADAR was discovered. During the war, RADAR operators continually found precipitation, like rain and snow, appearing in their RADAR fields. Scientists had not known that RADAR would be sensitive enough to detect precipitation. Only during the war did the use of RADAR to study weather become obvious. Today, RADAR is an essential tool for analyzing and predicting the weather. 2 Chapter.3 Radar Systems Figure 1 Basic radar principle and operation. Automotive safety systems require information about the objects in the vicinity of the vehicle. These data are usually obtained by sensing the surroundings. A typical sensor system usually transmits a signal and estimates the attributes of the available targets, such as velocity or distance from the sensor, based on the measurement of the scattered signal. The signal used for this purpose in radar (radio detection and ranging) systems is an electromagnetic (EM) wave at microwave frequencies. The main advantage of radar systems compared to other alternatives such as sonar or lidar is the immunity to weather conditions and potential for lower cost realization. 3.1 Radar Principle Radar systems are composed of a transmitter that radiates electromagnetic waves of a particular waveform and a receiver that detects the echo returned from the target. Only a small portion of the transmitted energy is re-radiated back to the radar, which is then amplified, down-converted and processed. The range to the target is evaluated from the travelling time of the wave. The direction of the target is determined by the arrival angle of the echoed wave. The relative velocity of the target is determined from the Doppler shift of the returned signal. For automotive radar applications the separation between the transmitter and receiver is negligible compared to the distance to a target. Thus, these systems are monostatic in a classical sense. However, the automotive radar systems are usually referred to as bistatic when two separate antennas are used for transmit and receive and monostatic when the same antenna is used for these functions. The latter configuration requires a duplexer component to provide isolation between transmitter and receiver. This is usually realized using expensive external bulky transmit/receive (T/R) switch or circulator components. The solution of using hybrid ring coupler 3 offers a cost advantage at the expense of lower performance due to higher losses and increased noise figure. (a) (b) Figure 2 Radar configurations (a) Monostatic radar (b) Bistatic radar. 3.2 Radar Equation and System Considerations The radar equation provides the received power level as function of the characteristics of the system, the target and the environment. The well-known bistatic radar equation is given by. (Eq. 1) Where Pr is the received power, Pt is the transmitted power, Aer and Aet are the effective area of the receive and transmit antennas, respectively,R is the distance to the target, σ is the radar cross-section (RCS), defined as the ratio of the scattered power in a given direction to the incident power density and Lsys is the system loss due to misalignment, antenna pattern loss, polarization mismatch, atmospheric loss . Taking into consideration that the effective area of the receive and transmit antenna is related to the wavelength λ and to the antenna gain Gr and Gt, as Aer=Grλ2/4π and Aet=Gtλ2/4π. Radar equation can be rewritten as (Eq.2) Based on the system characteristics and the noise floor of the receiver a certain minimal signal power level Pr, min is required in order to detect the target. Thus, from (2.2) the maximum achievable radar range can be calculated as follows (Eq.3) Furthermore, in most practical designs a minimal signal to noise ratio (SNR) at the output of the receiver SNRo,minis considered in order to ensure high probability of 4 detection and low false-alarm rate. Typically, SNR values of higher than 12 dB are required. The noise factor of a receiver is defined as (Eq.4) Where Si and So are the input and output signal levels, respectively, Noise the noise level at the receiver output and Ni is the input noise level, given by (Eq.5) Where B is the system band width, k B is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature in Kelvin. Taking into consideration that there is an additional processing gain due to the integration over several pulse. Another limiting case, referred to as the blocker case, is the scenario of a large target with maximum RCS being present very close to a radar at a minimal distance of operation. This sets the requirement on the front-end linearity in terms of inputreferred 1dB compression point (IP1dB), which should be typically above −15 dBm. Combination of both mentioned limiting cases results in a requirement on the receiver’s dynamic range (DR), which usually should be above 70 dB 3.3 Common Radar Types Main types of basic radar are Pulse Radar and Continence radar. Pulse radar sets transmit a high-frequency impulse signal of high power. After this impulse signal, a longer break follows in which the echoes can be received, before a new transmitted signal is sent out. Direction, distance and sometimes if necessary the height or altitude of the target can be determined from the measured antenna position and propagation time of the pulse-signal. These classically radar sets transmit a very short pulse (to get a good range resolution) with an extremely high pulse-power (to get a good maximum range). Continuous Wave Radar (CW) radar sets transmit a high-frequency signal continuously. The echo signal is received and processed permanently too. The transmitted signal of this equipment's is constant in amplitude and frequency. These equipment's are specialized in speed measuring. E.g. this equipment's are used as speed gauges of the police. 3.4 Frequency Regulation The performance of radar systems and the applied waveform principles are strongly influenced by the frequency regulations. The maximum allowable power limits and the corresponding measurement procedures for 10.525 GHz radar systems are defined in 5 the HB 100 standard. This document defines the spectral mask of the maximum allowed transmitter power in the ISM and UWB frequency bands around 10.5 GHz. The limit for the transmitted power is given as equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP). The EIRP value is given in dBm by adding the gain of the transmitter antenna to the actual transmitter power. PEIRP (dBm) =PTX (dBm) +GTX (dB) (Eq.6) In the ISM band from 10.52 GHz to 10.53 GHz the maximum power is constrained to 20 dBm. For the ultra-wide band from 8.0 GHz to 12.0 GHz a maximum power spectral density of only −40.3dBm/MHz is allowed. This spectral density is very low and can only be used by pulsed systems with high bandwidth. On the world many agency and institute set a lot of standard to implement many communication system such as, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics(AIAA) and The electronic countermeasures (ECM) . 3.5 Radar a Frequency Band Table 1 American Institutes of Aeronautics and Astronautics for radar frequency band. Band Designation Frequency Range VHF UHF 50-330 MHz 300-1,000 MHz L 1-2 GHz. Long-range surveillance, enroot traffic control S 2-4 GHz. Moderate-range surveillance, terminal traffic control, long-range weather C 4-8 GHz. Long-range tracking, airborne weather X 8-12 GHz. Short-range tracking, missile guidance, mapping, marine radar, airborne intercept Ku K Ka 12-18 GHz. 18-27 GHz. 27-40 GHz. High resolution mapping, satellite altimetry Little used (H20 absorption) Very high resolution mapping, airport surveillance mm Typical Usage Very long-range surveillance Very long-range surveillance 40-100+ GHz. Experimental 6 Source: AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) Table 2 Radar frequency band use in worldwide police radar. Band Frequency Wavelength Notes S 2.455 GHz 4.827 in 12.261 cm obsolete X 9.41 GHz 1.254 in 3.186 cm Europe X 9.90 GHz 1.192 in 3.028 cm Europe X 10.525 GHz 1.121 in 2.848 cm USA Ku 13.450 GHz 0.878 in 2.229 cm Europe Middle East K 24.125 GHz 0.4892 in 1.243 cm USA, Australia, Europe K 24.150 GHz 0.4897 in 1.241 cm USA Ka 33.4 - 36.0 GHz IR -- Infrared 331.6 THz 0.353 - 0.328 in USA, Australia, Europe 8.976 - 8.328 mm 904 nm Laser Radar ITU Radar Bands: - The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) specifies bands designated for radar systems. The ITU radar bands are sub-bands of military designations. Table 3 ITU frequency band use in radar system . ITU Band Frequency VHF 138 - 144 MHz 216 - 225 MHz UHF 420 - 450 MHz 890 - 942 MHz L 1.215 - 1.400 GHz S 2.3 - 2.5 GHz 2.7 - 3.7 GHz C 5.250 - 5.925 GHz X 8.500 - 10.680 GHz 7 Ku 13.4 - 14.0 GHz 15.7 - 17.7 GHz K 24.05 - 24.25 GHz Ka 33.4 - 36.0 GHz 3.6 Radar Application Typical radar applications are listed here to give an idea of the huge importance of Radar in our world. Surveillance: - Military and civil air traffic control, ground-based, air borne, surface coastal, satellite based. Searching and tracking: - Military target searching and tracking. Fire control:-Provides information (mainly target azimuth, elevation, range and velocity) to a fire control system. Navigation:-Satellite, air, maritime, terrestrial navigation. Automotive: - Collision warning, adaptive cruise control (ACC), collision avoidance. Level measurements:-For monitoring liquids, distances, etc. Proximity fuses:-Military use Guided weapon systems require a proximity fuse to trigger the explosive warhead. Altimeter:-Air craft or space craft altimeters for civil and military use. Terrain avoidance:-Air has borne military use. Secondary radar:-Transponder in target responds with coded reply signal. Weather:-Storm avoidance, wind shear warning, weather mapping. Space:-Military earth surveillance, ground mapping, and exploration of space environment. Security:-Hidden weapon detection, military earth surveillance. 8 Chapter.4 pulse Doppler Radar Figure 3 Doppler shift and wave reflection Pulse-Doppler is a radar system capable of detecting a target's 3D location and its radial velocity (range-rate). The radar transmits short pulses of radio frequency which are partially bounced back by airborne objects or spacecraft. In a typical operation, the energy returned from a dozen or more pulses are combined using Pulse-Doppler signal processing, based on the Doppler Effect, to extract the information. 4.1 Principle of Doppler Radar When microwave energy is reflected by a moving target, there is a shift in frequency. All Doppler radars utilize this principle. The amount of frequency shift is directly proportional to the target’s velocity relative to the radar’s transmitter. A similar effect at audible frequencies occurs when an automobile horn is moving with respect to a stationary observer. The sound pitch is higher when the horn is moving toward the observer and decreases as it moves away from him. Figure 2 snows the situation of a target vehicle approaching a Doppler radar. The Doppler shift frequency (Fd) is given by: (Eq.7) Where 9 F0 = transmitter frequency in hertz. C = velocity of light (3 x 10^8 meters per second). V = velocity of the target (meters per second). ∅= angle between microwave beam and target’s path. Figure 4 Doppler Shift Caused by Relative Motion of the Target. If ∅= 90 degrees (target moving perpendicular to microwave beam) Fd = 0, there is no Doppler shift. If ∅– 0 degrees (target moving parallel to microwave beam), Fd = 2 V (F0/C), which gives the maximum Doppler shift attainable. Most police radars are used at an angle of ~15° (or less) when measuring automobile speed. The error is small and normally corrected in the software of high-quality police radar. Figure 3 is a chart showing Doppler shift frequency (Fd) vs. velocity (V) for 10.525, 24.150 and 34.3 GHz. These are the usual frequencies used for police radars. Figure 5 Doppler Frequencies vs. Relative Speed of the Target. 10 4.2 Typical Doppler Radar System A typical Doppler radar is represented by the block diagram in Figure 32.1 This system consists of an RF (i.e., microwave) section, a signal processing section, and a well regulated power supply. Figure 6 Typical Doppler Radar (Motion Detectors). In order to design a Doppler radar system, one must first know: 1. The maximum range at which a target is to be detected (This determines the overall sensitivity and transmitter power required for the transceiver. It may also influence the antenna gain required.) 2. The maximum and minimum target speeds that the system is to measure (This determines the characteristics of the amplifier and its bandpass filter.) 3. The nominal radar cross section of the “target” one wishes to “observe”. 4. Other environmental factors such as rain fog or dust. For example, with the transmitter frequency 10.525 GHz, a vehicle traveling 50 mph causes a Doppler shift of 1568 Hz, which will be the IF frequency. This IF voltage is usually only a few microvolts RMS. at the mixer port in normal usage. 4.3 Distance Measurement The distance or range of a stationary target may be determined by changing the frequency of the transmitted signal during the “radar pulse” at a linear and known rate, and then comparing the frequency of the return to the transmitted signal. This can be done with a simple VCO transceiver. 11 Figure 7 Voltage Controlled Transceiver. The return signal will be shifted in frequency with respect to the initial signal transmitted. This shift (∆f) will be directly related to the amount of (∆T) time it takes for the signal to make the round trip. We call this quantity the “transit time”. The transit time (T) is approximately 1 microsecond for a target 150 meters away (~500 feet). (Microwave propagation occurs at the speed of light — approximately 1 nanosecond per foot). Figure 8 Gunn Voltage Controlled Oscillator Frequency vs. Time. The range of a stationary target can then be calculated by determining the transit time of the radar signal to and from the target, and multiplying that by the speed of light. The transit time in seconds is given by the absolute value of the difference in the transmitted and return signal. (Eq.8) Where Ft = transmitter frequency in Hz Fr = return frequency in Hz K = rate of frequency modulation of the transmitter in Hz/sec Note: (Ft– Fr) is the IF frequency observed at the mixer’s IF port (Doppler Frequency). Then: The range is given by 12 (Eq. 9) Where C = speed of light in meters/sec =3 x 10^8 meters/sec. T = transit time from (1) (in seconds). R = range (in meters). 13 Chapter.5 System Implementation Our hope of this project is implemented a Doppler Radar system (CW And Pulses) system, as show in figure (9, 10). Figure 9 Dopler Radar System(contenouce wave ). Figure 10 Dopler Radar System (Pulse wave). 14 To implement this system use many electrical tools such as HB100, Low Frequency amplifier and microcontroller (Arduino UNO). 5.1 Microwave Motion sensor (HB100) Figure 11 HB100 module (hardware and simulink) 1. Introduction HB Series of microwave motion sensor module are X-Band Mono-static DRO Doppler transceiver front-end module. These modules are designed for movement detection, like intruder alarms, occupancy modules and other innovative ideas. The module consists of Dielectric Resonator Oscillator (DRO), microwave mixer and patch antenna. His Application Note highlights some important points when designing-in HB100 module. Most of the points are also applicable to other models in this series. 2. Mounting Header Pins can be used to connected the terminals (+5V, IF, GND) to the amplifier circuit as well as mounting support. Other mounting methods may be used. Wave-solder the module onto PCBA is possible but processes has to be evaluated to prevent deterioration. No-cleaning process is recommended. Caution must be taken to avoid applying pressure or stresses to the chassis of the module. As it may cause performance deterioration. Connect the power supply, Ground and amplifier circuitry at the designed terminals. Designation of the connection terminals are printed on the PCB. 15 3. Power Supply The module operates at +5 Vdc for Continuous wave (CW) operation . The module can be powered by +5V low duty cycle pulsed trains in order to reduce its power consumption. Sample & Hold circuit at the IF output is required for pulse operation. 4. Transmit Frequency The transmit frequency and power of the module is set by factory. There is no user adjustable part in this device. The module is a low power radio device (LPRD) or intended radiator. Local radio communication authority regulates use of such a device. Though user license may be exempted, type approval of equipment or other regulation compliance may be required. 5. Radiation Pattern The module to be mounted with the antenna patches facing to the desired detection zone. The user may vary the orientation of the module to get the best coverage. The radiation patterns of the antenna and their half power beam width (HPBW) are shown in below diagram. Figure 12 Rediation Pattern of the module . 16 6. Output Signals Doppler shift- Doppler shift output from IF terminal when movement is detected. The magnitude of the Doppler Shift is proportional to reflection of transmitted energy and is in the range of microvolts (µV). A high gain low frequency amplifier is usually connected to the IF terminal in order to amplify the Doppler shift to a process able level (see Annex 1). Frequency of Doppler shift is proportional to velocity of motion. Typical human walking generates Doppler shift below 100 Hz. Doppler frequencies can be calculated by Doppler equation. The Received Signal Strength (RSS) is the voltage measured of the Doppler shift at the IF output. The RSS figure specified in the technical data sheet is level of a 25 Hz Doppler shift, generate from the modulated microwave signal received at the received antenna, The received microwave signal is attenuated to 93 dB below the transmit microwave signal from the transmit antenna of the same unit. The 93dB loss is the total losses combining two ways free space loss (82.4 dB for 30 meters at 10.525 GHz), reflection less and absorption loss of the target, as well as other losses. This RSS figure can be view as an approximation of the output signal strength for a human at 15 meters away walking straight to the module at 1.28 km/hour. Reflection of a human body is varied with the size of the body, clothing, apparels and other environmental factors; RSS measured for two human bodies may vary by 50%. Circuit designer must take note the maximum and minimum Received Signal Strength (RSS) specified in technical data sheet, when designing the amplifier. Sensitive deviation between modules has to be considered when setting amplifier gain or alarm threshold. On-production-line gain adjustment may be necessary if a narrow window for triggering threshold is required. Noise- The noise figure specified in the technical data sheet is the noise measured in an echoic chamber, that shield the unit-under-test from external interference, as well as reflection from surfaces. Hence, the figure is only presenting the noise generated by the internal circuit itself. Other than noises generate from internal electronic circuit, in actual applications, other noises may be picked up from surrounding, or other part of the electronic circuit. Specially attention has to be given to the interference pick up from fluorescent light, as the 100/120 Hz noise is closed to the Doppler frequency generated by human movement On and off switching of certain devices (relay, LED, motor, etc.) may generated high magnitude of transient noise at the IF terminal. Careful PCB layout and time masking is necessary to prevent false triggering. V1.02 DC Level- DC level (0.01 to 0.2 Vdc) exists at the IF terminal and its polarity can be positive and negative. Its magnitude may vary over temperature. AC coupling is recommended for IF terminal connection. 17 5.2 Low Frequency High Gain Amplifier Low Frequency High Gain Amplifier or Intermediate Frequency Amplifier (IFAmp) is tuned amplifiers used in radio, TV and radar. Their purpose is to provide the majority of the voltage amplification of a radio, TV or radar signal, before the audio or video information carried by the signal is separated (demodulated) from the radio signal. They operate at a frequency lower than that of the received radio signal, but higher than the audio or video signals eventually produced by the system. The frequency at which I.F. amplifiers operate and the bandwidth of the amplifier depends on the type of equipment. The characteristic of this Amplifier is:Corner frequency around 1000 Hz. Gain around 40 dB. Low noise and offset. Figure 13 Simulink of Low Frequency High Gain Amplifer . 18 5.3 Microcontrollers (Arduino UNO) Figure 14 Arduino UNO revession 3 . The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328 (datasheet). It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The Uno differs from all preceding boards in that it does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip. Instead, it features the Atmega8U2 programmed as a USB-to-serial converter. "Uno" means one in Italian and is named to mark the upcoming release of Arduino 1.0. The Uno and version 1.0 will be the reference versions of Arduino, moving forward. The Uno is the latest in a series of USB Arduino boards, and the reference model for the Arduino platform; for a comparison with previous versions, see the index of Arduino 19 boards. 5.4 Result Pulse Doppler radar transmitter produce Radio Frequency (RF) signal, and sent it through the media to sense surrounding environment and estimate target information such as velocity and distance. transmit wave operate at center frequency at 10.525 GHz, on the other hand system produce thermal noise around 3 dB, but in worst case scenario the system keep the C/N as max as possible around 15 dB . Receiver estimate the echo signal (wave produce due to reflection and scattering wave from the target) .and estimate the change of frequency (Doppler frequency) to predict the target speed. Moreover estimate max power receiver and time duration between transmit and receive pulse to predict the target distance. But the system includes many type of error due to power and frequency fading on the channel. Finally system operates in high C/N to reduce the error and increase the accuracy and resolution C/N always around 9.5 dB . In the end create table of result include experimental reading, and tack in account all type of error to increase accuracy on the system . Table 4 experimentally reading of speed and distance. Experiments .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 Frequency 10 23 100 500 1000 Speed (Km/H) 0.523 1.200 5.131 25.654 50.31 20 Time (MS) 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 Distance (M) 3 6 9 12 15 Chapter .6 Feasibility Study Our idea is viable or not There are some obstacles that could face the possibility of our project is to insert a high frequency modules into the West Bank, Since the Israeli occupation prohibits enter some of the tools that operate at high frequencies, may be difficult to insert this module because of the reasons above. On the other hand, build this module from zero may be difficult, because of the high frequency components need a very high accuracy through alignment and Welding process, which need special equipment's and these equipment not available here. Alternative approaches and solutions to putting your idea into practice We will have an alternative approach that allows using the HB100 radar module, which will be available for us. Feasibility table Table 5 Project coast. Components Microprocessor basic circuit b100 radar module lcd Battery Total price Number Price 1 170₪ 1 1 1 ------------------------------ 30$=107₪ 50₪ 10₪ 337₪ 21 Chapter.7 Conclusions and Future work Figure 15 Basic radar module and operation. 7.1 Conclusion This project use pulse Doppler radar system to determine the velocity and distance of target, the velocity dependent on the Doppler effect (frequency change due to target motion ),and distance dependent on the power receive . The main component of the system is a filter (determine the system selectivity), and amplifiers (determine the system sensitivity). This system operate in X-band frequency (10.525 GHz) because this band is high munity for noes and losses. 7.2 Future work The second steps of this project try to implement the radar system as hardware using HB 100 module. And determine the target information (Velocity, Distance, Angel of Arrival, and Direction of motion). The final hopes try to connect radar system with WEP to determine location of target, and determine the environment Probabilities. 22 References [1] Microwave Engineering, Fourth Edition, David M. Pozar University of Massachusetts at Amherst. [2] Microwave Device and circuit, third Edition, Samuel L. LIAO, Professor Electrical Engineering, California state university, Fresno. [3] RF and Microwaves Wireless Systems, KAI CHANG, Texas A&M University. [4] Radar System Performance Modeling, Second Edition, G. Richard Curry. [5]An Introduction to The Theory of microwaves Circuit, K. KUROKWA, and Murray Hill, New Jersey. [6] Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MATLAB, Bassem R. Mahafza, Ph.D. [7] Radar Technology Encyclopaedia (Electronic Edition), David K. Barton and Sergey A. Leonov [8] [9] [10 ] [9] [10] [11] 23 Appendix A /* Pulse Doppler Radar System This system generate PWM modulation in Pin 12 , and transmit the signal, wait the echo signal to estimate the speed and target distance . Pin 5 source of frequency . Pin 12 PWM output . Pin 10 Dc voltage . In the end print the speed and distance on the screen and serial . */ #include <FreqCounter.h> #include<LiquidCrystal.h> LiquidCrystal lcd(2,3,4,6,7,8,9) ; #define pwm 12 #define DCValue 10 unsigned long Frequency ; double Velocity ; double Vconst = 19.49 ; double Distance ; double Dconst = 150000000 ; float Time0 = 0 ; float Time1 = 0 ; float Time = 0 ; int Const = 0 ; void setup() { pinMode(DCValue,OUTPUT) ; pinMode(pwm,OUTPUT) ; 24 Serial.begin(115200) ; lcd.begin(16,2) ; } void loop() { /* creat PWM */ digitalWrite(pwm,HIGH) ; Time0 = micros() ; delayMicroseconds(20) ; digitalWrite(pwm,LOW) ; delayMicroseconds(480) ; /* creat DC voltage */ digitalWrite(DCValue,HIGH) ; /* Estimate the frequency of signal */ FreqCounter::f_comp=10 ; FreqCounter::start(1000) ; while (FreqCounter::f_ready == 0) Frequency = FreqCounter::f_freq ; /* print the value of frequency and velocity */ Serial.print("Frequency (Hz) : ") ; Serial.println(Frequency) ; Velocity = Frequency/Vconst ; Serial.print(" Velocity (Km/H) : ") ; Serial.println(Velocity) ; lcd.setCursor(0,0) ; 25 lcd.print(" Velocity (Km/H) : ") ; lcd.setCursor(10,0) ; lcd.print(Velocity) ; /* Estimate the distamce of target */ if((digitalRead(5) == RISING)&& Const == 0 ) { ++Const ; Time1 = micros() ; Time = Time1 - Time0 ; Distance = Dconst*Time ; Serial.print(" Distance (M) :- ") ; Serial.println(Distance) ; Serial.println(" ") ; lcd.setCursor(0,1) ; lcd.print(" Distance (M) :-") ; lcd.setCursor(10,1) ; lcd.print(Distance) ; } Time0 = 0 ; Time1 = 0 ; Const = 0 ; delay(2000) ; } 26 CD Attachment 27