Report and Cover Sheet on Reducing Alcohol Harm in Lewisham

18 July 2012
Title: Reducing Alcohol Harm in Lewisham
Agenda Item: 6
Following the discussion at the last Board meeting on the priority
to reduce alcohol harm, the Alcohol Delivery Group has come up
with three key areas where the Board can add value to the Alcohol
Delivery work plan for this year. The three areas are as follows:
* Make every contact count
* Deliver consistent messages
communications plan
* Address alcohol in the workplace
The Delivery Group has recommended a range of partnership
activity to support work in these areas.
Action Required:
To agree the recommended actions as set out in Section 4 of this
Author/Presenter: Jane Miller, Joint Deputy Director of Public
Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board – 18/7/12
Following the discussion at the last Board meeting on the priority to reduce
alcohol harm, the Alcohol Delivery Group has come up with three key areas
where the Board can add value to the Alcohol Delivery work plan for this year.
The three areas are as follows:
* Make every contact count
* Deliver consistent messages through a multi agency communications plan
* Address alcohol in the workplace
The Delivery Group has recommended a range of partnership activity to
support work in these areas.
An in-depth needs assessment about alcohol harm in Lewisham has been
undertaken and a summary produced (as part of the Lewisham Joint Strategic
Needs Assessment).
Highlights from the needs assessment and case studies from front line
workers were provided at the last Board meeting. It was agreed that the
Board needed to be clear how it could make a difference and how its actions
could add value to what was already being done, given the limited resources
The Alcohol Delivery Group (chaired by the Deputy Director of Public Health
and co-ordinated by the Drugs and Alcohol Team) with membership from a
wide range of agencies, including different departments within the council,
health providers, the voluntary sector, the police and Job Centre Plus, has
developed a work plan and its implementation is monitored at its quarterly
meetings. The four broad areas of the work plan are: prevention; treatment
and care; crime, disorder and anti social behaviour; and intelligence.
Although the Delivery Group has made good progress in a number of areas,
the additional activity described in section 4 would provide strategic
leadership, a systematic approach and a commitment from each partner
organisation to make a contribution.
Make Every Contact Count
The evidence base for undertaking opportunistic brief interventions on alcohol
(as with other areas such as smoking) is very strong. A brief intervention
Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board – 18/7/12
delivered by front line staff would mean a brief conversation raising the issue
of alcohol, the risks associated with excessive drinking and signposting to
local services.
The provision of brief interventions in a systematic way by staff in a range of
agencies across Lewisham will reach a far greater number of people than is
currently reached.
Brief intervention training is currently provided and tailor-made training can be
provided for groups of staff on delivering brief interventions.
Deliver consistent messages
communications plan
It is important that a communications plan enables local agencies to deliver a
consistent message about alcohol harm.
The Alcohol Delivery Group plans to develop the plan and co-ordinate its
implementation. It is intended that the communications plan would include
targeting key groups through social marketing in addition to broad based
communication through existing channels.
Address Alcohol in the Workplace
A large proportion of employees of partner organisations are Lewisham
residents. Workplace Wellbeing policies can make a large contribution to
improving the health of the working population and reducing sickness
Lewisham’s public health function will provide support and advice in
developing and reviewing workplace wellbeing policies and the Alcohol
Delivery Group will provide advice and support on addressing alcohol within
the overall policy.
Make Every Contact Count
Board members to identify key staff to deliver brief interventions and to
access brief intervention training.
Deliver consistent messages through a multi agency
communications plan
 Board members to agree to the development of a multi–agency
communications plan.
 Each member to suggest ways to disseminate a consistent message
through their organisation and networks.
 Each member to contribute to the delivery of the communications plan
Address Alcohol in the Workplace
Board members to promote workplace wellbeing
Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board – 18/7/12
Board members to develop or review their workplace wellbeing policy
Board members to address harm from alcohol within its workplace
wellbeing policy
Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board – 18/7/12