All funding is at the discretion of the societies’ guild. The below figures are intended to be guidelines to enable societies to plan for the year. The guild is always free to operate outside of them.
This document is intended to evolve and may be updated at any stage
It will be stored on - finance section - societies admin
There are three forms in use this year; o The budget form o The event form o The equipment form
Sample of Budget Format is on your online account
Event and Equipment Forms are completed on your online portal
The spe cified Grant for this year is €500
Budgets are approved each year without comprehensive information on events because it is not known yet, this is why funding approved in the budget is only provisionally approved for such events
– as is the case every year,
the event app two weeks before with the up to date information is when we officially approve or deny the application
Send feedback at any time to Barry at
Give at least two weeks notice to the guild, it’s often needed and your application is only sure to be processed if it meets this deadline
Consult the schedule of allowances for rates
Have found competitive prices
Wait to hear confirmation from the finance officer before booking anything -
All money must go through the ASA office – i.e. Lodge ticket sales money and request cheques rather than working out of a float.
Ticketed events are expected to meet their own costs – except postering costs as printing is available in the Hub, each society will be charged from their accounts twice a year – no need to resubmit an event form if this is the only expense on it.
The budget is the best record we have of your society’s activity for the year, both financially and for awards purposes, this is why all projected events for the year should go into it as well as all costs. The budget must be submitted on or before 21st of October.
After the budgets are in, unless it’s equipment, it’s always an event form.
Competition entry/Registration fees
Society Trips (personal contributions are in this section)
Equipment Purchase & Hire
Guest Speakers
On Campus Security/Set-up
Workshops & classes
Membership Development
Special Projects (see below)
The following is the situation with the various administration costs that societies may incur and can apply for.
ASA Office Photocopying – Paid by guild at end of year, no need to include in budget.
Hub Printing – Paid by Society at end of terms, taken out of society account.
Postage & Packaging – Free to societies in ASA office, taken out of budgets (envelopes also freely available, registered post is not free)
Mail shots of up to 500 letters – Free to societies in ASA, with 48 hrs notice to ASA staff, and if deemed to be an appropriate activity by ASA staff
/guild rep – for larger mail shots ask ASA staff well in advance
Website development/upkeep – Limit of €400 , contact guild rep for contact details for designers
The guild will likely fund 100% of registration and competition entry fees as long as it believes that the event is integral to the core activities of the society etc.
Submit an event form, we will likely grant money for travel and accommodation at the below rates.
Society travel
The Societies Guild may pay 66% of Travel Expenses; Petrol costs may be applied for in lieu of bus/train expenses. We will look with favour upon the cheapest means of travel, for instance bus instead of train.
Society Accommodation
The Societies Guild may pay €25 per person per night max for up to 4 nights
Personal Contributions
For all events taking place in the republic of Ireland , the Societies Guild requires students pay a minimum of €15 personal contribution .
For events outside of the republic of Ireland the Societies Guild requires a minimum personal contribution of €30
The Societies Guild may grant each society up to a max of €1000 per annum for equipment. This upper limit figure must include other costs incurred by the equipment including delivery, maintenance, insurance, vat, etc.
Surplus Balance will not be brought forward to the following year and if equipment costs more than this then future allocation may be drawn on. (Assuming next year’s guild follow the same system, they may not)
All societies should attempt to buy their equipment instead of hiring it but if an item proves too costly but would add highly to an on-campus event we may grant up to
€500 per annum for this.
Equipment forms should be used for both expenses and all details should be stated clearly.
Poster printing is available in the Hub. Each Society has their own account for printing and will be charged at the below rates at the end of each term for their printing.
Colour A3 @ 6c per sheet
Black & white @ 1c per sheet
Money for fliering is not given by the guild because societies are expected to avail of the facilities in the hub/asa office. One copy of the flier should be printed upstairs and the photocopier downstairs should be used to duplicate copies, there is a guillotine upstairs for cutting the fliers.
This naturally makes fliering in particular more accessible to societies but please consider the environment and the appearance of the campus. Fines will be viciously imposed if fliers are littered about campus etc.
All Societies are invited to apply to the Guild for money towards publications.
Applications will be considering on a case-by-case basis by the Finance Committee.
A ‘society publication’ is a publication that applies to all members of a society and that all students should be able to read. This doesn’t mean you can’t have a few private jokes and create an atmosphere with it but it does mean no to society funded yearbooks for particular classes or publications covering one tiny area of your society’s activity etc.
The guild encourages societies to bring speakers to campus. We will likely provide funding in accordance with the following rates:
Travel - for Republic of Ireland speaker:
€70 max if speaker is coming outside of Cork City
€10 Taxi fare if from Cork City
Taxi fare back also
(International speakers will be decided on an application-by-application basis.)
max for one night accommodation only.
Speaker Fees:
The guild will treat every case individually and will decide whether to fund all or part of this on the basis of relevance to the society etc. No limit has been set on this funding per society because different types of societies will have different needs in this regard but if you are thinking about it, apply. Societies should wait to hear back re funding before booking any speakers.
The Societies Guild will again decide on this on a per application basis, but may fund food for the speaker and two committee members up to a max value of €120.
Tokens of Appreciation:
This was not previously funded across the board; the guild is open to small-scale applications for tokens of appreciation. We have set a limit of €210 per society per year. There is also a limit of €30 per speaker. To be clear this means we will only appreciate any one speaker to the value of €30 no matter how impressive they are.
This will often be in addition to speaker’s fees.
The guild is open to paying any costs incurred with security including set up and set down costs, for non-ticketed events only. The multifunctional hall should not be charging societies for non-ticketed events for the time being. Apply...
The guild may fund carriage on equipment for a non-ticketed event of campus etc.
There is a limit of €10 per movement of goods.
The guild, acting on the advice of the guild webmaster may fund up to €400 per application for websites but will look at a number of factors such as bank balance, other financial persuits, new initiative for society etc. Contact details for guild approved website designers can be sought from
The guild does not fund trophies for in-house award ceremonies, the guild funds trophies for committee members in the form of guild awards at stars/the ball.
Perpetual trophies which will remain with the society and be given out year on year to members may be applied for however as well as the costs incurred on a yearly basis for engraving. There is a limit of €300 on the trophies and of €30 on engraving in one year.
Sports tournaments: €100 towards prizes or expenses per society this year, not previously funded. Soccer cups are eligible even though they have entry fees but for societies who have not tried something similar before or who don’t see the appeal of sports tournaments; get your thinking caps on. Apply if you have any interest, this is about members bonding so it doesn’t have to be related to the nature of your society, think fancy dress darts tournaments in the pub after a weekly meeting…
In previous years societies have applied for many of the same things every year. For example: administrative equipment, postering funds and other membership development costs. This year we have made the decision to credit each society with
€500 at the start of the year. This start-of-year grant will be used to cover all previous membership development and administrative costs.
It is up to the individual societies to keep an eye on the usage of these funds and the Guild will be monitoring the withdrawal of monies from society accounts to ensure no misuse.
Withdrawals can be made on your online account using the usual method.
This grant covers the following:
Penny Sweets, baking goods, etc.;
Committee phone credit;
Membership development.
To cover a number of events not normally funded by the Guild under the above headings, such as conference organisation, non-competitive overseas trips, once-off tournaments etc, a Special Projects section will be introduced.
All applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and will require the presentation of a business plan, containing a detailed breakdown of costs and income, to a select committee, who will then decide whether or not to fund.
NB: the normal rules still apply: Don’t app for anything stupid!
This is not an exhaustive list:
Alcohol/Food/Bowling/Paint-balling etc. for members
Goody bags for members at society events (not an MDO cost as they are being given to students already at your event, already members etc.)
Donations - including charitable
Fundraisers/Charitable Events
Political Subscriptions or Campaigns
Political Societies beyond the SIPO don ation limit of €5078.95 (
Society Vehicles (we will sometimes fund carriage – see equipment section)
Suit Allowances/ Hoodies/T-shirts etc.
Mystery Tours/ Balls/ Quizzes/ AGM Parties etc. (except €18 on posters for each)
Prizes for quizzes/competitions