Marking Criteria for Assessing Portfolios submitted for the Qualification in Forensic Psychology (Stage 2) Background & Guiding Principles In the process of developing from an in-training to a chartered forensic psychologist, a key issue is the assessment of competence through both practice examples and integration of theory. “A portfolio is a collection of evidence, usually in written form, of both the products and processes of learning. It attests to achievement and personal and professional development by providing critical analysis of its contents” (Webb, Endacott, Gray, McMullan, Miller & Scholes, 2002; McMullan, 2008). The checklist approach for assessing portfolios is inadequate and does not sufficiently allow for the complexity and individuality of each portfolio. The problems in assessing portfolios include: Consistency & reliability Inter rater moderation Subjectivity vs. objectivity The use of evidence The use of reflective writing and commentaries The use of marking criteria Agreement on what is being assessed The definitions of competence and therefore how this can be assessed differ greatly amongst individuals. Published marking criteria are often inadequate to encompass the complexities of demonstrating practice outcomes or the application of theory to practice within a specific context. The key stages common to most practice and demonstration of competence in applied psychology are: Assessing – planning – implementing – evaluating This cycle is demonstrating within the competencies of each of the Core Roles of the Qualification. It is this cycle or process as well as the individual elements within it which is of interest. The Design of the Portfolio Endacott, Gray, Jasper, McMullan, Scholes, & Webb (2004) identify 4 ‘models’ of portfolios within nursing education which seem to generalise to other health settings. 1. Shopping Trolley: This portfolio contains anything and everything that has been used or produced during the period of supervised practice. The file is simply a set of documents with little analytical content or cohesion. 2. Toast Rack: This portfolio has a number of discrete elements that assess different aspects of practice and/or theory. The folder itself acts as a useful method of organising the submission into assessment headings but there is no real cohesion overall. 3. Spinal Column: This portfolio is structured around the competencies, in a similar way to the toast rack, with evidence slotted in behind each competency ‘vertebra’ to demonstrate how each competency is met. Analytical accounts tend to be included to show how the evidence meets the competency. The evidence is there to support the narrative account. 4. Cake Mix: This portfolio is where the sum is more than the parts in what is said about the candidate as a practitioner. The emphasis is on integration with an overarching narrative. Only evidence included in that reflective narrative is presented. The portfolio should aim to fall somewhere between the spinal column and cake mix approach to be demonstrating the standard required. The basic components of portfolios are: A statement of the learning outcomes Reflective reviews/commentary discussing achievement Evidence to support the claims made (primary/secondary etc) Assessment Criteria The operating assumption is that it is the totality of the portfolio that needs to fulfil the marking criteria. The presentation of the work and its organisation is critical in enabling an assessor to determine whether it is of sufficient standard. The structure and intention of the portfolio along with the outcome need to be clearly stated at the beginning of the work. The portfolio must contain a reflective review in which the candidate reviews the portfolio content and makes a case for competence. It is this account which is assessed as primary evidence alongside additional evidence (primary/secondary) submitted to support the claims. The evidence presented needs to be logically organised and referenced within this narrative account. Each criterion, where it applies, is presented as a separate statement. The criteria are generic and present a standard against which the specific module outcomes can be compared. Standards of Presentation The portfolio must have a coherent and obvious structure, be indexed and cross referenced. The portfolio should be typographically correct. Errors will result in a maximum award of a conditional pass. It should be written in standard English. APA referencing system must be employed. The portfolio should contain a signed copy (by Chief Supervisor) of the agreed exemplar plan. Where this is not possible, clear explanation is required or alternative submission such as an initial letter of acknowledgement from the previous Chief Supervisor. For submission, comb-binding is preferable to lever arch as it less likely to split and mix the papers. Standard margins should be used for the reflective report. A font size no smaller than 12 point should be used for the reflective report. The portfolio should be checked for confidentiality/anonymity of third parties. Any 3rd party information will result in a maximum award of a conditional pass and can be a sign of poor ethical practice, as well as breaching internal organisational information sharing protocols. A reflective narrative report is required to a maximum of 1000 words per exemplar. This can be combined into one maximum 2000 word narrative across a Core Role. Any submissions 10% above this will be returned unmarked. Presentation of evidence is considered extremely important in demonstrating the ability to organise work to show that learning outcomes have been achieved. In the past the Board of Assessors has been relatively lenient in reviewing poorly presented and disorganised submissions to the benefit of some candidates. This is not a practice which is expected to continue. The nature of evidence All those involved in the process are sometimes confused about what evidence is required to support the statements made in the narrative. The Exemplar Plans (EPs) provide a way of agreeing the type of evidence which will be submitted as a form of planning for the trainee and supervisor. In many cases, the evidence originally listed may not in fact be the best evidence to submit once the candidate develops the narrative. Where this is the case, advice should be sought from the Chief Supervisor. Assessors are expected to review the evidence submitted against the EP. Where minor discrepancies exist, they are able to exercise their judgement if an explanation is provided. Where no explanation and/or large discrepancies exist, the exemplar/Core Role will not be assessed until clarification is obtained. Both the spinal column and cake mix assume that only the evidence which is referenced in the narrative, which is necessary to support statements needs to be submitted as part of the portfolio evidence. In practice, many candidates for the Qualificationhave understandably started with a more ‘shopping trolley’ evidence presentation and have moved towards the toast rack. It is safe to say poor portfolios have remained in the toast rack area of development and do not have sufficient coherence or integration. A candidate should therefore consider what is useful evidence to support the claims to competency in a particular area; for example – what does a risk assessment report show – what elements of it are specifically meeting the different competencies within Core Role 1? This should be highlighted within the reflective report. Case studies are often used as a means to assist candidates in achieving a cake mix approach. An overall reflective report is still required to map aspects of the case studies to the Qualificationguidance. Assessing the Portfolio Guiding Principles: Each portfolio is unique to the individual and thus not amenable to standardization. The criteria can be used for both assessment and self assessment. A grade is to be awarded of ‘distinction’ - ‘competence demonstrated’ – ‘conditional pass’ – ‘competence not yet demonstrated’. The candidate and supervisor should be able to join these grades and feedback together to identify strengths and weaknesses for the practitioner for future professional practice and development. The purpose of the Qualificationis to evidence the practice of those in training to demonstrate that they are sufficiently competent to practice without supervision. It is not expected that trainees will have no weaknesses, nor developmental areas. Assessors must decide whether work is of an acceptable standard which would benefit from feedback, advice and guidance. In other words, the benchmark is “good enough” rather than “perfect” or “near perfect”: it is recognised that individuals will continue to develop. This judgement must be made across the Core Role, with strengths in certain areas able to compensate for weaknesses in others. A set of ‘criteria’ do exist. These are listed below: o Each Core Role must demonstrate around 90-110 days worth of practice diaries. Where this is not the case, the assessor must flag it in the assessment report. o Each Core Role must meet the majority of competencies. It is not possible to say that a certain % must be met as it is the quality of the overall submission, not merely meeting each competency, which is relevant. The emphasis, it will be recalled, is on the individual making an effective overall case for having demonstrated sufficient experience and mastery of the Core Role. o Where a competency is not attempted within an exemplar, this must have been agreed in advance and be evidenced by the exemplar plan. o The indicators within each competency in the guidance provide examples of the sort of content expected within the competency. They are not an exhaustive list, nor does a candidate have to meet a particular proportion of the indicators. Again – it is the quality of the submission overall, not the quantity of criteria hit. Substantial omissions may weaken the case for completion, but this principle also means that an arid, exhaustive “tick- box” approach is neither required nor appropriate. o Each submission must meet clerical and other presentational guidance. o Each submission must meet the standards of ethical practice. Concerns identified must be noted on the assessment report. Candidates may be asked to attend to such issues. In some cases, reference will be made to the supervisor regarding unethical practice. o Guidance states that the supervision log entries should be signed by the supervisor. If this is not the case, at the least an explanation as to why not, and a letter from the supervisor confirming the entries as accurate is required. Marking Criteria There are four levels of marks recognised by the British Psychological Society’s Statutes. As these are defined in the Society’s generic regulations, they must be adhered to by the Division of Forensic Psychology Board of Assessors. Distinction: Excellent work demonstrating the ability to work independently and competently across all of the competencies required for this Core Role. The exemplars (including the Practice Diary) demonstrate excellent organisation and provide a comprehensive illustration of how the candidate meets all of the requirements. Evidence that the candidate has employed a systematic approach to work undertaken and considered ethical issues. The Supervision Log, Practice Diary and summary statement all provide substantial evidence of reflective practice. Excellent presentation in accordance with the standards set. Competence Demonstrated: Satisfactory work demonstrating an adequate level of potential to work competently across the majority of competencies required for this Core Role. Work represented in the exemplar is clearly of a forensic nature and provides evidence of depth and breadth of experience. Evidence of reflective practice is provided through the supervision log and practice diary or summary statement. Ethical guidelines have been observed. Satisfactory presentation overall. Assessors may allow weaknesses in some competencies to be compensated for by other areas of strength. Conditional Pass: This mark is available only where clerical errors are identified, including issues such as signatures required on the supervision log; editing or clarification of tables; grammatical and typographical errors; referencing errors; any failure to anonymise third parties . The conditional pass work must be re-submitted within one month: hence recommendations for Conditional passes must be for clerical issues, and rectifiable within one month. Conditional passes are not designed for additional evidence collation/collection. Where this is wanted, the assessor should consider is it really needed? If yes, then a fail must be awarded. If it is not essential, it can be provided as a piece of advice and guidance as part of a pass report. Competence Not Yet Demonstrated: The work described in the exemplar is significantly flawed and demonstrates an inadequate level of competence. The following issues may be grounds for failure: Ignoring key areas for assessment and intervention (where such work is not to be carried out, it should at least be recognised as a need/limitation) Significant failure to observe ethical guidelines Significantly flawed research or evaluation designs Little or no evidence of reflective practice Significant deviations from the exemplar plan (without sufficient explanation) A lack of primary evidence (which can include the narrative account) Insufficient time over the Core Role (whilst some slippage exists for the amount of ‘days’ required for each exemplar within a Core Role, the rough guide of 3 months per exemplar remains) Presentation is poor and disorganised so that assessment is difficult. The following tables provide a framework for considering Core Role submissions. This is not intended to provide a marking scheme, but to assist in structuring the thinking of candidates, supervisors and assessors of the process of Core Role and practice completion. Some of these ‘criteria’ will be more relevant than others for certain competencies. For example, a candidate may well not demonstrate much ‘rationale’ in evidencing their relationship management (1.3) although they may well show an awareness of the goals and consequences of such relationship maintenance/importance. The grids aim to assist in holistic decision making about the Core Role submission to enable assessors to make an overall judgement about standard. CORE ROLE ONE Rationale: clarity, logic and relevance of reasoning and decisions including awareness of goals, options, consequences Sensitivity to contextual issues: awareness/incorporation of perspectives/concerns of clients/others. Situational and other influences and constraints. Ethical considerations Technical understanding & use of sources: accurate and appropriate identification and use of concepts, comparisons and procedures drawn from a range of well chosen primary & secondary sources/other expert knowledge Critical thinking: balanced & rigorous evaluation/synthesis of theoretical aspects, methodological issues and research evidence Creativity & independence of thought: original thinking in identifying, examining & integrating key issues and generating new insights Writing & presentation: in accordance with set out requirements, coherent structure, development of arguments, precise and lucid expression, professional standards of grammar, spelling etc Reflection: indications of learning incl awareness of whether aspects could have been handled better, making sense of experience, deriving implications for future practice Establishing requirement for/benefit of app/intervent. Planning of app/intervent Establish/develop maintain working rltnshps Implement app/intervention Direct implementation of app/intervention Evaluating results of app/interventions CORE ROLE TWO Rationale: clarity, logic and relevance of reasoning and decisions including awareness of goals, options, consequences Sensitivity to contextual issues: awareness/incorporation of perspectives/concerns of clients/others. Situational and other influences and constraints. Ethical considerations Technical understanding & use of sources: accurate and appropriate identification and use of concepts, comparisons and procedures drawn from a range of well chosen primary & secondary sources/other expert knowledge Critical thinking: balanced & rigorous evaluation/synthesis of theoretical aspects, methodological issues and research evidence Creativity & independence of thought: original thinking in identifying, examining & integrating key issues and generating new insights Writing & presentation: in accordance with set out requirements, coherent structure, development of arguments, precise and lucid expression, professional standards of grammar, spelling etc Reflection: indications of learning incl awareness of whether aspects could have been handled better, making sense of experience, deriving implications for future practice Designing psychological research activities Conducting psychological research activities Evaluating and analysing psychological research data CORE ROLE THREE Rationale: clarity, logic and relevance of reasoning and decisions including awareness of goals, options, consequences Sensitivity to contextual issues: awareness/incorporation of perspectives/concerns of clients/others. Situational and other influences and constraints. Ethical considerations Technical understanding & use of sources: accurate and appropriate identification and use of concepts, comparisons and procedures drawn from a range of well chosen primary & secondary sources/other expert knowledge Critical thinking: balanced & rigorous evaluation/synthesis of theoretical aspects, methodological issues and research evidence Creativity & independence of thought: original thinking in identifying, examining & integrating key issues and generating new insights Writing & presentation: in accordance with set out requirements, coherent structure, development of arguments, precise and lucid expression, professional standards of grammar, spelling etc Reflection: indications of learning incl awareness of whether aspects Promoting awareness of the actual and potential contribution s of applied psychological services Providing psychological advice to assist and inform problem solving and decision making Providing psychological advice to aid the formulation and implementation of policy Preparing and presenting evidence in formal settings Responding to informal requests for psychological information Providing feedback to clients could have been handled better, making sense of experience, deriving implications for future practice NB: Core Role 3 does not always have the coherence of the other Core Roles in terms of the cycle outlined at the start. Some of the columns might be mutually exclusive in a given piece of work – a Core Role 3 portfolio may be more of a spinal column than a cake mix.. Competencies/columns 2, 5 and 6 would generally be expected no matter what the specific application although competencies/columns 1, 3 and 4 may vary more in their delivery within the portfolio. CORE ROLE FOUR Identifying and analysing needs to improve or prepare for job performance Planning and design of training and development programmes Implementing training and development programmes Planning and implementing assessment procedures for training and development programmes Rationale: clarity, logic and relevance of reasoning and decisions including awareness of goals, options, consequences Sensitivity to contextual issues: awareness/incorporation of perspectives/concerns of clients/others. Situational and other influences and constraints. Ethical considerations Technical understanding & use of sources: accurate and appropriate identification and use of concepts, comparisons and procedures drawn from a range of well chosen primary & secondary sources/other expert knowledge Critical thinking: balanced & rigorous evaluation/synthesis of theoretical aspects, methodological issues and research evidence Creativity & independence of thought: original thinking in identifying, examining & integrating key issues and generating new insights Writing & presentation: in accordance with set out requirements, coherent structure, development of arguments, precise and lucid expression, professional standards of grammar, spelling etc Reflection: indications of learning incl awareness of whether aspects could have been handled better, making sense of experience, deriving implications for future practice References and Suggested Reading: Endacott, R., Gray, M., Jasper, K., McMullan, M., Scholes, J. and Webb, C. (2004) Using portfolios in the assessment of learning and competence: the impact of four models. Nurse Education in Practice 4, 4: 250-257. McMullan, M (2005) Competence and its assessment - a review of the literature. British Journal of Podiatry, May 2005; 8, 2: 49-52. McMullan, M (2008) Using portfolios for clinical practice learning and assessment: The pre-registration nursing student’s perspective. Nurse Education Today 28: 873-879. Webb, C., Endacott, R., Gray, M., McMullan, M., Miller, C. and Scholes, J (2002) Models of Portfolios. Medical Education 36, 10: 897-898 Webb, C., Endacott, R., Gray, M., McMullan, M. and Scholes, J. (2003) Evaluating portfolio assessment systems: what are the appropriate criteria? Nurse Education Today 23, 8: 600-609