The castle of Arquà, built in 1146, is one of the few Italian buildings

The castle of Arquà, built in 1146, is one of the few Italian buildings inscribed in both lists of
castles and historic residences. The medieval architecture is the most important and well-preserved
in the Province of Rovigo. It’s also the only evidence of a large group of fortified buildings in
defence of the area along the Canal Bianco.
The castle of Arquà was built thanks to the will of Guglielmo III Marchesella, member of
Adelardi’s dynasty and Lord of Ferrara, to contrast the rival family of Este who was pressing for
the conquest of Rovigo’s territory. In 1187, the stronghold and the Polesine area passed under the
ownwership of Este family and after two centuries, in 1395 , they were given to the Republic of
Venice in security for a loan asked by the Duke of Ferrara Nicolò III.
Between 1438 and 1482 the territories returned under the ruling of Estensi’s family, bur Venice got
definitively the power over them after “ The war of salt” in 1484.
Under the rule of Venetian Republic all the fortifications were demolished with the exception of
the castle of Arquà . Thanks to its important position on the boundary area between Venice and
Ferrara it was preserved and transformed into an elegant noble residence by Diedo family who
bought it in the XVI century. One of the guard towers was pulled down and inner room were
decorated with frescoes
The last owner of the building was the Treves family who, in 1987, sold the castle to the
Municipality that moved its offices inside its rooms after long and exellent restoring works.
The castle stands on a large area still surrounded by a moat . The entrance is possible passing
through a massive bridge and a round ashlar- arch under the main body of the building to whom
was added, in the XVII century, a barchessa whose portico has got 13 arches supported by doric
columns. The barchessa’s rooms were originally turned into cattlesheds, stables and granaries.
The residential estate is characterized by a four-storey crenellated tower made of regular bricks. The
XII century tower is 26,10 mt high and each floor has got vault windows. A document dating back
to 1377 shows the presence of a second tower which was later eliminated.
The rooms of the castle are covered with frescos illustrating the history of Diedo’s family,
mythological scenes and many allegories with references to Christian and Bible’s iconography. The
most important room is decorated with scenes of Fetonte’s life whose story ended trgically in the
river Po not far from Arquà.
On t he wa y out of the cent re st ands a XV cent ur y shoot i n g l odge. Al bert o V of
Es t e had i t bui l t fol l owi ng m odel s of rural ar chi t ect ur e i n Fer rar a P rovi nce:
t he wal l s m ade of bri cks wi t h a l arge i n cl i ned base and a dent i cul at i on under
t he roof.
In 1850,
a rom ant i c ga rden was c r eat ed. It was enri c hed wi t h di fferent
ki nd s of pal nt s and t rees, bri d ges, grot t oes, ol d rui ns and a l i t t l e got hi c t ower.
The boundar y wal l dat es back t o t he XV III c ent u r y and ac cordi ng t o a l e gend a
s ecret und er ground passa ge conn ect ed t he l odge wi t h t he ca st l e.
In 1412 Ni col ò III sol d t he bui l di ng t o t he nobl e Andrea Duraz z o. Duri ng t he
XV I c ent ur y i t w as enl ar ged wi t h t he c onst ruct i on of t wo wi ngs on t he el evat ed
fl oor. Aft er t hi s cha nge t he l odge beca m e m ore si m i l ar t o a n obl e resi dence an d
was oc cupi ed b y di f ferent fam i l i es. Du r i ng t he s econd W orl d W ar t he resi den c e
was s eri ous l y dam a ged. In 1968, t h e ar chi t ect C anat o, who i s t he pres ent owne r
and t enant , di d re st orat i on works whi c h have b rou ght t he l odge t o t h e ori gi na l
s pl endour.