September 24, 2009

Montcalm Land Use Coalition
September 24, 2009
Present: S. Michael Scott, Bryan Fowler, Paul Johnson, George Atkeson, Bruce Noll, Alvin Rush, David
McCrackin, Ralph Harrington, Franz Mogdis, Ed Hansen, Linda Huyck, John Johansen, and Don
Chairman John Johansen called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Bruce Noll moved to approve agenda, Ralph Harrington supported; motion approved.
Public Comments
No public comments.
Minutes of the April 23, 2009 coalition meeting and Executive Committee of September 14, 2009 were
distributed. Michael Scott moved to approve, supported by Bruce Noll; motion approved.
Officer’s Reports
John Johansen reported on funding changes in Land Use Educator’s position in the 2010 budget.
COGG Report
George Atkeson reported That COGG’s kickoff meeting was held last week and was well attended. Franz
Mogdis gave details of the Montcalm Countywide Transit Initiative which is proposing the “Montcalm
Ride” transportation system. They are working to promote a countywide millage to fund the system.
Details are at
Montcalm County Planning Commission
Franz Mogdis reported that the Planning Commission is discussing ways to support countywide
development initiatives.
Officer’s Elections
Paul Johnson moved to continue with present officers of John Johansen, Chair; Bruce Noll, Vice Chair;
and Don Smucker, Secretary; George Atkeson supported; motion approved.
Future Schedule and Program Plans
Meeting Date
Bruce Noll moved to change our regular meeting date to the third Thursday, Franz Mogdis supported;
motion approved.
Issues that might be considered for programs were discussed. Animal agriculture legislation, abandoned
properties and land tax classification were identified as important issues. Paul Johnson recommended that
Scott Everett be considered as a speaker on current land preservation issues, and also stated that his son
Chris would be a resource on water and manure management issues.
The following schedule and speakers were identified to consider:
January 21, Current Rural Land Use Issues, Bruce Noll to contact possible speakers.
February 18, Community Change and the New Economy, Linda Huyck to conduct Dave Ivan as speaker.
March 18, Economic Growth Plan for Montcalm County’s Future, Franz Mogdis to coordinate with the
County Planning Commission, Farm Bureau, Montcalm Alliance, and Montcalm Township Association.
This is to be our large group meeting held at MCC.
April 15, Ag Land Preservation: Current Status, Don Smucker to contact Scott Everett as speaker.
Don Smucker reported that our funds balance is $13.27. John Johansen to follow up with Patsy Harkness
regarding Farm Bureau support.
Meeting Rooms
Franz Mogdis to schedule meetings on MAISD calendar.
Next Meeting
January 21, 2010, MAISD at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted
Don Smucker