(NPO – 033-194)
The South African National Community Theatre Association (SANCTA) - (formerly
known as Sanata - constituted 7th October 2000) - the Official South African
National Representative of AITA/IATA (the International Amateur Theatre
Association) since 27TH July 2001.
1.1 The Association is a non - profit association existing for the benefit of its members.
The organisation may not give any of its money or property to its members or office
bearers. The only time it can do this is when it pays for work that a member or office
bearer has done for the organisation. The payment must be a reasonable amount for the
work that has been done.
1.2 The Association has a website
1.3 The address of the Association shall be c/o N McDonald, P O Box 659, Allensnek,
To set up a national body to represent all non - professional persons connected to the
theatrical arts in terms of our mandate from IATA and to practice the arts in the true
national and international spirit as indicated by IATA and its members.
1. To maintain an infrastructure which will provide a platform and forum to cater for all
non-professional persons practising any aspect of the theatrical arts.
2. To obtain national representation by whatever means deemed expedient as speedily as
possible and build up a national membership to obtain credibility and demonstrate the
fact that we are the national representative body of IATA, recognised as such.
3. By providing a platform and forum and becoming the national spokesperson in all
matters pertaining to national arts regarding our status with Government, NGO's and
professional theatre managements, with particular emphasis on funding and providing
members with information on how to obtain possible funding.
4. Endeavour to obtain a permanent theatrical home with office and theatrical storage
facilities at minimal costs.
5. Maintain close ties with IATA and other International members, as well as any local
organisations to further our aims.
6. Upgrade and maintain our website as a fully automated national and international
7. To ultimately allow the setting up of provincial bodies to which it will not dictate so
long as such bodies follow the Constitution and spirit of SANCTA and IATA.
a.) Until a Provincial body becomes self-sufficient it is to be controlled by the National
b.) Provinces must recruit their own members. Provinces may retain 75% of their
membership fees, with the remaining 25% being remitted to National funds.
c.) National Executive shall assist with the setting up of Provincial bodies, providing
financial and administrative assistance.
d.) All fund-raising proposals and accounts must be submitted to the National body, as it
holds the Registered NPO number.
8. To raise funds for any of the above purposes.
9. To establish and maintain regular newsletter communications.
A. A non – professional person is one who does not earn their living, or a significant part
thereof, from the performing arts.
B. A professional person is one who earns their living, or a significant part thereof, from
the performing arts
SANCTA is a completely multi-cultural body and will not discriminate in any way in terms of sexual
orientation, gender or race. It will also not interfere or dictate to such members regarding the
running of their affairs, types of production etc., as long as they follow the Constitution and spirit of
All new membership applications and membership renewals must be submitted in writing, together
with a copy of their Constitution in the case of A Group membership, and seconded by an existing
member, together with their membership fees, to the SANCTA Exco. They will be admitted as
members in terms of the Constitution, at the discretion of Exco.
Membership will cease if the fees are in arrears at an AGM or a person resigns in writing
or dies, or, if it is felt that a member is not upholding the Constitution and spirit of
SANCTA and IATA or is bringing the organisations into disrepute, as determined by the
1. Group membershipA. An organisation or society involved in the performing arts that’s has a
minimum of 5 members and a basic Constitution.
B. A registered educational institution from secondary school upwards.
C. Youth Groups – being any group aimed at juveniles (under the age of 20)
whose function it is to uplift said juveniles and includes the performing arts
in its programmes.
2. Individual membership - any non-professional individual with an active interest in
the arts
3. Honorary (Professional) membership – any professional individual with an interest
in Sancta, either historically or for the purpose of contributing to the ideals of the
organisation on a voluntary basis. They may only receive remuneration where they
have specifically been contracted for a project.
4. Honorary Patronage- Any person, professional or non – professional whom
SANCTA believes has served or can serve SANCTA and is deserving of such
5. Special membership – valid for a period of 6 months at the discretion of Exco and
rules pertaining to each case.
2.2.1 Membership fees to be determined by the Executive and ratified by a simple
majority at an Annual General Meeting.
2.2.2 Irrespective of changes in membership or office bearers, the organisation shall
continue to exist
2.3.1 At any meetings, other than committee meetings, only fully paid up members as at
the date of the meeting are eligible to vote.
2.3.2 A Group member can have two votes and individual members one vote. Nominated
representatives must be present or represented by proxy.
2.3.3 Honorary Patrons may have one vote.
2.3.4 The Chairperson has a deliberative and casting vote at any meeting.
2.3.5 Committee members have one vote each at committee meetings.
2.3.6. Professional members will have no voting rights but may attend Annual General
Meetings for the purposes of contributing ideas and expertise.
2.4.1 In order to be a committee member, individuals must be paid up members or
provide proof that they are a paid up members of a member group.
2.4.2 The National Executive Committee shall consist of a minimum of four members,
including the following office bearers:
(a) National Chairperson
(b) National Vice Chairperson
(c) National Treasurer
(d) National Secretary,
and Provincial Representatives.
The National Executive may establish sub-committees as deemed necessary, for
example: constitutional and IATA sub-committees.
2.4.3 Provincial Committees
(a) Each province will have its own provincial committee with its own Chairperson,
Secretary, Treasurer, etc., and will nominate a representative to the National Executive.
(b) Any province may affiliate a sub-group from within the province with their own
2.4.4 Rules pertaining to the formation of committees
i) No person can be on the Executive or in an elected position for longer than three years,
unless specifically voted in for one more year only at an Annual General Meeting.
(ii) All members of any committee perform on a non - paid voluntary basis.
(iii) No more than two persons can be nominated by a Group member from that Group to
stand on the National Executive Committee. In the event of a vacancy occurring after
election, no more than 40% of any committee can be comprised from one Group, unless
the current members were appointed in their individual capacities.
(iv) All committee members must be nominated and seconded and provide a short
résumé on themselves. These must be received within the specified notice period for the
meeting at which they seek election.
(v) In the event of there being too many applications in total for an Executive position or
a particular post, a vote will be taken and the Chairperson will have the casting vote.
(vi) The National Executive and Provincial Representatives must be nominated for and
elected into position at the respective Annual General Meeting. All other posts and sub
committees are to be nominated for and elected as and when required.
(vi) No member attending an AGM or Special Meeting may hold more than two proxies.
The financial year shall end on 30th September and audited financial statements shall be
prepared for approval at the Annual General Meeting
The books of the Association must be regularly maintained and available for inspection
upon a written request to the Executive. A bank account must be maintained and all
withdrawals must be sanctioned at committee meetings. The Chairperson, Treasurer and
one Executive Member shall have signing powers and all withdrawals must have two
The assets of the Association may not be encumbered and no loans,guarantees or
sureties may be sanctioned by the Executive.
Any grants obtained must be kept in separate bank accounts and accounted for and
audited separately in the annual accounts.
4.1 Annual General Meeting
This must be held within fifteen months after the inaugural meeting of 7 October 2000 by
the Executive and annually thereafter. There shall not be a period of more than fifteen
months between Annual General Meetings.
A notice period of one month must be given, giving formal notice of the meeting, date,
place and time, a provisional agenda and proxy arrangements. Should persons wish to
have items placed on the agenda, said request or motion should be returned to the
Chairperson no less than two weeks prior to the meeting. Thereafter a final agenda will
be circulated.
A quorum shall consist of 60% of the members present or represented by proxy. (A proxy
must be signed and witnessed.) If there is not a quorum at a meeting after half an hour
from the scheduled start, it will be adjourned for two weeks. The members present or
represented by proxy at the reconvened meeting will form a quorum.
Reports by all members of the Executive must be tabled and a full set of financial
accounts presented at an Annual General Meeting.
4.2 Special General Meeting
This can be called by the Executive themselves or if so desired on request of at least 60%
of the paid-up members to the Executive.
A notice period of three weeks must be given and a formal notice of the meeting,
including date, place, time, subject matter and proxy arrangements must be given. The
meeting must be called for a specific purpose and only that matter can be discussed at
the meeting.
A quorum shall consist of 60% of the members present or represented by proxy. (A proxy
must be signed and witnessed.)
4.3 National Executive Committee Meeting
National Executive Committee meetings must be held initially on a monthly basis and
thereafter at the discretion of the Executive. No less than four meetings must be held
each year. A quorum shall be 60% and all meetings will chaired by the National
Chairperson, or in his absence, the Vice Chairperson, or, in his absence, the members
present shall elect a Chairperson for the meeting. A report from each section of the
Executive must be tabled at each meeting. Where necessary, heads of sub-committees
shall attend to give reports. All committee members have equal votes, except the
Chairperson who has a deliberate and a casting vote.
Any committee member who misses three meetings without advice of absence, will have
their committee membership terminated.
The Constitution may only be amended with the approval of 75% of paid up members
present or represented by proxy at the next Annual General Meeting or a Special General
Meeting convened specifically for that purpose and with proper notice having been given
of the proposed changes.
6.1 No member of any SANCTA Committee shall be legally liable towards any person or
body by reason of any act of that Committee unless such act was performed ultra vires
the powers of the Committee or the authority given to members of that Committee
6.2.1 The organisation shall exist in its own right, separately from members
6.2.2. The organisation shall be able to own property and other assets
.6.2.3 The organisation may be able to sue or be sued in its own name.
6.2.4 Members or office bearers of the organisation do not have rights over the assets of
the organisation by virtue of their being members or office bearers.
The dissolution of this body can only be done by a special general meeting called
specifically for that purpose at which 80% of the membership shall be present.
A quorum shall represent 80% of the members present or by proxy. If there is not a
quorum at a meeting after half an hour from the scheduled start, it will be adjourned for
two weeks. The members present or represented by proxy at the reconvened meeting will
form a quorum.
It must be ensured that the financial accounts are up to date, all assets are accounted for
and any liabilities settled.
Thereafter, the assets will be dissolved and any remaining cash and assets are to be
given to a like-minded body as decided upon by the members present.
Constitutional Status
This constitution was originally drawn up effective 7th October 2000. At the Annual
general meeting on 17th November 2001, it was amended, ratified and adopted as the
official constitution of SANCTA.
This constitution has been amended to meet legal NPO requirements and ratified at the
Committee meeting on 8th November 2003.These changes have now been incorporated
into this revised constitution.
This Constitution has been updated and has been ratified and adopted as the official
constitution of SANCTA at the AGM held on 27th November 2010.