SDAD Board meeting Held at the SDAD Center Friday, January 13, 2006 The SDAD Board meeting came to order at 7:05PM with the following Board members present: President Tom Kober; Vice President Kevin Barber; Secretary David Dahle; Treasurer Jane Souhrada; At-large members Bettie Carlson, Larry Puthoff, and Ken Breslow Absent were Mike Kane and Mark Koterwski (excused). Approximately 20 members and guests were present during the meeting. Agenda: Tom Kober had one addition to the agenda under the President’s report – Third auditor Kevin Barber (Jane Souhrada) moved to accept the agenda as revised. Passed. Minutes of previous Board meeting: The minutes were reviewed and Jane Souhrada moved that the minutes be approved as read. Public Input: (refer to attachment at end) Treasurer’s Report: The reports for the last few months were passed out, and Jane mentioned 2 large deposits (SDAD Conference and donation from NFSD #74) and one large bill (SDAD Holiday dinner) Larry Puthoff (Kevin Barber) moved to approve the treasurer report. Passed. Officer and Board reports: President: SDSD Advisory Board (Ken Breslow) – there was MUCH confusion on the meeting date – could have been a deliberate effort to limit participation from outside people? There was much heated discussion at this meeting; particularly centering on SDSD’s mission statement on paper versus actual practice; it is felt the Advisory board is now just a rubber stamp for the administration. VR / SILC Boards – discussion on new order of selection system – deaf will not be affected by it Outreach program – SDAD needs to have a booth for Disability Awareness Day at Pierre on 2/22 Legislative issues: One bill to use surplus funds from relay fund to buy assistive equipment for the deaf (Rationale: avoid surprise diversion of funds such as 2005 bill to cover implants) Second bill covers changes to interpreter evaluation / licensing (Rationale: reflecting changes in testing at national level) Coalition meeting: (Interpreters) Much heated discussion regarding upcoming bill on updating testing requirements Surprise move by interpreters – hiring former legislator as lobbyist and showing up en masse instead of just sending representatives Meeting with Senator Tim Johnson: Tim Johnson visited with President Kober regarding relay service (in re: Argus Leader article on abuse of Relay by hearing people) – President Kober informed him that from the deaf side, everything is fine! Senator Johnson was also surprised to find out that SDAD was NOT consulted before the article was published and he said he would follow up accordingly. Recreation Center decision: Since Jane is no longer working for CSD, the pull tabs fund has been deposited in the bank and the one remaining game is suspended until further notice. Third auditor: President Kober has found a third person willing to be SDAD auditor – Greg Gunderson TTY directory – a quick question on how many have been ordered in the past? Not sure! Vice President: Calendar – distribution has been completed – for those still wanting a paper copy, see him The 2005 Holiday Dinner and also the New Years’ Eve party went very well. Kevin gave a summary of who will be hosting upcoming SDAD events. The Games Committee will be called to a meeting soon. Secretary: Purchased Windows XP CD; found Office XP CDs jammed into one binder – all set now! Treasurer: 81 members so far for 2006 – goal is 300. President Kober asked for a 5-minute break at 8:10, the meeting actually resumed at 8:20. Board member-at-large reports: (no reports) Committee reports: 2007 SDAD Conference: (Jennifer Willey) Dates for conference are June 21-24, 2007 (Thursday-Saturday) If anyone has ideas, feedback for planning out the conference, see her. Finance: (Larry Puthoff for David Soukup) Committee met on January 6th, 2006. Committee is about halfway done reviewing the Rec Center policy – will present changes to Board for approval when done. Regarding the SFAD request for $500, suggested that SDAD match any money SFAD raises up to $500. Education: (Ken Breslow) The biggest need at this time is training for parents to be able to advocate for their children – if they know their rights, then they have the power to get a better education for their children. Technology: (Kevin Barber) There is an issue as to the webmaster’s status as he is no longer with CSD… waiting for more info BHAD had not yet followed through with information needed for the link on SDAD’s website. SDAD Programs: (Larry Puthoff) The content of his report was already shared under President’s report and Finance report No reports from Hall of Fame, Law, Miss Deaf SD, or NAD Delegates. New business: 1. Larry Puthoff (Kevin Barber) moved to accept Greg Gunderson as the third auditor. Passed. 2. Jane Souhrada (Ken Breslow) moved that SDAD buy 50 T-shirts with logo, and to sell at $15 each. Dave Dahle (Kevin Barber) amended that the shirts be blue polo shirts and sold for $20 each. Amendment and main proposal passed. 3. Ken Breslow (Larry Puthoff) moved that SDAD purchase 50 V-neck T-shirts in blue and sell those at $15 each. Passed. 4. Kevin Barber (Bettie Carlson) moved to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendation to match SFAD’s fundraising efforts up to $500. Passed. 5. Kevin Barber (Bettie Carlson) moved to suggest to the Legislature that the language in SB 36 be modified to preserve the existing size and makeup of the interpreter evaluation panel. Passed. 6. Ken Breslow (Larry Puthoff) moved that the first instance of “may” in Section 1-36A-12 in SB 36 be changed to “shall”. Passed. 7. Kevin Barber (Larry Puthoff) moved that Legislative bill HB 1039 be passed in its present form. Passed. 8. Ken Breslow (Bettie Carlson) moved that SDAD provide the resources necessary for parents of deaf and hard of hearing children in SD to be better advocates for their children regardless of the educational setting. Passed. (Tom Kober asked Kevin Barber to take over the meeting so Tom could be involved in the discussion on this issue, and once the proposal passed, Tom Kober and Kevin Barber switched back to their original roles) 9. Larry Puthoff (Kevin Barber) moved that New Business be closed. Passed Meeting adjourned at 9:18 PM. Our next meeting is to be held on April 28/29th, 2006 at Rapid City. Respectfully submitted, David Dahle Secretary Attachment – Public Input Mark Johnson: Mark shared concerns regarding handicapped parking spots outside the center – the lines have faded and the placement of the sign can be confusing. Tom Kober responded that he will forward those comments to CSD (to be addressed by the Facilities department) Ed Reitz: Ed asked if we are aware of the ongoing conditions at SDSD? Tom Kober responded that Ken Breslow is going to give a report under Educational Committee.