BIODEEP (EVK3-2000-00042) First year Scientific Report WP2 – ANNEX Contribution of Partner 9: UP SEDIMENT GEOCHEMISTRY Sediment Core BCO2 obtained from Discovery Basin was analyzed for Ca, Al, Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu, Pb, Li, Co and Ba. The bulk and the HCl – soluble concentrations of these elements were determined. Methodology Sample preparation and analysis The sediment samples were ground with a pestle and mortar prior to analysis. For the bulk analysis the samples were completely digested in a mixture of HF, HNO 3 and HClO4. Final solutions in 1M HCl, were analyzed on a Perkin – Elmer 2100 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Accuracy was checked using international standard reference materials and was better than ±5%. Analytical precision based on replicate analyses was generally better than ±5%. For the HCl – soluble fraction analysis 0.5 g of sediment powder was placed in beakers and 6 N HCl was added (5 ml). Samples were then covered with a watch glass and put on a hot plate at 90°C for 3.5 h, until a yellow-orange colour was obtained. The HCl-leaching method was applied in order to isolate the silicate-aluminosilicate fraction of the sediments. HCl dissolves the carbonates, the interstitial water evaporates together with some colloidal iron and also removes elements from ion-exchange position. Also, the HCl dissolves manganese and iron crystalline oxides and partially attacks clay minerals including iron clay nontronite. The residue from the HCl attack consists of resistant silicates and aluminosilicates. On cooling the samples were filtered with Millipore membrane filters (0.45 μm) and were made up to 25 ml. All reagents were of analytical grade commercially obtained from Merck. Samples were analyzed applying flame atomic absorption techniques, using the Perkin Elmer 2001 atomic absorption spectrophotometer and the working conditions were those suggested by the manufacture. Multipoint calibration was applied in all cases using working standards prepared daily coming from the dilution of the ready to use Merck stock standards for atomic absorption spectroscopy. On the basis of replicate analyses the analytical precision was better than ±5%. Results and Discussion Summary statistics on analytical data are given in Table 1, while Table 2 shows the correlation coefficients among the elements bulk concentrations. Figures 1 and 3 to 9 show the vertical variability of the element concentrations, while figure 2 shows the vertical variability of HCl – soluble Mn. BIODEEP (EVK3-2000-00042) First year Scientific Report Table 1 Summary Statistics on analytical data of sediment core BCO2 - Discovery Basin Variable FE AL CA CO PB LI CU NI BA MN Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum 3.65 6.93 12.53 22.43 30.11 64.89 85.25 94.91 378.27 526.16 .50 1.80 5.85 7.99 21.21 13.54 22.07 15.70 271.79 85.26 2.55 4.53 3.35 11 4 41 49 63 111 339 5.13 13.90 25.03 56 81 93 142 146 1323 663 N Units 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 % ppm % % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm Table 2 Correlation Coefficients among the element concentrations in sediment core BCO2 - Discovery Basin AL AL BA CA CO FE CU LI MN PB NI 1,0000 ,3888** -,5407** ,1585 ,6193** ,5536** ,4752** -,0664 ,4494** ,2662 * - Signif. LE ,05 LI MN PB NI LI 1,0000 ,1341 ,6221** ,6321** * - Signif. LE ,05 BA 1,0000 -,6855** ,0843 ,5055** ,5741** ,3665* -,3507* ,5976** ,1106 CA 1,0000 -,3702* -,8152** -,7984** -,7738** ,1815 -,7961** -,4542** ** - Signif. LE ,01 MN 1,0000 * -,2640 ,4779** PB 1,0000 ,5434** ** - Signif. LE ,01 CO 1,0000 ,4267** ,4524** ,3465* ,1293 ,6405** ,7243** FE 1,0000 ,6140** ,7668** ,2118 ,6869** ,6065** CU 1,0000 ,4226** -,2893 ,6962** ,3113* (2-tailed) NI 1,0000 (2-tailed) On the basis of the vertical variability of the element concentrations the following distinct geochemical units are recognized in Discovery Basin: the upper sedimentary layer with high concentrations of Fe, Cu, Ba and Cr and low concentrations of Mn, Ca and Mg; the lower part of the core with lower concentrations of Fe, Cu, Ba and Cr and higher concentrations of Mn, Ca and Mg. At 19-21 cm depth a distinct thin sediment horizon occurs which is characterized by Fe, Mn, Co, Ni Cr and Al enrichments. At 23-24 cm depth there is a major Ca peak, which coincides with minima in Cu, Mn Ni, Li and Cr. The HCl – soluble Mn tends to decrease from the deeper to the shallower sediments suggesting that the process leading to the anoxic conditions become more intense towards the present. However this process was interrupted by a number of important geochemical events (i.e. at 19-21 cm, 23-24 cm). Partition geochemichal analysis and the application of statistical analysis are used to deduce the prevailing environmental conditions during these events. BIODEEP (EVK3-2000-00042) First year Scientific Report Iron The mean Fe value is lower compared with the mean Fe value reported for eastern Mediterranean deep sea sediments. Fe increases in the upper sediments although its highest concentration was found at 20 cm depth. Most of Fe is soluble in HCl. It is noted that the HCl-soluble Fe at 20 cm is markedly lower compared with the remaining horizons indicating that Fe there is present in a more stable phase. Also Fe/Al ratio there shows a low. BULK Fe (%) 0,00 0 10 Depth (%) 20 30 40 50 60 70 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 6,00 Figure 1:Vertical variability of bulk Fe BIODEEP (EVK3-2000-00042) First year Scientific Report Manganese The mean value of Mn is lower compared with its mean value given for eastern Mediterranean sediments. Mn shows significant variability in its vertical distribution. However, it is clear that overall it tends to decrease towards the upper sediments. Mn shows a distinct peak at 20 cm depth. Most of Mn is suluble in HCl. However at 20 cm depth a significant portion of Mn (20%) is present in the HCl-insoluble fraction of the sediments Mn/Al ratio there is also low. HCl - SOLUBLE Figure 2: Vertical variability of HCl – soluble Mn Mn (ppm) 0 0 10 Depth (cm) 20 30 40 50 60 70 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 BIODEEP (EVK3-2000-00042) First year Scientific Report Aluminium Aluminium concentration levels are within the range reported for eastern Mediterranean sediments, except for certain horizons, such as 6 cm, 14 cm, 20 cm where Al is markedly enriched. Weal Al peaks are also observed at 30 cm and 50 cm depth. Generally most Al (> 60% and in certain layers >90%) is present in the HCl-soluble fraction. By contrast, at 14 cm and 20 cm depth 67.48% and 53.87% of Al respectively are held in the HCl - insoluble fraction. Similarly elevated amounts of Al are present in the HCl-insoluble fraction of the other Al-rich horizons. BULK Al (%) 0,00 0 10 Depth (cm) 20 30 40 50 60 70 2,00 4,00 6,00 8,00 10,00 12,00 14,00 16,00 Figure 3: Vertical variability of bulk Al BIODEEP (EVK3-2000-00042) First year Scientific Report Lithium In the lower part of the core Li is within the range reported for eastern Mediterranean sediments, while at certain horizons (i.e. 5-9 cm, 15 cm, 20 cm, 24 cm, 2731 cm) Li exceeds this range. The vertical variability of Li shows clearly its tendency to increase towards the recent sediments. Most of Li is present in the HCl-soluble fraction. BULK Li (ppm) 0 0 10 Depth (cm) 20 30 40 50 60 70 20 40 60 80 100 Figure 4: Vertical variability of bulk Li BIODEEP (EVK3-2000-00042) First year Scientific Report Copper and Lead Copper and Pb exhibit similar vertical variability. Below 40 cm their values are low remaining almost constant, whereas above this depth both metals have higher values exhibiting significatn variability. Their geochemical variability is also similar with that of Fe. The majority of Pb is held in the HCl-soluble fraction, whereas in the case of Cu at certain layers significant proportion of Cu is present in the HCl-insoluble fraction (i.e. at 14 cm 65.96%). BULK Cu (ppm) 0 0 10 Depth (cm) 20 30 40 50 60 70 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Figure 5: Vertical variability of bulk Cu BIODEEP (EVK3-2000-00042) First year Scientific Report BULK Pb (ppm) 0 0 10 Depth (cm0 20 30 40 50 60 70 20 40 60 80 100 Figure 6: Vertical variability of bulk Pb BIODEEP (EVK3-2000-00042) First year Scientific Report Cobalt The concentration levels of Co are generally lower compared with its concentration in eastern Mediterranean sediments. A characteristic peak of Co is observed at 21 cm depth. Overall the majority of Co is held in the HCl-soluble fraction. BULK Co (ppm) 0 0 10 Depth (cm) 20 30 40 50 60 70 10 20 30 40 50 60 Figure 7: Vertical variability of bulk Co BIODEEP (EVK3-2000-00042) First year Scientific Report Nickel The geochemical behaviour of Ni shows similarities with that of Co with a distinct peak at 20 cm depth. As in the case of Co it is noted that between 17 cm and 22 cm a symmetric pattern is obtained. The majority of Ni is present in the HCl-soluble fraction. However at 19 cm and 23 cm a significatn portion of Ni is held in the HCl - insoluble fraction (30,19% and 35,13% respectively). BULK Ni (ppm) 0 0 10 Depth (cm) 20 30 40 50 60 70 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Figure 8: Vertical variability of bulk Ni BIODEEP (EVK3-2000-00042) First year Scientific Report Barium Barium exhibits very characteristic enrhicments at certain horizons in the upper part of the sediment core (i.e. at 7 cm, 16 cm depth). The majority of Ba at these horizons is present in the HCl-insoluble fraction suggesting its presence in a resistant form, in contrast to the case of many other elements (i.e. Fe, Mn, Al). Below 25 cm depth Ba values are much lower and less variable compared with the upper part of the core (0-25 cm). In the later part, Ba exhibits significant variability. BULK Figure 9: Vertical variability of bulk Ba Ba (ppm) 0 0 10 Depth (cm) 20 30 40 50 60 70 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 BIODEEP (EVK3-2000-00042) First year Scientific Report The Fe, Mn, Ni and Co enrichments encountered at 18-22 cm dept would suggest an important change of the environmental conditions during the period represented by this sediment horizon. The distinct gradual increase of the above metal concentrations from the outer part to the central part of the layer would suggest that there has been a gradual change of the environmental conditions: first becoming more favorable for the incorporation of the metals and secondly becoming less favorable but with the same rate of changing. This is evinced by the symmetric shape of the geochemical anomaly observed at 20 cm depth. Below 42 cm no significant variability of Mn is observed suggesting no significant changes in the Eh-pH conditions. By contrast the clear tendency observed for the HCl soluble Mn to decrease above this depth would suggest that Eh conditions tend to decrease towards the present, allowing only limited amounts of Mn to be incorporated in the sediments. On the other hand such conditions allow the formation of sulphides in the presence of H2S. The increase of bulk Fe in the upper 15 cm of the core relative to its lower part (below 42 cm) suggests that Fe may precipitate as Fe – sulphide. This will be investigated further by SEM studies. However, this similar vertical variability of metals usually associated with Fe-sulphides, such as Cu and Pb, with marked enrichments in the upper than in the lower part of the core support the formation of Fe-sulphides. Lithium known as a characteristic lithogenic element usually expresses along with Al the variability of aluminosilicates. However, it has been reported that Li is leached out of sediments after their compression in the subduction zones. The increase of bulk Li towards the present in the Bannock sediments indicates the increase in the rate of its release and in turn the relative rate of formation of the brines. In addition, the strong variability of Li above 40 cm with distinct peaks at 26-30 cm and 21 cm, indicate the strong variability in the amoutn of leachates released from the sediments. The above is consistent with the Li-Al associations in the bulk sediments and their HCl - soluble fraction. Both bulk and HCl-soluble Li shows only a weak positive correlation with Al, ink contrast to the strong positive correlation observed in normal sediments. CONCLUSIONS 1. The vertical variability of the elements studied in a Discovery Basin sediment Core suggests that during the time represented by the sediment layers occurring below 40cm no significant geochemical variability took place. 2. Above 40 cm there have been important geochemical changes, which become more intense towards the present. These geochemical changes are related to the rate of the dynamic physical evolution of the basin. 3. The decrease of Mn towards the more recent sediments would suggest a parallel decrease of Eh values towards the present. 4. During the time represented by 18 – 22 cm layer there has been an important physical event, which led to the enrichment of Al, Fe, Li, Mn, Co, Ni. 5. Although the metal enrichments at 18 – 22 cm occur in a very thin sediment horizon the symmetric element geochemical anomalies observed at 20cm suggest a gradual changing in the environmental conditions including the rate of incorporation of the metals in the sediments. 6. Similar results of another significant physical event are recognized at 28-32 cm depth (enrichments in Al, Fe, Li, Mn, Co, Ni). 7. At 23 cm depth the geochemical results of the physical event which gave rice to the formation of this horizon are different from those observed at 18-22 cm and 28-32 cm. In BIODEEP (EVK3-2000-00042) First year Scientific Report contrast to the above cases, here Ca exhibits marked enrichments, whereas Cu, Mn, Ni and Li show depletions. 8. Barium, a known biogenic element, in contrast to most of the other elements studied, is mostly held in the more resistant fraction). It increases in the more recent sediments exhibiting characteristic peaks at 16 cm and 7 cm depth. Interestingly at both depths Ba anomalies have similar asymmetric shape, with gradual increase from the older to the younger sediments just below 7 and 16 cm, and a sudden decrease just above these depths. FURTHER WORK Scanning Electron Microscope work (SEM) will be carried out for determining the geochemical phases present in the metal rich horizons (i.e. 20cm, 18 – 22cm, 28 – 32cm). On the basis of the above data an abstract was submitted for presentation at the Second International Conference on "Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea: Similarities and Differences of Two Interconnected Basins": S.P. Varnavas, C. Corselli, D. Panagiotaras, E. Malinverno, G.J. de Lange, J. Thomson, T.Tselepidis - EVOLUTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS IN EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN ANOXIC BASINS