German 102: Winter 2006-7 Prof. Lisa Seidlitz, Ph.D. Office: Denkmann 111; phone 7657 Office hours: Thursday 1-3 and by appointment Café hours: Tuesday 9-11 In this course, you will continue to develop your ability to read, listen to, write and speak German and you will learn about the cultures of the German-speaking countries. You will learn to speak about your daily routines and free time, express opinions and preferences, make commands, give reasons, compare people and things, and talk about events in the past. We will use authentic texts and video and audio clips to improve your understanding of real German and to enhance your cultural understanding. Let me know how I can help you learn about other topics that are important to you. I love speaking and teaching German, and I hope I can help you enjoy learning this language, too. Tips for success Attend all classes. If you must miss class, find out from a classmate what you missed. Study every day rather than studying for longer periods less often. Spend at least two hours of active study time preparing for every class hour. Study and learn the assigned grammar and vocabulary before coming to class, since we will use class time to practice that material, not to teach it for the first time. Use all of the resources available to you to help you master the material, including the class text Treffpunkt Deutsch, the workbook and lab manual for Treffpunkt, and the Lernheft, which is on reserve in the library. Try many different study techniques. You may try copying grammar explanations and vocabulary into a notebook; using color-coding to help remember genders of nouns and irregular verb forms; reading words and sentences aloud; forming study groups. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes! Sometimes we learn best through making and correcting errors. You won’t be penalized for trying but making mistakes in class. Course materials o Treffpunkt Deutsch textbook package by Widmaier and Widmaier. 4th edition. o Find audio files for the lab manual at choose 4th edition, then “jump to” the chapter. You can also make copies of the lab manual CDs. o Deutsch zusammen Lernheft. On reserve in the library. Course components and evaluation A. Three written exams: 15 + 20 + 20 = 55%. Tests in this class are cumulative but will focus on one or two chapters and will test reading, writing, listening, grammar, vocabulary and culture. I do not give make-up tests without written documentation of an emergency. B. Oral assessments: 10% The accuracy and effectiveness of your speaking will be evaluated twice throughout the term. The best way to prepare for these in-class evaluations is to speak as much German in and out of class as possible, including using the lab manual exercises. C. Brief Quizzes = 10% These brief quizzes will cover specific grammar points or vocabulary. You may not make up quizzes missed due to unexcused absences but I will drop your lowest quiz score. D. Class participation and attendance = 10% This portion of your grade is based on your attendance, daily preparation, attitude, and willingness to participate actively in German. Your participation grade will be lowered for each unexcused absence after three and for excessive lateness. E. Written homework = 15% Workbook exercises should be completed and corrected using an answer key that I will provide. Do not copy from the answer key, but use it to learn from your mistakes. I will evaluate your workbooks and lab manuals on test days. Other written assignments will be collected on days indicated in the syllabus and in class. I do not give credit for late homework. Homework will earn grades of √+ (95) , √ (=90), and √- (80), based on completeness and effort. Grading scale A+ A A- 98-100 92-97 90-91 B+ B B- 88-89 82-87 80-81 C+ C C- 78-79 72-77 70-71 D F 60-69 below 60 Academic honesty Plagiarism and cheating are serious academic offenses. Any student found plagiarizing or cheating on an assignment, or helping another student to do so, will receive a grade of zero for the assignment and may fail the entire course. The incident will also be reported to the Honor Council. You may study in groups or get help from more advanced German students as long as other students do not substantially correct (or write!) work that you will turn in for a grade. No electronic translating programs may be used for any assignment turned in for credit, but online dictionaries such as are acceptable. If you are unsure how the Honor Code applies to a specific assignment, please speak with me. 2 Stundenplan (Daily Schedule) These assignments should be completed before class on the days they’re listed. Be sure to do workbook and lab manual exercises that correspond to the textbook topics. S. = Seite = p. = page numbers in the class text (or Lernheft, as indicated) * = Turn in on the day listed Montag 27. November Mittwoch 29. November Freitag 1. Dezember Introductions Course goals Wiederholung (review), Erste Kontakte & Kapitel 1 Wiederholung, K. 2-3 *S. 42, #47. Add other details, e.g., age, job, hobbies, family, etc. *S. 98, #25 Write a paragraph, not a list of sentences. 4. Dezember 5. Dezember 7. Dezember Kapitel 4 Wortschatz, Vorschau, Kultur, Modal verbs, S. 119-26 Modal verbs S. 125-129 Wortschatz, S. 152-3 Separable prefixes & verb combinations S. 129-35 *S. 132 #22 Quiz: Modal verbs 11. Dezember 13. Dezember *S. 129 #19 Quiz: Vocabulary 15. Dezember Imperative (commands) Imperative S. 137-140 Zwischenspiel, S. 136 Word order, S. 140-145 Quiz: Separable-prefix verbs & commands *S. 147 # 45 Use at least three dependent clauses (with weil, wenn..; see list on p. 141) 18. Dezember 20. Dezember 22. Dezember Wiederholung Zusammenschau & Lesen, S. 146-149 Wiederholung und Lesen Prüfung 1 Bringen Sie Ihr Arbeitsheft mit! Lernheft Nominative & accusative, S. 91-103 & 135-45 Modal verbs S. 214-33 Separableprefix verbs S. 69-73 Imperative S. 67-73, 35558, 368-9 Word order S. 258-61 & S. 270-74 Over break: Study Lernheft pages on accusative pronouns and prepositions Schöne Winterferien! Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr! 3 Montag 8. Januar Kapitel 5 Vorschau, Vokabular S. 155-61 Aussprache, S. 189 Mittwoch 10. Januar Accusative pronouns, S. 162-3 Wortschatz, S. 190-1 Vocabulary quiz (both lists) Freitag 12. Januar Lernheft Accusative Accusative prepositions pronouns, & dafür, S. 164-6 S. 150-2 *Was ich gern auf Urlaub mache (10+ sentences, use 3+ conjunctions) Accusative prepositions, S. 200-204 *Test corrections due (write out full sentences on separate paper) Introduce comparative 15. Januar Comparative forms of adjectives, S. 166-69 18. Januar Superlative forms of adjectives, Zwischenspiel, S. 170-5 20. Januar Subordinate clauses, wissen & kennen, S. 176-80 Quiz: comparative *S. 175 #26 (10+ sentences, use 3+ conjunctions & 2+ comparisons) 22. Januar Simple past tense, S. 180-3 *S. 183 #38 add questions below 24. Januar Wiederholung Zusammenschau, Lesen, S. 184-7 Comparative, S. 658-62 Superlative, S. 663-65 Introduce simple past 26. Januar Prüfung 2: Kapitel 5 Simple past, S. 285-93 Bringen Sie Ihr Arbeitsheft zu der Prüfung mit! Quiz: Simple past 22. Januar: Add to #38: Wo warst du gestern Nachmittag? Wo warst du Samstag Abend? Hattest du letzte Woche einen Test? Hattest du am Wochenende viel Freizeit? Was musstest du am Wochenende machen? Warum? Was wolltest du lieber machen? 4 Montag 29. Januar Kapitel 6 Vorschau, Vokabular, Kultur, S. 192-99 5. Februar Sein as auxiliary verb, Zwischenspiel S. 206-11 Quiz: Perfect tense *S. 208, #22 Skip the last question. (10+ sentences, use 3+ conjunctions) Mittwoch 31. Januar Freitag 2. Feb Perfect tense of regular verbs, S. 200-2 Irregular verbs, 203-5 Wortschatz 2, S. 226-7 Quiz: Vocabulary *S. 203 #14 & *S. 205 #18 7. Februar 9. Februar Separable-prefix and mixed verbs, S. 212-15 Ordinal numbers, letters, hin & her, S. 205-19 *S. 215#32 (10+ sentences, use 3+ conjunctions) Lernheft Regular verbs, S. 293-295 Irregular verbs, S. 295301 Separable prefixes, S. 306-308 Inseparable prefixes, S. 309-12 -ieren S. 313 Verbs with sein S. 315-19 *Test corrections due Dates, S. 185-7 12. Februar 14. Februar 16. Februar Lesen Zusammenschau, S. 220-21 Lesen Wiederholung Leute, Wort, Sinn und Klang, S. 222-25 Quiz: Participles *S. 221 #41 (10+ sentences, use 3+ conjunctions) Schlussprüfung (Final exam): Dienstag, 20. Februar, 9-11 Uhr Bringen Sie Ihr Arbeitsheft zu der Prüfung mit! Schöne Ferien! 5