6-14-06 CCPC Minutes - Santa Barbara County Education Office

Proposed minutes of June 14, 2006
Meeting held at Lompoc City Hall.
Vishna Herrity, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m.
Welcome/Approve Agenda:
Vishna Herrity welcomed everyone and invited members to pick up the “little thoughts”
that are displayed on the table in appreciation of the work of Council members.
Everyone introduced themselves.
Approve agenda, with item VI removed/
Approval of Minutes of May 10, 2006:
Minutes approved as written.
General Public Comment Period:
Revised Category Membership Approved:
Karin Dominguez reported that Diane Harmon and Sylvia Cruz are in the provider
The BOS and Supt. Has approved the membership for 06-07.
Committee and Action Team Membership:
FY 06-07 Committee & Action Team membership were reviewed and completed.
VOTE: Approve Letter of Support for Inclusive Child Care in Santa Maria:
Item cancelled.
Review Annual Activities Calendar for 06-07:
Valerie Kolstad asked Action Team leaders and Committee chairs to fill in the posted
annual activity calendar as well a sending in the electronic version that was sent out.
Discuss Council Operations:
Valerie Kolstad reviewed the results of the survey regarding Council operation.
Consensus was that Council will meet the second Wednesday of each month, for 2 hours,
starting at 10:30, Hot Topics will be discussed further. CCPC meetings will take place in
Committee/Action Team Reports:
PIAT reviewed and discussed their Goals, for 06-07: Advise for AB 212, Develop list of
Research based practices, recognize accredited programs, develop support matrix for
Budget Committee – all the funds for 05-06 have been spent.
Strategic Plan- presentation to BOS re new Strategic Plan and membership was held on
June 6. Very supportive response from the Supervisors. Need to continue to build the
Update on ECE Infrastructure Initiative:
The ECE Infrastructure Initiative funded agencies are OECE and SBFCC. Council is
also there because they are part of countywide infrastructure
Last year the group worked on sustainability.
The agencies met June 1 to address what each agency is doing and who takes leadership
role on particular activities. Focus on the different roles and responsibilities.
Agencies will continue to meet every other month and follow-up on what was discussed.
Will also address the SP strategies that are identified for the ECE Initiative and determine
who will take the lead and what the roles of each will be.
CPIN Report:
Valerie Kolstad reported that the June 3rd training went well.
CPIN Regional group met by video-conference to discuss 06-07 year & focus of the year.
The focus will continue with more language & literacy. There will be two strands being
focused on Directors and training.
Standards are being developed.
The next local planning group is scheduled for July 17, 1-3 at the SBCEO Cabinet
Conference room in Santa Barbara.
Coordinator Report:
The draft of the center workforce survey is to be sent to us for review by the end of June,
with the final document prepared by mid-July. A training for county agency
representatives is scheduled for July 13 in Berkeley. It will be led by Marcy Whitebook,
UC Berkeley, and will cover details of the findings in county reports and how to use the
The Priorities for subsidized funding for programs in Santa Barbara County were
approved by the Superintendent and BOS and have been submitted to CDD for posting
on the CDE website.
CDD contacted us to explain that we could not designate different proportions of
available funding to current and new contractors, as we had proposed, and that the RFA
for new funding has to be the same for current and new contractors. Also, our statement
that applicants must be headquartered and operating in Santa Barbara County is not
within State regulations. Programs headquartered and operating in SB County will
receive extra points in the application scoring but a program headquartered outside of the
county applying to operate in a Priority 1 area would have priority over a local applicant
applying to serve Priority 2 or 3. The guidelines we submitted with our listed Priorities
will be removed but the list of Priorities will be posted on the website as submitted.
It is expected that an RFA for new funds will be posted on the CDE/CDD website by the
end of June (see report from May16, LPC Quarterly meeting below, regarding anticipated
new funds)
Other Business/Announcements:
Eileen showed the preliminary GIS maps for child care.
Valerie Kolstad asked members to review the accomplishments posted and fill in any
missing information.
Sylvia Cruz announced that Lola Bermeister has been hired as the new Inclusive Child
Care Coordinator.
Member Appreciation:
Karin Dominguez and the membership Committee prepared an appreciation event around
the “Swimmy” story – working as a team
Vishna Herrity presented certificates of appreciation to members.
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 11:30am.