Learning Supports Three Year Plan, in Chronological Order Action Steps to Be Taken 10 AEA staff (1-2 per region) will be trained to be PBS trainers by the Iowa Department of Education Show clips from Iowa City & Cedar Rapids Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment DVDs at the May Superintendents’ meeting. Comments from superintendents: Professional development for Regional Administrators regarding discussing Learning Supports with LEA administrators, particularly in developing District Service Plans to address social, emotional, and behavioral goals. Links to videos with Olweus and PBS overview, outline of conversations provided to RAs Configure PowerSchool to include social/emotional/behavioral data Assemble new Learning Supports team, comprised of Olweus and PBS trainers, Regional Administrators, PEP, and Early Childhood staff District Service Plan conversations will utilize contracted staff (PBS and Olweus trainers) to help identify needs, suggest resources, provide support, and assist in planning, in regards to meeting social, emotional, and behavioral goals. Define role of staff – Expectation for AEA staff to collect data, share, analyze, and utilize it to guide professional development and assist with selection of research-based programs and strategies Expectation for AEA staff to focus on core programs and strategies for social/emotional/behavioral issues, in addition to supplemental and intensive Expectation for AEA staff to attend and facilitate professional development in buildings they are assigned to Incorporate DVDs that provide overview of PBS and Olweus into Learning Supports Module, as a means of illustrating programs to address school-wide (core) programs. Learning Supports informational sessions for interested buildings/districts on the ICN Train and assign one person per region to assist districts with medically accurate sex education (HF 611) Offer at least one Human Sexuality for Educators class per year (HF 611) Person(s) Responsible Name Marti Hurst Cathi Timmerman Nancy Veldhuizen Mary Andres Teresa Grider-Baker Tammy Beener Deb Scott-Miller Karin McKeone Christine Allen Position/Reg. SSW - NE Sch. Psy - NE SSW - NW SSW - CR SSW - IC Sch. Psy - IC Sp.Ed.Cons- IC SSW - SW SSW – CENT. By When 03-04-08 03-05-08 06-10-08 06-11-08 10-02-08 10-03-08 Plugge, Markward, Vincent, Schneider, Dotson, (Taylor) Taylor & Barth 05-09-08 Pickering, Brousard, Barth, & interested contracted staff Barth, Owen, Donnelly, Grotewold, Stamp, McGraw RAs and contracted staff 05-31-08 Cashman, Barth, Taylor will discuss with Regional Administrators 08-31-08 Taylor; will be reviewed by Olweus, PBS, & SWIS trainers Olweus, PBS, & SWIS trainers 9-30-08 Taylor & contracted staff 12-01-08 Taylor & Dulle 12-01-08 05-16-08 05-31-08 06-30-08 Fall, 08 & Spring, 09 Action Steps to Be Taken Require contracted staff to utilize best practices to align their efforts with LEA needs, implementing school-wide research-based practices (core), selecting interventions (supplemental & intensive), appropriately utilizing community resources, being effective change agents, and building capacity in LEA staff. Map, analyze, organize, and enhance relevant AEA, LEA, and community resources to improve effectiveness, cost efficiency, and program development. Identify tasks that can be combined, stopped, and/or replaced in lieu of just adding new work. Present Learning Supports Module at regional meetings, utilizing DVD and LS print materials 10 additional AEA staff will be trained to be PBS trainers, to build capacity to 20. 3 additional staff will be trained to be Olweus Bully Prevention Trainers, perhaps using TQ funds, to build capacity to 5. Districts will utilize Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment script to inservice their faculty and staff (delivered live or by district-produced DVD) Learning Supports programs and strategies will be included in Principal Leadership Academy Six Integrated Team Leadership Training sessions: Learning Supports will be one of the options, in addition to reading and math Conduct enhanced marketing & communication with stakeholders, including community partners. Investigate the need for and feasibility of coordinating Teen Screen Program for AEA 10 schools Make data available to GWAEA staff regarding test scores, expulsions, suspensions, attendance rates, drop-out rates, free/reduced meals, minority students, disproportionality, ELL, special ed, etc. The data will be available in a user-friendly, trend data format that can be easily shared with staff in buildings/districts they are assigned to (data warehousing). PBS will be implemented in at least 10 buildings in AEA 10 Olweus will be implemented in at least 10 buildings in AEA 10 Coordinate and integrate community resources to address the needs of students and families, since living in poverty is the greatest indicator of poor academic achievement. Provide professional development that is sequential, coordinated, and organized, with credit options available. Provide ongoing follow-up consistent with the Iowa Professional Development Model. Continue to work with RAs and contracted staff to effectively utilize Iowa Youth Survey trend data Continue to purchase and catalog research-based programs Person(s) Responsible Regional Administrators By When 12-01-08 AAs, PSAs, RAs, contracted staff, LOFT ideas AAs, PSAs, RAs Olweus & PBS trainers RAs & contracted staff RAs & contracted staff 12-01-08 Taylor 2008-09 Fry & Taylor Fry, Donnelly, Barth, Taylor PSAs, RAs, contracted staff 2008-09 Beginning Jan., 2009 2008-09 Barth & Taylor 2008-09 Pickering, Taylor, LOFT Measurement Committee 10-30-09 RAs & PBS trainers RAs & Olweus trainers RAs & SSWs 2009-10 2009-10 2009-10 Taylor, Dulle, Coordinator of Digital Learning 2009-10 Bickal & Taylor Ongoing Starr & Taylor Ongoing 12-01-08 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09