European Union European Regional Development Fund SMART Europe Template CV for Regional Experts REGION EXPERT’S FIRST AND LAST NAME (MS/MR) TITLE / OFFICIAL POSITION Maramureș, Romania Mrs. Mihaela Lițe Head of International relation Office Maramures County Council ORGANISATION ADDRESS OFFICE PHONE NUMBER MOBILE Gheorghe Sincai street 430311 Baia Mare, Maramureș Romania +40 262 211544 +40 730 017864 E-MAIL Please shortly describe your experience in relation to innovation-based jobs (innovation, employment, etc.) Regional content manager for Maramures in Mini Europe project organizing several activities and events related to innovation for relevant stake holders from Maramures: meetings, seminars, conferences, exchange of experience and best practice and study visits Participating in Sustainable Innovation - a project financed by Social European Fund and run by the National Authority for Scientific Research (NASR) and Baia Mare North University aiming to develop the capacity of NASR to elaborate public policies in the field of innovation and technological transfer. 1