Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 9 No. 3 (1986) 435-438 435 ON ALPHA-CLOSE-TO-CONVEX FUNCTIONS OF ORDER BETA M.A. NASR Faculty of Science University of Mansoura Mansoura, Egypt (Received January 9, 1985) MB() ABSTRACT Let [ 0 and B -> O] > f(z) denote the class of all functions z + z an z n--2 U analytic in the unit disc the condition for all m when e2 o s I. > < ( . ) zf’ f( (1 Re f’(z)f(z)/z with 0 KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Close-to-staa, - z=re zf"(z)) f’(z) do fMB() is close-to-star of order + (I + In this note we show that each and which satisfy for > functions, close-to-convex functions, a-convex functions. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. I. 30 C45 NTRODUCTI ON. A shall denote the class of all functions f(z) =z + z n=2ar, z n analytic in the unit disc U {z-lzl<1} tions in A which are univalent in U. Let a_>o, _>o, and let f A with (I- ) zf’(z) f(z) J (, f) If for z re whenever order i( U" le2 { 0-< 01 or f < Re d(a, e2 MB(). 2, f)l de then f The class > - and S shall denote the subclass of func- f’(z)f(z)/z + (i + 0 in zf"(z)). f"(z) b, and let (I I) (1.2) -close-to-convex function of is said to be an was introduced by Nasr[l]. MB() M.A. NASR 436 It was shown [1] that MB()CS if and only if 0-< B < o. KB, is the class of close-to-convex functions of order B Note that M B (1) and by Pommerenke [4] introduced by Reade [2] and studied by Goodman [3] for B -> R is the class of close-to-star functions of order for 0 _< B < 1, and MB(O) B M(o) is the class of s-convex funcintroduced by Goodman [3]. Moreover Mo(o) tions introduced by Mocanu [5] and My/o ) By(o), o > O, is the class of Bazilevi functions of order y introduced by Nasr [6]. In this note we continue the investigation of o-close-to-convex functions of order B studied in [I]. 2. RESULTS In this section we show that each MB(o) is close-to-star of order B when f () is close-to-convex of order when we show each f < < 0 _< when f -< then < B y o and if f r We assume, unless otherwise stated, that o is a real number, that 0 iO < o Also that 0 and that z=re We shall need the following result. 0 0 For < o. M >_ LEMMA I" If given by h (2.1) (The powers taken are the principal values). RB PROOF" then the function (zf’(z)/f(z)) f(z) h(z) belongs to MB(y), f . M(y) M(), Let If we choose the branch of (zf’(z)/f(z)) a simple calculation shows that the function h MB(). f when z equal o (2.1) belongs to 0 which is defined by RB THEOREM iPROOF" Since foe Re d-- MB(o) f If MB(o) f } then R f B it follows from Lenma d0 fz Re I zh ,( z) h(z) In (2.2) we choose the branches for f(z) 1/a and Of102 for Re w pe {h(z)/f(z) 1/}dO to obtain (2.2) 8 h(z) I/a for which (2.3) If we use (2.1), (2.2) and (2.3) it is easy to prove that z=O. In fact, since do (h(z)/f(z)) I/ h(z)I/o/f(z)I/ with value } that f (2.4) TI. is univalent, we can let w f(z), z z(w) f- (w) and ALPHA-CLOSE-TO-CONVEX FUNCTIONS OF ORDER BETA h(z). 1/a 1/6 w I 437 dw f(z)/ /P I/ d_ [ h{z(pei@))] d (pe i@ -/ o II I/ i/a I/ TT-- [P o P dp 1/a [ h(z) [f(z)] II d d p l/a p dp. Hece o h(z) I/ {fi)i/a I Re dO { d[h(z)]l/4 Re dp. The result now follows frGm (2.1) and (2.4). COROLLARY 1PROOF" O If Let f S2 Re MI(), f M 6(), -> 1, -> 1, K. f then zf"(z) {(I+ f,--z) } de Now from THEOREM I, we have then e- 1) 42 zf’(z_)} f(z) Re Re zf’(z)/f(z) do dO 76. -I, and therefore (1+ Re el de and the proof of Corollary COROLLARY 2" f If f Re < r, 13 M6(), 0 sO2 6 -< y < &, -6 thep Suppose there exists a y M f 0 < 6 y -< e, such that U for which + 1- 01 6 is complete. PROOFBy THEOREN 1, f R 6. N (y). Then there is 6 01 (-1)13 > f’(z) { [ Re f f’() f-TT)--- ]I de dO (z.5) However, for f 2 Re + f() (2.6) 438 M.A. NASR Substituting (2.5) into (2.6), we obtain 0 But (1 (I- T) [B + < e )<0 tion that f REMARKFor B implies R B. 2 B1B2 { Thus f e f’() Re Re [ Tf’(T) f() dO] ]}de < -B, which contradicts the assump- MB(y). 0 we obtain results due to Miller, Mocanu and Reade [7]. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author would like to thank Professor M. O. Reade for reading the manuscript and giving some helpful suggestions. REFERENCES i. NASR, M. A., Alpha-Close-to-Convex Functions of Order Beta, Mathematica 24 79-83. 2. READE, M. 0., The Coefficients of Close-to-Convex Functions, Duke Math. Journal 23 (1950), 459-462. 3. GOODMAN, A. W., On Close-to-Convex Functions of Higher Order, Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest Eotvos sect. Math. 2__5 (1972), 17-30. 4. POMMERENKE, C., On the Coefficients of Close-to-Convex Functions, Michigan Math Journal, 9 (1962), 259-269. 5. MOCANU, P. T., Une Properiete de Convexite Generalisee dans la Theorie de la Rpresentation Conform, Mathematica Ii (1969) 127-133. 6. NASR, M. A., Bazilevivc Functions of Higher Order, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures er A_p_p_. 7. 28 (1983) 709-714. MILLER, S. S., MOCANU, P. T., AND READE, M. A., All s-Convex Functions are Univalent and Starlike, Proc. Amer. Math Sco. 37 (1973) 552-554.