1 Sacred Places: Compendium *Bagge, Sverre 1995. «Chapter 4: The Middle Ages.» Making a Historical Culture. Historiography in Norway (ed. William H. Hubbard et al.), Oslo, pp. 111-131. [In: NORDIC MEDIEVAL CULTURE Master: Compendium 1: Introductory Reading: The Church pp. 123] *Engen, John Van 1986. «The Christian Middle Ages as a Historiographical Problem. » The American Historical Review 91 No.3 (1986), Washington DC, pp. 519-552. [In: NORDIC MEDIEVAL CULTURE Master: Compendium 1: Introductory Reading: The Church pp. 2760] *Ross, Margaret Clunies 1994. «How to do things with Old Norse myths: on method and sources. » in: Ross, M.C.: Prolonged echoes: Old Norse myths in medieval Northern society, Vol. 1: The myths, Odense University Press, pp. 11-41. [In: NORDIC VIKING CULTURE Master: Compendium 1: Introduction. Power. Migration. Pp. 3-33] *Schmitt, Jean-Claude 1998. «Religion, Folklore and Society in the Medieval West.» in: Little, Lester K. and Rosenwein, Barbara (Eds), Debating the Middle Ages. Issues and readings, Oxford Blackwell, pp. 376-387. . [In: NORDIC MEDIEVAL CULTURE Master: Compendium 1: Introductory Reading: The Church pp. 61-74] *Landnámabók. The Book of settlements, translated with introduction and notes by Hermann Pálsson and Paul Edwards, University of Manitoba Press 1972. Chapter 1-41, pp. 15-32. [In: NORDIC VIKING CULTURE Master: Compendium 1: Introduction. Power. Migration. Pp. 169-188] *The Gulathing law: «The church law. » The earliest Norwegian laws, being the Gulathing law and the Frostathing law, translated from the Old Norwegian by Lawrence M. Larson, New York 1935, pp. 35-61. [In: NORDIC VIKING CULTURE Master: Compedium 4: Burial Customs Edda Change of Religions pp. 183-211] *Snorri Sturluson: Heimskringla: History of the kings of Norway, translated by Lee Hollander, University of Texas Press, 1999. Håkon den godes saga (The Saga of Hákon the Good) ch. 13-18; Olav Tryggvasons saga (The Saga of Óláf Tryggvason) ch. 58-73; Olav den 2 Sacred Places: Compendium helliges saga (Saint Óláf's Saga) ch. 111-113. [In: NORDIC VIKING CULTURE Master: Compedium 4: Burial Customs Edda Change of Religions pp. 213-240] *From The Norwegian Homily Book: «The Old Norse Homily on the Dedication». In Turville-Petre, Gabriel, Nine Norse Studies. Viking Society for Northern Research. University College London, 1972 pp. 79-101. [In: NORDIC MEDIEVAL CULTURE Master: Compendium 1: Introductory Reading: The Church pp. 75-99] *Bekker-Nielsen, Hans 1969. «The Old Norse Dedication Homily.» Festschrift für Konstantin Reichhardt (hrsg. Christian Gellinek), Bern/München, 1969 pp. 127-134. [In: NORDIC MEDIEVAL CULTURE Master: Compendium 1: Introductory Reading: The Church pp. 209-218] *Bonde, Niels, «Dendrochronological dating of the Viking Age ship burials at Oseberg, Gokstad and Tune, Norway.» Archaeological Science 1995: proceedings of a conference on the application of scientific techniques to the study of archaeology (ed. A. Sinclair et al.), London, 1997 pp. 195-200. [In: NORDIC VIKING CULTURE Master: Compendium 4: Burial Customs Edda Change of Religions pp. 1-8] *Fuglesang, Signe Horn 1981b. «Crucifixion iconography in Viking Scandinavia.» Proceedings of the Eighth Viking Congress (Medieval Scandinavia Supplements, 2), pp. 7394. . [In: NORDIC VIKING CULTURE Master: Compedium 4: Burial Customs Edda Change of Religions pp. 257-280] *Fuglesang, Signe Horn 1998. «Swedish runestones of the eleventh century: ornament and dating.» Runeninschriften als Quellen interdisziplinärer Forschung (ed. K. Düwel), Berlin/New York, 1998 pp. 197-218. [. [In: NORDIC VIKING CULTURE Master: Compendium 4: Burial Customs Edda Change of Religions pp. 281-304] *Gräslund, Anne-Sofie 1987. «Pagan and Christian in the age of conversion. » Proceedings of the Tenth Viking Congress, Larkollen, Norway 1985 (ed. J. Knirk), (Universitetets Oldsaksamlings Skrifter, Ny rekke nr. 9,1987 pp. 81-94. . [In: NORDIC VIKING CULTURE Master: Compendium 4: Burial Customs Edda Change of Religions pp. 305-320] 3 Sacred Places: Compendium *Gräslund, Anne-Sofie 1980. Birka IV. The burial customs, Stockholm. Chapter 6-9, pp. 7286. [In: NORDIC VIKING CULTURE Master: Compedium 4: Burial Customs Edda Change of Religions pp. 9-25] *Ingstad, Anne Stine 1995. «The interpretation of the Oseberg-find.» in: The ship as symbol in prehistoric and medieval Scandinavia (ed. Ole Crumlin-Pedersen & Birgitte Munch Thye), København, [Publications from the National Museum, Studies in Archaeology & History Vol I, pp. 139-147.] . [In: NORDIC VIKING CULTURE Master: Compedium 4: Burial Customs Edda Change of Religions pp. 27-37] *Keller, Christian 1991. «Vikings in the West Atlantic: a model of Norse Greenlandic medieval society.» Acta Archaeologica Vol. 61 (1990), pp. 126-141. [In: NORDIC VIKING CULTURE Master: Compendium 1: Introduction. Power. Migration. Pp. 215-232] *Myhre, B. 1992. «The royal cemetery at Borre, Vestfold. A Norwegian centre in a European periphery. » in: The Age of Sutton Hoo (ed. M. Carver), Woodbridge, pp. 301-313. [In: NORDIC VIKING CULTURE Master: Compendium 4: Burial Customs Edda Change of Religions pp. 39-53] *Müller -Wille, Michael, «Köningsgrab und Köningsgrabkirche. Funde und Befunde im frühgeschichtlichen und mittelalterlichen Nordeuropa.» Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission, 63, 1982, Mainz am Rhein, pp. 349-412. (English translation: «Royal graves and churches with royal graves. Finds and discoveries from early historical and medieval northern Europe.» [In: NORDIC VIKING CULTURE Master: Compendium 5: Viking Mentality: Translated Papers pp. 79-146] *Müller-Wille, Michael 1995. «Boat-graves, old and new views.» The ship as symbol in prehistoric and medieval Scandinavia (ed. Ole Crumlin-Pedersen & Birgitte Munch Thye), København, (Publications from the National Museum, Studies in Archaeology & History Vol I, 1995 pp. 101-109.) [In: NORDIC VIKING CULTURE Master: Compendium 4: Burial Customs Edda Change of Religions pp. 55-65] 4 Sacred Places: Compendium *Näsman, Ulf 1994. «Liv och död. Sydskandinaviska grav- och offerriter från 200 till 1000 e. Kr.» Myte og ritual i det førkristne Norden (red. Jens Peter Schjødt et al.), Odense 1994, pp. 73-94. (English translation: «Life and death: Southern Scandinavian burial and offering rites from 200 to 1000 AD.» In: NORDIC VIKING CULTURE Master: Compendium 5: Viking Mentality: Translated Papers pp. 147-172) *Roesdahl, Else, «Pagan beliefs, Christian impact and archaeology - a Danish view.» Viking revaluations, Viking Society Centenary Symposium 14-15 May 1992. (Viking Society for Northern Research, University College London, 1993 pp. 128-136.) [In: NORDIC VIKING CULTURE Master: Compendium 4: Burial Customs Edda Change of Religions pp. 339-349] *Roesdahl, Else. «Princely burial in Scandinavia at the time of the conversion.» Voyage to the other world. The legacy of Sutton Hoo (ed. C.B. Kendall and P.S. Wells), Minneapolis, 1992 pp. 155-170. [In: NORDIC VIKING CULTURE Master: Compendium 4: Burial Customs Edda Change of Religions pp. 67-84] *Steinsland, Gro, «The change of religion in the Nordic countries - a confrontation between two living religions.» Collegium Medievale, Vol. 3, 1990/2, pp. 123-136. [In: NORDIC VIKING CULTURE Master: Compendium 4: Burial Customs Edda Change of Religions pp. 351-365] *Steinsland, Gro 1990. «Antropologiske og eskatologiske ideer i førkristen nordisk religion.» Collegium Medievale vol. 3, 1990/1, pp. 59-72. (English translation: «Anthropological and eschatological ideas in Pre-Christian Norse religion. » In: NORDIC VIKING CULTURE Master: Compendium 5: Viking Mentality: Translated Papers pp.191-208) *Steinsland, Gro 1990. «Pagan myth in confrontation with Christianity: Skírnismál and Genesis.» Old Norse and Finnish religions and cultic place names (ed. Tore Ahlbäck), Åbo, pp. 316-328. . [In: NORDIC VIKING CULTURE Master: Compendium 4: Burial Customs Edda Change of Religions pp. 167-181] 5 Sacred Places: Compendium *Vésteinsson, Orri 1998. «Patterns of settlement in Iceland: a study in prehistory.» Saga Book of the Viking Society, vol 25 (1998), pp. 1-29. [In: NORDIC VIKING CULTURE Master: Compendium 1: Introduction. Power. Migration. Pp. 233-263]