CONSTITUTION OF - Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Psychology Club of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
February, 7th, 2005
The Psychology Club, as an academic society, declares their dedication to provide a more
broad education to Southern Illinois University Edwardsville students about psychology
as a subject, a career, a science, an educational tool, an interest, and a social movement.
Section 1:
The name of this organization shall be Psychology Club. The Psychology
symbol () may also be used as a variation of the name:  Club.
Section 1:
Membership shall be comprised of any undergraduate student, graduate
student, faculty, or staff that is interested in psychology.
Section 2:
Membership Qualifications
1. Membership is extended to all interested prospects without regard to
race, color, creed, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin,
age, physical handicap, mental handicap, or any other factors covered
by law.
2. Membership is extended to students who are in good standing through
SIUE. The student must have a minimum GPA of a 2.0 and 2.5 for
Section 3:
The Psychology Club will not have membership dues. However, each
candidate for membership must sign a contract that states they will attend
and participate in a minimum of two Psychology Club functions per
academic year.
Section 1:
The Psychology Club will have officers who hold the positions of
president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, communications director,
and social events coordinator.
1. President: The president’s duties will consist of the following:
a. Provide motivation and encouragement to all officers and members
of Psychology Club.
b. Preside at all membership and executive meetings.
c. Appoint committees; advise committee chairmen; advise members
about chapter activities.
d. Delegate responsibilities of officers and committees; direct overall
operations of chapter.
e. Recommend and establish goals and objectives for the club with
the approval of the membership, faculty, and professional advisers.
f. Be in contact with faculty advisers about all Psychology Club
Vice President: The vice president’s duties will consist of the
a. Provide motivation and encouragement to all members of
Psychology Club.
b. Perform all duties of the president if the president is absent or
unable to perform his or her duties.
c. Assist the president in coordinating and directing committee
activities and club operations.
d. Perform duties as may be delegated by the president.
e. Serve as a counselor to the president by recommending goals,
objectives, plans, and programs.
Secretary: The secretary’s duties will consist of the following:
a. Provide motivation and encouragement to all members of
Psychology Club.
b. Record the minutes of executive board meetings, general
membership meetings, and handle the appropriate distribution of
these minutes.
c. Maintain a record of chapter members, including a permanent
home address and school address of each member.
d. Handle all club correspondence.
Treasurer: The treasurer’s duties will consist of the following:
a. Provide motivation and encouragement to all members of
Psychology Club.
b. Collect all membership dues and keep records of collection.
c. Provide financial reports at club meetings.
d. Collect fees for any activities.
e. Disburse chapter funds with proper approval.
f. Provide safekeeping for all chapter funds and keep accurate
financial records.
Communications Director: The Communications Director’s duties
will consist of the following:
a. Provide motivation and encouragement to all members of
Psychology Club.
b. Post announcements for club events and meetings throughout
c. Coordinate press releases, feature articles, and advertising for all
club activities.
d. Promote Psychology Club to all SIUE students through flyers,
letters, and other promotional means.
6. Social Events Coordinator: The Social Events Coordinator's duties
will consist of the following:
a. Provide motivation and encouragement to all members of
Psychology Club.
b. Offer appropriate and creative ideas for the club's functions.
c. Work with faculty advisers, committee chairs, and members to
plan events and see that they are carried out effectively.
d. Provide information to the Communications Director about all
planning and event information.
Section 2:
All officers must be enrolled SIUE students. Officers must be of Junior or
Senior class standing. Officers must also have been a Psychology Club
member for a minimum of one full semester.
Section 3:
The term of office for each officer of the Psychology Club will be one
Section 1:
Elections shall be held annually in the spring semester of each academic
Section 2:
The election procedures will be as follows:
1. All members of Psychology Club are eligible to vote in the election of
2. To become a candidate for office, one must submit their candidacy to a
faculty adviser by a specified date before the election.
Section 1:
There shall be one or two faculty advisers who shall be ex officio
members with no voting privileges. The advisers have the responsibility to
oversee all activities of the Psychology Club. They shall guide officers
and members to promote educational and professional aspects of
Section 2:
Faculty advisers must meet the following requirements and
1. Be a full-time teacher in the psychology department at SIUE.
2. Attend regular meetings.
3. Offer advice and assistance for all special activities and the
committees that plan the activities.
4. Be elected by Psychology Club members at the annual officer
Section 1:
The Psychology Club will hold regular meetings once a month while
school is in session at a designated location. The meetings of this
organization will be regulated by Roberts Rules of Order.
Section 2:
Special meetings shall meet the following guidelines:
1. Special meetings may be called to order by the president or a faculty
2. The objective(s) of a special meeting must be stated at least 24 hours
prior to the meeting time.
3. Members shall be notified of a special meeting by standard mail,
electronic mail, and/or phone calls.
Section 4:
Executive board meetings shall be held regularly or as needed and
determined upon by the president or faculty adviser(s).
Section 1:
Two-thirds of the members of Psychology Club shall constitute a quorum
for a meeting.
Section 1:
Section 2:
Section 3:
Termination of membership shall take place if any of the following
behaviors occur:
1. Intentional misconduct that brings dishonor to Psychology Club.
2. Failure to attend two Psychology Club functions per academic year.
3. Failure to maintain acceptable standards.
Termination of Membership
1. Membership may be voluntarily terminated at the member’s request.
Members must submit a letter requesting termination to the executive
board. The executive board will then review the request and the
termination will be executed at the next monthly club meeting.
2. Membership will be automatically terminated upon graduation of
SIUE, unless member will be a returning SIUE student, faculty, or
staff member.
3. Membership will be automatically terminated upon transfer from
SIUE, academic suspension from SIUE, and any other act in which the
student is not a member of SIUE.
Termination is based on a two-thirds vote from the executive board.
Section 1:
The impeachment of an officer may occur with a two-thirds vote of the
club membership during a special meeting held for its purpose. Petition
for removal must be submitted to all parties concerned at least three weeks
in advance of a special convocation of the chapter and all parties
concerned shall have the opportunity to present their cases. Proceedings
in such case shall be confidential. A removed officer shall be replaced by
one elected by a plurality vote of the chapter membership.
Section 2:
An impeachment of an officer shall take place if the following conditions
1. Intentional misconduct that brings dishonor to Psychology Club.
2. Dereliction of assigned duties.
3. Failure to maintain acceptable standards.
Section 1:
The constitution shall be ratified by a two-thirds vote of the petitioning
Section 1:
The procedure to propose amendments to Psychology Club’s constitution
shall be as follows:
1. The amendment must be proposed at least one meeting previous to the
time of voting.
2. Amendments to the chapter constitution must be voted on favorably by
a three-quarters vote.