Table 1) Comparison of the tympanal ears of vertebrates and insects number ofQ10dBfrequency range auditory receptors [kHz] vertebrates: fish 1,2 amphibians 3 reptiles 4 birds 4 mammals 5 insects: moth 6 mantid 7 bushcrickets 8, 9, 10 crickets 11 grasshoppers 12, 13 fly 14, 15 cicadas 16, 17, 18 >50000.35 14 - 1500 0.3 50 - 2000 (12000) 5800 - 9600 2 2500 - 14000 2 2 20 20 50 30 30 600 - 4 <1 35 <1 601 - 2 701 - 2 80 (2000) 200 <1 2100 1 -1 (2)0,05 - 3 0,1 - 4 1 - 70,01 - 12 1 - 10 -2000,1- 200 -1 -5 10 -120 20 -100 0,1 - 80 0,1 - 60 ~10,1- 50 1 -40 - 7 0,1 - 25 Table 1) Number of auditory receptors in the ear of vertebrates (hair cells) and insects (scolopidial cells), Q10dB-values and frequency range within the auditory pathway. Numbers indicate the range commonly observed between species in a given group, numbers in brackets refer to exceptions rather than the rule. Q10dB-values provide a measure of frequency tuning derived from a neuron’s tuning curve at 10 dB above threshold of the characteristic frequency (CF i.e. frequency at which a cell shows the lowest threshold), and is defined by: CF divided by the bandwidth at 10 dB above threshold of CF. References for the data are available from the authors. References 1. Fay, R.R. & Popper, A.N. (eds) Comparative hearing, fish and amphibians. (Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York 1998) 2. Webster, D. B., Fay, R. R. & Popper, A. N. (eds) The evolutionary biology of hearing. (Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1992) 3. Llinas, R. & Precht, W. (eds) Frog neurobiology. (Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1976) 4. Manley, G.A. Peripheral hearing mechansims in reptiles and birds. (Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1989) 5. Fay, R.R. & Popper, A.N. (eds) Comparative hearing: mammals. (Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1994) 6. Fullard, J. H. The tuning of moth ears. Experientia 44, 423 - 428. 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Doctoral Thesis, University of Lisbon (1994) Materials and methods Animals and Electrophysiology: Experiments were performed mostly on males of Tettigetta josei caught near Lisbon, Portugal. The animal was waxed to a slender brass rod, ventral side up. The thoracic nervous system was exposed by ventral dissection and stabilized on a metal plate. The response of the auditory nerve was monitored with silver hook electrodes (75 µ m). Micropipette electrodes (resistance 30 - 50 MOhm with 2 M KAc) were filled with Lucifer Yellow (Sigma cat nº L-0259, 5% in 0.5 M LiCl) for recording and subsequent staining by hyperpolarizing current (1-5 nA, 2- 10 min). We identified 47 interneurons of which the recorded action potentials were typically greater than 30 mV. To facilitate penetration, the sheath of the ganglion at the intended recording site was treated locally with collagenase (Sigma type I, cat nº C0130) for 10 to 30 seconds. Temperatures inside the recording set up were 24 ° C to 26 ° C. Acoustic stimulation, calibration and recording: Acoustic sine stimuli were generated computer controlled (Turbolab) and delivered via a D/A board (Data Translation DT2821-F-8di) at 100 kHz (12 BIT resolution). The signal passed two computer controlled attenuators; one to compensate the frequency response of the loudspeaker, the other for signal attenuation. Sine pulses lasted 25 ms (2 ms ramps) and were broadcast via a loudspeaker (Dynaudio D28/2) placed 23 cm anteriorly in the longitudinal axis of the preparation. For each frequency and intensity 5 stimuli were presented. Calibration of the acoustic set up (lined with sound absorbing material) was achieved by computing the frequency response and coherence functions (average of 25 presentations; coherence values: ≥ 0.8; acoustic calibration with a Brü el & Kjæ r 1/4" microphone, type 4135) at the position later occupied by the preparation. Repeated calibration procedures showed that the signal was not affected by small deviations of the microphone which indicates that the sound field at the preparation was rather uniform. Stimulus intensities refer to 20 µ P (SPL). Spectrum of male song The songs of 8 individual males were recorded (Brü el & Kjæ r microphone 1/4" type 4135; ca. 20 cm from animal) and digitized online with the above computer board at 100 kHz. The frequency spectrum was computed from single loud song pulses. For each individual 4 pulses were averaged. Data analysis Electrophysiological recordings were digitized off line at sampling rates of 10 kHz per channel (Data translation and Turbolab see above). Further analysis was aided by Neurolab and Fonseca et al.: materials and methods custom written programs (Visual C). For computation of the threshold curves of auditory nerve recordings and interneurones, first intensity response curves were determined for each frequency from 30 dB to 90 dB SPL from averaged responses. For intracellular recordings this was performed twice; first low pass filtered to determine excitatory and inhibitory synaptic input, and second high pass filtered for action potentials. In order to determine the threshold for each frequency, first the mean of spontaneous activity was computed for each recording from activity without acoustic stimuli. The threshold criterium was set at 4 standard deviations from the mean of spontaneous activity. From these intensity response curves the threshold for each frequency was determined which - due to the conservative criterium - provides cautious measures of threshold for all recordings. 4