Topic: Alternative energy resources aka Renewable Standards: PS2

Topic: Alternative energy resources aka Renewable
PS2.2r/4.1ab/4.4d (Science Standards)
RST1/RST2/RST4/WHST2bd (Common Core Standards)
To assess alternative energy resources with a guided reading
Warm-up Activity/Do Now:
 Using your definition of the word resources, infer what the term alternative energy resources means
PowerPoint on Alternative energy resources
Work Time:
Assess alternative energy resources with a guided reading
Group A- higher-level learners
Group B- need guidance
Group C- lower-level learners
Exit Slip: Discuss a pro and con of alternative energy resources
Alternative energy resources ditto due tomorrow
Name: ____________________________________Class:________ Date: ___________
Topic: Alternative energy resources (C)
Class Work Folder
Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy
By Sharon Fabian
Do you like to fly kites? If you do, you're in luck, because kites are powered by renewable
energy. You can take your kite out and fly it all day on a windy day, and then do it again any time the
wind blows. That is because a kite is powered by wind energy, and wind energy doesn't get used up. It's
there every time the wind blows.
Surfers get to take advantage of renewable energy, too. All you need to ride the surf is a surfboard
(and maybe some sunscreen). The power is provided by nature. The waves that give you the ride on your
surfboard are another natural force that doesn't get used up. The Earth has tides that come and go to
provide a constant supply of energy.
There is another renewable energy source called geothermal energy. You can tell what geothermal
means by looking at each part of the word. Geo- is a prefix that means "earth." Thermal means "heat."
So you can reason that geothermal energy is heat energy from inside the Earth. You know that it is a
powerful energy source when you remember that spectacular volcanic eruptions are provided by
geothermal forces.
Solar power is another renewable power source. In fact, the sun is the force behind almost all of the
other energy sources on Earth. The sun is the ultimate source of power. Without the sun we wouldn't
have as much energy; without the sun we wouldn't even be here.
There are other forms of energy on Earth called nonrenewable energy. Nonrenewable sources are
the ones that do get used up. Oil, coal, and wood are considered nonrenewable energy sources. Even
though new coal and oil are being formed within the Earth, it takes millions of years for that to happen.
And we can plant new trees, but they don't grow nearly as fast as we can burn the wood. Right now,
nonrenewable sources are still being used to power most of the power plants that provide our power for
everyday uses, such as heat and light.
Why are we still using so much nonrenewable energy? If there is an endless supply of wind and tides
and sun -- what is the problem? Why don't we just use renewable energy instead?
So far, we have had a hard time getting these sources of renewable energy under control. Solar
power is great when the sun is shining brightly. Wind power is great when the wind is blowing. Tides are
only available if you are by the ocean. People have tried various ways to capture, store, and transport
power from these sources, but so far they have been expensive and not too efficient. Solar panels, which
collect solar energy, are one good example of a way that people have tried to put renewable energy to
everyday use. You can probably think of some other examples, too.
It's a problem that we still have to keep thinking about, and it's not an easy problem. After all,
energy itself is always moving. You can't store sunshine or wind the way you can store oil or wood.
Luckily, we have good scientists working on the problem, and lots more young scientists who are learning
about renewable energy now. They will be a part of the solution in the future.
Directions: After a close reading of the informational text, use textual evidence to answer the
following questions:
Question: How would you feel about the construction of more alternative energy resource power plants in the
United States? Do you support or oppose?
I ____________________ the construction of more renewable power plants because
Question: Now write from the perspective of someone with the opposite viewpoint. What arguments might he
or she make?
I ____________________ the construction of more renewable energy sources either
windmills, dams or solar roof tops because ______________________________________________________
Name: ____________________________________Class:________ Date: ___________
Topic: Alternative energy resources (B)
Class Work Folder
Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy
By Sharon Fabian
Do you like to fly kites? If you do, you're in luck, because kites are powered by renewable
energy. You can take your kite out and fly it all day on a windy day, and then do it again any time the
wind blows. That is because a kite is powered by wind energy, and wind energy doesn't get used up. It's
there every time the wind blows.
Surfers get to take advantage of renewable energy, too. All you need to ride the surf is a surfboard
(and maybe some sunscreen). The power is provided by nature. The waves that give you the ride on your
surfboard are another natural force that doesn't get used up. The Earth has tides that come and go to
provide a constant supply of energy.
There is another renewable energy source called geothermal energy. You can tell what geothermal
means by looking at each part of the word. Geo- is a prefix that means "earth." Thermal means "heat."
So you can reason that geothermal energy is heat energy from inside the Earth. You know that it is a
powerful energy source when you remember that spectacular volcanic eruptions are provided by
geothermal forces.
Solar power is another renewable power source. In fact, the sun is the force behind almost all of the
other energy sources on Earth. The sun is the ultimate source of power. Without the sun we wouldn't
have as much energy; without the sun we wouldn't even be here.
There are other forms of energy on Earth called nonrenewable energy. Nonrenewable sources are
the ones that do get used up. Oil, coal, and wood are considered nonrenewable energy sources. Even
though new coal and oil are being formed within the Earth, it takes millions of years for that to happen.
And we can plant new trees, but they don't grow nearly as fast as we can burn the wood. Right now,
nonrenewable sources are still being used to power most of the power plants that provide our power for
everyday uses, such as heat and light.
Why are we still using so much nonrenewable energy? If there is an endless supply of wind and tides
and sun -- what is the problem? Why don't we just use renewable energy instead?
So far, we have had a hard time getting these sources of renewable energy under control. Solar
power is great when the sun is shining brightly. Wind power is great when the wind is blowing. Tides are
only available if you are by the ocean. People have tried various ways to capture, store, and transport
power from these sources, but so far they have been expensive and not too efficient. Solar panels, which
collect solar energy, are one good example of a way that people have tried to put renewable energy to
everyday use. You can probably think of some other examples, too.
It's a problem that we still have to keep thinking about, and it's not an easy problem. After all,
energy itself is always moving. You can't store sunshine or wind the way you can store oil or wood.
Luckily, we have good scientists working on the problem, and lots more young scientists who are learning
about renewable energy now. They will be a part of the solution in the future.
Directions: After a close reading of the informational text, use textual evidence to answer the
following questions:
Question: How would you feel about the construction of more alternative energy resourcespower plants in the
United States? Circle the appropriate verb below and complete the paragraph.
I support/oppose the construction of more renewable plants because
The textual evidence that supports this is “_______________________________________________________
Question: Now write from the perspective of someone with the opposite viewpoint. What arguments might he
or she make?
I support/oppose the construction of more alternative energy sources because _________________________
The textual evidence that supports this is “_______________________________________________________
Name: ____________________________________Class:________ Date: ___________
Topic: Alternative energy resources (A)
Class Work Folder
Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy
By Sharon Fabian
Do you like to fly kites? If you do, you're in luck, because kites are powered by renewable
energy. You can take your kite out and fly it all day on a windy day, and then do it again any time the
wind blows. That is because a kite is powered by wind energy, and wind energy doesn't get used up. It's
there every time the wind blows.
Surfers get to take advantage of renewable energy, too. All you need to ride the surf is a surfboard
(and maybe some sunscreen). The power is provided by nature. The waves that give you the ride on your
surfboard are another natural force that doesn't get used up. The Earth has tides that come and go to
provide a constant supply of energy.
There is another renewable energy source called geothermal energy. You can tell what geothermal
means by looking at each part of the word. Geo- is a prefix that means "earth." Thermal means "heat."
So you can reason that geothermal energy is heat energy from inside the Earth. You know that it is a
powerful energy source when you remember that spectacular volcanic eruptions are provided by
geothermal forces.
Solar power is another renewable power source. In fact, the sun is the force behind almost all of the
other energy sources on Earth. The sun is the ultimate source of power. Without the sun we wouldn't
have as much energy; without the sun we wouldn't even be here.
There are other forms of energy on Earth called nonrenewable energy. Nonrenewable sources are
the ones that do get used up. Oil, coal, and wood are considered nonrenewable energy sources. Even
though new coal and oil are being formed within the Earth, it takes millions of years for that to happen.
And we can plant new trees, but they don't grow nearly as fast as we can burn the wood. Right now,
nonrenewable sources are still being used to power most of the power plants that provide our power for
everyday uses, such as heat and light.
Why are we still using so much nonrenewable energy? If there is an endless supply of wind and tides
and sun -- what is the problem? Why don't we just use renewable energy instead?
So far, we have had a hard time getting these sources of renewable energy under control. Solar
power is great when the sun is shining brightly. Wind power is great when the wind is blowing. Tides are
only available if you are by the ocean. People have tried various ways to capture, store, and transport
power from these sources, but so far they have been expensive and not too efficient. Solar panels, which
collect solar energy, are one good example of a way that people have tried to put renewable energy to
everyday use. You can probably think of some other examples, too.
It's a problem that we still have to keep thinking about, and it's not an easy problem. After all,
energy itself is always moving. You can't store sunshine or wind the way you can store oil or wood.
Luckily, we have good scientists working on the problem, and lots more young scientists who are learning
about renewable energy now. They will be a part of the solution in the future.
Directions: After a close reading of the informational text, use textual evidence to answer the
following questions:
1. Energy that is never used up is called _____.
Renewable energy
Solar power
Nonrenewable energy
2. Energy that does become used up is called _____.
Renewable energy
Nonrenewable energy
Solar power
3. Most of our energy comes from the _____.
Nuclear power plants
4. Solar panels collect energy from _____.
The sun
Coal burning power plants
Inside the Earth
Nuclear power plants
5. Tidal power can only be used _____.
On a mountain
By the ocean
In the desert
Near a nuclear power plant
6. _____ is easier to store.
Renewable energy
Nonrenewable energy
Geothermal power
7. People hope that _____ will be the long-term solution to our
energy problems.
Nonrenewable energy
Geothermal power
Renewable energy
Question: How would you feel about the construction of more Renewable (alternative) energy resource power
structures like windmills, and solar panel roof tops in the United States? Circle the appropriate verb below and
complete the paragraph.
I support/oppose the construction of more power plants because ____________________________________
The textual evidence that supports this is “ _______________________________________________________
Question: Now write from the perspective of someone with the opposite viewpoint. What arguments might he
or she make?
I support/oppose the construction of more power plants because ____________________________________
The textual evidence that supports this is “_______________________________________________________