Notes: Renewable and Nonrenewable Resourses Nonrenewable Resource? A __________________________ resource is a _________________ resource that _________________ be re-made or re-grown at a scale comparable to its ____________________. Coal, Petroleum, and Natural Gas _________________, _________________, and ____________ ____________ are considered ________________ because they ________________ be _________________ in a _____________ period of time. These are called ____________ __________________. There are three types of fossil fuels HOW IS COAL MADE? HOW ARE OIL AND GAS MADE? Notes: Renewable and Nonrenewable Resourses WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COAL, OIL AND GAS? Nuclear Energy ___________ is a __________. It is mostly carbon. It is made from mostly ____________materials. ______________ is a ___________. It is a mixture of __________________. It is more animal materials. Its composition is _______________depending on where it is found. Natural gas is a ____________. It is mostly ____________. Nuclear ______________ uses uranium to create ____________. Nuclear energy is a _______________ resource because once the uranium is used, it is _____________! If nonrenewable resources are resources that cannot be remade at a scale comparable to its consumption, what are renewable resources? __________________ resources are natural resources that _____________ be replenished in a _____________period of time. ● Solar ● Geothermal ● Wind ● Biomass ● Water Notes: Renewable and Nonrenewable Resourses Solar Energy from the sun. Why is energy from the sun renewable? Because the earth ___________________receives solar energy from the sun, it is considered a ________________ resource. Geothermal Energy Energy from Earth’s heat. Why is energy from the heat of the Earth renewable? Because the heat within earth is ______________, it is considered a __________________ resource. Minerals, which streak very light colors, can be easily identified on black streak plate. WIND Why is energy from the wind renewable? Wind is made indirectly by ____________ energy, which is ___________________, through the uneven heating of air. Biomass Energy Energy from burning organic or living matter. Why is energy from biomass renewable? Biomass energy is energy derived from burning ____________ material such as _____________, _________________, and __________________. The term biomass is derived from the words biological and mass. Notes: Renewable and Nonrenewable Resourses WATER or HYDROELECTRIC Energy from the flow of water. Why is energy of flowing water renewable? Humans have used the energy of falling water for thousands of years. Today the energy of _____________ ____________ is used to generate electrical energy. This energy is called _________________ energy.