SPANISH FOR THE NATIVE SPEAKERS Español para hispanohablantes Wenatchee High School 2007-2008 Instructor: Room #: Phone: Hours: E-mail: Susana Velázquez 150 663-8117 Ext. 150 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. or by appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION (This course may be repeated for credit, as materials are continually changed and rotated to meet the individual needs of the students enrolled.) This class, taught entirely in Spanish, is an integrated language arts class designed to provide native Spanish-speaking students with increased skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing in Spanish. It is designed as a “literacy in Spanish” class. Oral and written communicative activities are woven around a literature based curriculum that directly relates to the standard English AND Spanish programs at WHS. This will facilitate the student’s skill integration into the regular high school program. Instructional emphasis is in the use of standard INTERNATIONAL Spanish. An emphasis is also placed on comparative studies of Spanish language culture, history and literature within a global context. MATERIALS Core Textbook/materials: Tu Mundo text and workbook, Encuentros Maravillosos text, Español Para El Bilingüe, Español Para el Hispanohablante (on a rotating basis), AP Spanish materials. SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS: Cultural videos, music, software programs for computer (grammar/vocabulary), readings including selections from Album, and other teacher-created activities and projects. Spanish language magazines, newspapers, articles, short stories, literary works. Required: All students are required to bring the following to class: 1. textbook 2. a notebook just for Spanish 3. a red pen for corrections 4. pen/pencil **Coming to class without these materials will result in the loss of participation points. Recommended: Spanish/English dictionary ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION Grades will be determined on a point basis. Points will be earned through tests and quizzes (both oral and written), notebook, written assignments, projects and participation. There are very few opportunities for extra credit. Grades will be posted periodically on the WHS Web page. Grade Breakdown Quizzes, tests, projects, Class participation Homework Notebook 40% 25% 25% 10% Grading Scale 100% - 93% A 79% - 77% 92% - 90% A76% - 73% 89% - 87% B+ 72% - 70% 86% - 83% B 69% - 67% 82% - 80% B66% - 60% C+ C CD+ D Notebook The format for keeping your notebook is as follows: a. Write out the complete date in Spanish. Example: Hoy es miércoles tres de septiembre. b. Write the journal entry for the day. First ten minutes. c. Complete in-class written activities. There will be a periodic notebook check. Keep your notebook neat and well organized. Unorganized, sloppy, and incomplete notebooks will result in a low score. Homework Homework is assigned almost on a daily basis and it will be posted in the classroom. Many of your homework assignments will involve only study and practice. It is imperative that you do these assignments in order to be well prepared to actively participate in the classroom. NOTE: students are expected to do all homework assigned, although not all homework is graded. ** All written assignments must be written in your notebook, unless you are instructed differently. **All assignments must be completely headed to ensure proper identification for credit. Make sure that in the heading you include the title of the assignment or exercise, date, page and number, if any. ** Written assignments should be clean, legible, and on time. ** Late homework may be accepted for 50% credit at the discretion of the instructor. Make-up Work Policy All homework is due at the beginning of class. Make up work due to excused absences must be completed within one week. If the absence was excused, due to illness, medical appointments, WHS athletic events, or bereavement, make-up will be as follows: 1. Make up homework as a result of an excused absence is due within one week. Work not made up by that time will not be accepted and will receive a 0 grade. 2. No make-up will be accepted for work missed during an unexcused absence. 3. Quizzes and tests can only be made up before or after school. It is necessary that you make an appointment to come in to make up quizzes or tests. Students have one week to make these up. After this, the grade will be a zero and no makeup will be allowed. Participation Students can earn up to 5 class participation points per day, a maximum of 25 points per week. Students can earn full participation points by following the criteria below. Should a student have an excused absence, he/she can earn up to 4 points for that day by completing the journal entry and an alternate activity. The following criteria is used when awarding participation points: 0 = not assessable: absence or no participation at all 1 = very poor: No attempt at speaking Spanish, negative attitude, unprepared, unmotivated, failed to follow classroom expectations 2 = mediocre Minimal attempt at speaking Spanish, apathetic attitude, unprepared, unmotivated, failed to follow classroom expectations, speaks English 3= satisfactory: Some attempt at speaking Spanish, somewhat follows classroom expectations, somewhat prepared, sometimes volunteers to answer questions 4 =good: usually speaks Spanish, follows classroom expectations, participates actively, motivated, well prepared 5 = commendable: speaks only Spanish positive attitude, follows classroom expectations, very well prepared, participates actively, volunteers often to answer questions OUT OF CLASS HELP Please see me if you have any questions or need extra help. Don’t wait until it is too late! I welcome the opportunity to help you. You can find me in classroom #150 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. You can also make an appointment. I am looking forward to working with you! RULES & DISCIPLINE Classroom Management Students will be required to adhere to the WHS’ policy for behavior as stated in the Student Handbook. I appreciate your cooperation in being considerate, cooperative, and respectful of others in maintaining a positive attitude in the classroom. Please come to class on time, turn off your cell phones, wait at your desk to be dismissed and help me keep the classroom furniture in top shape. My desk, cabinets, and computer are off limits to students without permission. Do not line up at the door before the light comes on! No soda, gum, or coffee is allowed in the classroom! Class Rules/Expectations: 1. Respect all members of the class. 2. Raise your hand before speaking out. 3. Always come prepared with all required materials and be ready to learn. 4. Be in your assigned seat when class begins and have all of your materials with you. 5. Be honest! Cheating is unethical! Cheating in any form will result in disciplinary action, an automatic zero for the assignment, quiz, or test, loss of participation points and no opportunity to make up the missing points. This rule applies to all involved, those who are doing the copying and those who are allowing it to happen. 6. Participate actively. Remember this class is taught entirely in Spanish and you are expected to speak only Spanish. Participation also means listening when others speak. 7. No eating or drinking allowed in the classroom without permission. Disruptive Behavior 1st offense: The student will be asked to leave the learning environment, fill out a disciplinary sheet, and given a warning. nd 2 offense: Same as above, in addition parents will be notified. 3rd offense: Student will be referred to administration. ATTENDANCE Wenatchee High School Attendance Procedures Goal We believe that school attendance is not just a school issue but a community issue. The extent of a student’s success is determined by a couple of things. First, it is our responsibility to keep accurate attendance records. Second, it is the parent’s responsibility to call or write a note within 48 hrs of the student’s absence to excuse the absence. Finally, if we share this responsibility, students will improve their academic achievement and be able to establish meaningful relationships as part of a professional learning community with their peers and staff at WHS. Definitions Student absences from class & tardiness to class are recorded by class period and are classified in the following ways: (please keep in mind that a parent or student can ask for an attendance report print out) Unexcused Absence The student is late 10 or more minutes to class or is absent in one or more classes in any one day and fails to have a parent or guardian call or provide a written note for the absence within two school days (48 hours) of the student’s absence. Student will be assigned an intervention. (On school reports unexcused absences are identified as “W” or “U”): “W” is reported by regular classroom teacher, “U” is reported by substitute classroom teacher Tardy The student arrives to class less than 10 minutes late. Please keep in mind that 4 accumulative tardies in any one day or week(s) is equal to having one unexcused absence. 4 tardies = 1 unexcused absence (On school reports tardies are identified as “T” or “L”): “L” is reported by regular classroom teacher, “T” is reported by substitute classroom teacher Excused Absence The student is absent from school due to illness, health, family emergency, religious purposes or educational opportunities during one or more classes in any one day and has a parent or guardian call or submits a written excuse within two school days (48 hours) of the student’s absence from school. After five consecutive absences per class due to a health, or an accumulation of ten absences during a single semester due to illness or a health condition, a note of explanation signed by a doctor will be required, unless the absence was prearranged. Even when oral or written verification is received, school officials have the discretion to investigate the circumstances surrounding an absence. If a student does not check out of school with the attendance office before leaving campus for an appointment or for any parent excused reason they will be assigned an intervention resulting in a 2 or 3 hour detention if the student leaves campus without checking out of school with the attendance office. (On school reports excused absences are identified as an “E” accompanied by two letters specifying reason) Examples: E-AP (appointment) / E-PE (parent excuse / E-CT (court) / E-JD (juvenile detention) / E-MD (medical) School-Excused Absence The student is absent from school for a school-sponsored or school-endorsed event. Examples include athletic and academic competitions, field trips, and educationally-related absences that have been pre-approved by the school. (On school reports school-excused absences are identified as an “O” accompanied by two letters specifying reason) Example: O-SA (student activity): Absenteeism and Grading 1. Students reaching level six intervention (accumulation of six or more unexcused absence in one class; reminder four tardies = one unexcused absence) will receive a reduced schedule. If a student is currently receiving a passing grade when schedule is reduced they will receive an “NC” (no credit) grade for the class and on their transcript. 2. An “NC” grade differs from an “F” grade in that an “NC” grade does not figure into the student’s overall GPA. However, both “NC” and “F” grades result in loss of credit. 3. For co-curricular eligibility purposes, an “NC” grade is counted the same as an “F”. Attendance Discipline Chart of Student Interventions Note: 1. Four tardies = One unexcused absence. 2. If a student receives six unexcused absences in any particular class they will receive a reduced schedule and “NC” for classes lost. 3. Any student with three or more unexcused absences in any one month will be referred to the District Truancy Officer. Level of Intervention 1 2 3 4 5 6 Consequence Monday School (2hr. detention) 7:30-9:30a.m. or 3:15-5:15p.m. Monday School 7:30-9:30a.m. or (2hr. detention) 3:15-5:15p.m. Monday School 7:30-9:30a.m. or (2hr. detention) 3:15-5:15p.m. 3 hour Friday or Saturday School (8a.m.-11a.m.) **PC or 2 day *STS Saturday School will be assigned for each additional unexcused absence or four tardies! However, if a student has six or more unexcused absences in one class they will receive a reduced schedule and “NC” for classes lost. Communication Auto Dialer Call home Auto Dialer Call home Auto Dialer Call home Auto Dialer Call home Administration Call home Letter home Administration Call home or Letter home Failure To Complete Consequence 3 hr. Friday or Saturday School Failure To Complete Consequence **PC or 2 day *STS 3 hr. Friday or Saturday School **PC or 2 day *STS 3 hr. Friday or Saturday School **PC or 2 day *STS **PC or 2 day *STS Definitions -------------------------3 day *STS *STS = Short Term Suspension “NC”= No Credit **PC = Parent Conference is held with a school administrator. Attention! In all cases, the participants in the conference shall enter into a written agreement that establishes school attendance requirements and outlines the interventions identified as appropriate. If the parent/guardian does not attend the scheduled conference, the conference may be conducted with the student and the school official. However, the parent/guardian shall be notified of the steps taken or proposed to reduce the child's absences. Once a student has had a Parent Conference (PC) at any level of intervention subsequent conferences will not be required, unless requested by parent. Students will, however be assigned the appropriate consequence. Commonly asked questions How does a student get assigned an attendance intervention? If a student has unexcused absences during the previous week of school. If a student has four tardies in a given week or every time they accumulate four tardies from the beginning of each semester. How is a student and/or parent notified? 1. We attempt to notify a student during class Monday through Friday. 2. A phone call is sent home on the auto dialer on Sunday’s for students that need to serve Monday school and on Fridays for students needing to serve Saturday school. 3. During the year we have some cases where a phone call may be sent home on Mondays for students needing to serve a 2hr. detention on Tuesday afternoon if regular classes are not in session on Monday. Also a phone call may be made on Thursdays for students needing to serve a three hour Friday school if regular classes are not in session on Friday. 4. This way we have a record of when the call was made and received. Please keep in mind that this phone call is different than the one that is sent out daily for students having unexcused absences. How does a student get an intervention/detention “cleared”? A student cannot get an intervention “cleared” by a parent once they are assigned an intervention unless it is an extenuating circumstance (48 hour rule). Once a student serves an intervention a student can continue to move up the intervention list or stay on the same intervention depending on the student’s attendance every week. (extenuating circumstance: death in the family or by a doctor’s note) Why am I receiving more than one phone call? or Why is my student receiving more than one intervention slip? Possible clerical error for which we do apologize if that is the case or the following scenario: 1. You will receive more than one phone call during a given week concerning different detention notices. One will be for failing to serve a 2hr. detention and therefore being assigned a 3hr detention. The other phone call will be because the student was assigned another level of attendance intervention resulting in a 2hr detention or level four 3hr detention. A student may receive more than one detention slip because they failed to serve a 2hr detention that turns into a 3hr detention. The second slip would be because the student’s attendance did not improve therefore being assigned another 2hr detention or level four 3hr detention. Failure to Work Policy First Concern: Teacher will visit with student about concern. Second Concern: Teacher will notify parent. Third Concern: Teacher will notify counselor. Fourth Concern: Teacher will notify administration. Student will be removed until a parent conference takes place and a contract is made. Fifth Concern: Student may be removed from class with loss of credit and reduce schedule. SPANISH FOR THE NATIVE SPEAKERS 08-09 PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN THIS PAGE TO MS. VELÁZQUEZ Signatures acknowledge receipt of the guidelines as stated in the syllabus: Student — Please print full name ______________________________________________ Student signature__________________________________Date______________________ Parent/Guardian with whom you live ___________________________________________ #1 Parent/Guardian — Please print full name Parent signature __________________________________ Date _____________________ Home Phone __________________________________ Hours_____________________ Work Phone __________________________________Hours _____________________ E-mail address ____________________________________________________________ #2 Parent/Guardian — Please print full name Parent signature __________________________________ Date _____________________ Home Phone __________________________________ Hours_____________________ Work Phone __________________________________Hours _____________________ E-mail address ____________________________________________________________ Online grade password — I’ll be posting grades to the WHS website later this month. If you would like to be able to access your student’s grade online when this process is complete, please indicate the six-digit/letter password you would like me to install for your use. If you do not have a preference, I will use the six-digit code provided by the school. •••This counts as your first assignment•••