1 TSUNAMI WARNING – DEBORAH GLIEBE + ROSIE LOVEJOY 4-11-2011 by Judy Curmi At church today (April 3, 2011) our Pastor, Len Phelps announced that he had been called by prophetess-evangelist Deborah Gliebe in reference to a massive earthquake and tsunami coming soon off the West Coast of the USA. Deborah is currently traveling along the West Coast of the USA and told Pastor Len “I’ve been taken over by God with one message.” Here is the link to Deborah’s webpage: http://www.firegate.org/Opening.htm Deborah is an awesome prophetess, well known to Rosie and myself ever since we attended revival meetings where she was a speaker in the mid 1990’s. Rosie called and talked to Tom Gliebe, Deborah’s husband, to confirm the information we heard reported by our pastor. This is what Rosie was told. On February 7, 2011 Deborah said she was told by the Lord that ten major earthquakes are going to hit the world in the next 6 to 8 months. She defined a major earthquake as one of 7.0 or above on the Richter scale. She thought one of the early quakes would be in Indonesia. Deborah also thought one of the ten (although she was not specifically told this word for word) would be along the Juan da Fuca Plate. This plate in the Pacific Ocean stretches from approximately Mendocino, California to northern Vancouver Island, Canada. It is a “subduction zone” where the Pacific Ocean plate is pushing under the North American Plate. Subduction zone earthquakes can be massive, potentially Richter Scale 8-9 or more. Both the Banda Ache Quake in Indonesia and the recent quake just off the coast of Sendai, Japan were subduction earthquakes. Both were followed by huge tsunamis. Deborah believed this West Coast quake would stretch 700 miles, virtually the entire length of the Juan da Fuca Plate. It would last 4-5 minutes. There has never been anything like it in recorded history that she knows of. The damage from the quake and tsunami would be catastrophic. She was not given a specific time or date. However she was told “The plates will not shift until after you meet Pastor X”. Deborah is meeting Pastor X in Canada in approximately mid-April of 2011. This means theoretically that this West Coast Pacific Ocean subduction earthquake could occur at any time after that meeting. 2 Tsunamis do not just travel in one direction, but like a rock thrown into water, send out ripples in all directions. They can also go around corners (as in- around islands or peninsulas). I have attached a link to NOAA maps showing “Tsunami Travel Time Maps” and other West Coast tsunami information. The maps show where tsunami waters would flow from various West Coast locations and approximately how long they would take to reach certain other locations. For instance, a tsunami generated off the coast of Los Angeles, CA would take approximately 5 hours and 40 minutes to reach Hawaii. The same tsunami would take 15-16 hours to reach Australia. Below is a link to NOAA’s Web page where you may pick many cities to look at their potential “tsunami fingerprint.” These maps show that a Pacific coastal Los Angeles quake-tsunami would go completely around Australia and keep on going! http://wcatwc.arh.noaa.gov/travel.times/ttt.htm Here is a link to an excellent map showing the location of the Juan da Fuca plate. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_de_Fuca_Plate HOW HIGH COULD THIS TSUNAMI WAVE ACTUALLY BE? In December of 2006 when my sister, Rosie Lovejoy, was told by the LION OF ZION to “move away from the coast to higher ground” we received a number of confirmations from people who had dreams or visions of a tidal wave so high it “washed Whidbey Island, WA clean”. Tom Gliebe confirmed this in his phone conversation with my sister saying “There would be nothing left on Whidbey and very little left in Seattle. The whole area would be devastated.” At its highest point, Whidbey Island (in Puget Sound) is 425 feet above sea level. In one of the 2006 confirmations we received, an individual saw a tsunami wave so high it circled around the mountains of the Olympic Peninsula (on both north and south sides) and “reached the foothills of the Cascade Mountains”. I checked the elevations of a number of towns that I had always thought (since I was a little girl), were Western Washington “foothill towns” to the Cascade Mountains. I was surprised to discover that –elevation wise – they really were not, with the possible exception of Snoqualmie, WA. Here are some of the “foothill towns” in Western Washington and their elevations: 3 Carnation, WA… elev. 75-82 feet Duvall, WA… elev. 140 feet Goldbar… elev. 200 feet Snoqualmie, WA … elev. 410 feet Sultan… elev. 220 feet Snoqualmie Pass…elev. 3022 feet Remembering that Seattle itself is NOT on the Pacific Coast, here are the number of miles that these towns are inland from Seattle: Carnation, WA…20 miles from Seattle Duvall, WA…25.2 miles from Seattle Snoqualmie, WA…25 miles from Seattle and “half way to Snoqualmie Pass” Goldbar…24.7 miles from Everett [Everett is due north of Seattle] Sultan, WA…24 miles from Seattle Snoqualmie Pass…46 miles from Seattle In a 2006 tsunami vision an individual saw a tsunami travel up the Fraser River to “lap at his feet” in Hope, British Columbia. Hope is at an elevation of 138 feet and is 93.5 miles inland from Vancouver, B.C. Still another (third individual) saw a tsunami wave that swept in from the Pacific Ocean all the way up the Columbia River to the Tri-Cities in Washington State. These three cities, Kennewick, Pasco and Richland sit at an elevation of 400 feet and are 212 miles inland from Portland, Oregon. Again, Rosie specifically asked Tom Gliebe about Whidbey Island, which is where we used to live. Whidbey is in Puget Sound northwest of Seattle. Tom told her he believed Whidbey Island would be “demolished and nothing left standing there”. Its highest elevation is 425 feet. According to the US Geological Survey-IRIS Consortium and Centre Sismologique Euro-Méditererranéen these are the earthquakes I was able to find of magnitude 6.7 or above since Feb. 7, 2011. DATE 2-11-2011 2-22-2011 3-9-2011 MAGNITUDE 6.8 6.3* 7.3 LOCATION Near Cauquenes, Chile Near Christchurch, New Zealand Off east coast of Honshu, Japan 4 3-11-2011 3-11-2011 3-11-2011 3-11-2011 3-12-2011 3-24-2011 4-3-2011 4-7-2011 9.0 6.7 7.9 7.7 6.8 6.8 6.7 7.1 Off east coast of Honshu, Japan Off east coast of Honshu, Japan Off east coast of Honshu, Japan Off east coast of Honshu, Japan Off east coast of Honshu, Japan Myanmar (Burma) South of Java, Indonesia Off east coast of Honshu, Japan [“According to GNS Science Seismologists the energy released in Christchurch was equivalent to a magnitude 6.7 earthquake.”] WIKIPEDIA There have been warnings by seismologists for many years of potentially devastating quakes on the West Coast of the USA and Canada. There have also been many prophesies (some even with specific dates that have passed uneventfully) of quakes/ tsunamis in the same region. In the case of Deborah Gliebe she was told there would be ten magnitude 7.0+ earthquakes within six to eight months of Feb. 7, 2011. In a little over two months we have already had five, with four to six months yet to go. This information is for your discernment and prayer. Amos 3:7…For the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets”. ***** Below is the prophetic word received by my sister for our family to move away from the Pacific Coast. We move inland from an elevation of 110 feet to 2200 feet. ***** LION OF ZION # 39 “COME AWAY FROM THE COAST” Dec. 22, 2006 Rosie Lovejoy 5 I was worshiping with friends. We were celebrating Shabbat and learning how to do so. Then we were led into a meditation. Rather than going down into a garden with Jesus as I was instructed, I found myself going up. I was climbing a steep red rock cliff. Higher and higher I went. When I reached the precipice I saw a golden door. It was arched at the top, so it wasn’t a rectangular door. Beautiful, breathtaking, golden light was coming out from around the door. Then the voice of my friend, THE LION OF ZION, began to speak to me. I asked the LORD about earthquakes and tidal waves and should I leave my Island in Puget Sound where I live? I have been hearing from other prophetic friends about earthquakes and tidal waves and moving away from Washington’s coastal areas, yet I had not heard from HIM personally. And I wanted to hear from HIM, as a move would be monumental due to my elderly parents and their desires and needs. Here’s HIS reply: “I AM CALLING YOU TO COME AWAY FROM THE COAST. I AM CALLING YOU TO COME TO HIGHER GROUND. I AM CALLING YOU TO COME IN AN ORDERLY FASHION BECAUSE I AM ORDERLY. FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT ASK AND WHO DO NOT LISTEN, IT WILL BE DISORDERLY AND MANY WILL PANIC.” “I AM YESHUA. THE ALPHA AND OMEGA. I CAN CAUSE THE STARS TO FALL WITH THE WAVE OF MY HAND. I CAN CHANGE THE TILT OF THE AXIS OF YOUR EARTH WITH THE SLIGHTEST MOVE OF MY FINGER. I HAVE HEARD YOUR CRY AND I WOULD ANSWER. I WILL ALWAYS ANSWER YOUR QUERIES. COME HIGHER! COME AWAY WITH ME!” 6 THE FOLLOWING EVENING December 23, 2006 We were gathered for another evening together to learn about how Hebrew families close Shabbat. We were speaking about the word I had received the night before. One woman volunteered that she has had numerous visions of huge tidal waves inundating the coast of Washington State, blasting around the Olympic Peninsula, up and down Puget Sound, and all the way to the Cascade Mountains. She believes the LORD has been speaking to her about preparing to move this spring. Her description of what she has seen in the Spirit is similar to many I have heard over the last few months (some even from clients who asked me to list their homes for sale as they were fleeing Western Washington.) And it was identical to one I had just heard two nights before from a man who now lives in Northern Idaho. He had also seen water blasting up the Columbia River Gorge. (I have not seen such a vision myself. I am only reporting what others have shared with me.) We all were abuzz with what the Spirit is showing us, and then we decided to worship and pray. This is what I heard…… “BE AT PEACE. I WILL WORK MY WORD IN YOU AND SHOW YOU THE WAY. THERE ARE MANY VOICES SPEAKING TODAY, AND SOME HEAR FROM ME AND SOME DO NOT. IT IS FOR EACH ONE TO COME TO ME AND ASK, FOR I WILL SURELY ANSWER THE QUERIES OF ALL MY CHILDREN. I HAVE TOLD YOU BEFORE THAT THESE ARE PERILIOUS TIMES AND THAT THE ARMIES OF MY HEAVENLY HOSTS STAND POISED TO BATTLE ON MY BEHALF AND ON BEHALF OF MY LITTLE ONES. 7 THERE IS NO NEED TO FEAR. THERE IS NO TIME TO FEAR, AS I GO BEFORE YOU AND MAKE STRAIGHT YOUR WAY. BE OF GOOD CHEER! FOR I WOULD ALWAYS ANSWER ALL WHO ASK AND I WILL DIRECT EACH AND EVERYONE WHO CALLS ON MY NAME. THE SECRET IS IN THE ASKING. MOST DO NOT ASK AND HENCE I CANNOT ANSWER. I HAVE SHOWN YOU THINGS TO COME. HOW THINGS UNFOLD AND THEIR TIMING IS IN MY HANDS. YOUR TASK IS TO ASK AND JOYFULLY OBEY. AS YOU OBEY, STEP BY STEP, I WILL LEAD YOU INTO THE NEXT STEP. THAT IS HOW THE FATHER LOVES TO WORK. FOR IT STRETCHES YOUR FAITH AND HE IS ABLE TO SHOWER YOU WITH BLESSINGS AND MIRACLES ALONG THE WAY. YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN YOUR NEXT STEP. WILL YOU OBEY?” “ONCE YOU DO, I WILL REVEAL THE NEXT STEP. IT IS LIKE JACOB’S LADDER. STEP BY STEP YOU ARE CLIMBING HIGHER AND HIGHER. BE AT PEACE MY DAUGHTER, FOR I AM MOVING UPON THE EARTH. MY SHOFAR HAS SOUNDED AND YOU WERE BORN FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS.” I believe that this is a personal word. I was shocked at what I heard when I finally inquired. Like all my previous visions this occurred after anointed praise and worship. 8 Other prophetic friends of mine have seen something drop from the sky, landing in the Atlantic Ocean, causing immense devastation [to the East Coast of the USA and Europe] by the tidal waves that were produced. My prayer is that all people who read this, anywhere in the world, will inquire of the LORD concerning where they live. Ask HIM if you are where HE wants you to be. My problem was that I just assumed that HE would tell me if I was in harm’s way. It never occurred to me that I needed to ask. I thought HE would tell me without inquiring first. This was a mistake. We all need to be in the place HE would have us be, when HE would have us there. DECEMBER 26, 2006 I was with a group of women for a night of worship and prophetic sharing. Most of us are prophetic, and we wanted to hear from each other and from the LORD. We had worshiped awhile and I became tired and sat down to worship in my chair. I was surprised to find that my friend, THE LION OF ZION, came and sat down next to me. I was petting HIS mane and scratching HIS back. HE sat quietly, seemingly enjoying my response to HIM. We began to sing about the spirit ‘breaking out’ in our region and I saw: the Cascade/Sierra/British Columbia/ALASKA Mountains begin to erupt all at once! Looking down from above, I saw the entire West Coast mountain range belching fire and smoke! Mountain after mountain after mountain was erupting simultaneously, like a long string of fiery beads. (This is not the first time I have seen the entire West Coast mountain chain erupt at once, [Lion of Zion # 14], but given what HE just told me to do (move!) I did not expect this…) I leaned over and kissed the top of HIS mane, and as I did so HE began to speak. 9 “YOU HAVE THOUGHT THAT THESE EARTH CHANGES I HAVE SHOWN YOU ARE MY JUDGMENTS ON THE INHABITANTS OF EARTH-AND SOME ARE ….. BUT I WOULD HAVE YOU KNOW THAT AS I DRAW NEARER AND NEARER, THE MOUNTAINS AND THE RIVERS AND THE OCEANS AND THE LANDS ARE GOING TO BREAK OUT IN ESTACY AT MY RETURN. THESE MOUNTAINS YOU ARE WITNESSING ARE CRYING OUT IN PRAISE! I HAVE TOLD YOU THAT YOU ARE TO COMPLETE ONE STEP AT A TIME, FOR THIS IS HOW IT WORKS. ONE STEP OF OBEDIENCE —THEN I WILL REVEAL MORE TO YOU….. AS I DRAW NEARER, THE EARTH, THE WINDS, THE WATERS AND THE MOUNTAINS WILL ALL BREAK OUT IN PRAISE FOR THEIR KING. FOR I AM COMING, I AM COMING !” Priscilla Van Sutphin has posted all my Lion of Zion Visions on her website at: http://www.upstreamca.org/LionofZion.html Thank You Priscilla! Legal Stuff: Copyright © 2006 by Rosie Lovejoy. Permission to distribute this material via e-mail, or individual copies, is automatically granted on the condition it will be used for non-commercial purposes and will not be sold. 10