Instructor: J

Instructor: K. Kauk
Week of : 9/19-9/23
TWL: Continue
learning el alfabeto
and introduce el
cuerpo vocabulario.
Class: Spanish IB
Objective: Students will be able to review el alfabeto through
oral dictation in a bell-ringer exercise. Students will review
alphabet marching song chorally. SWBAT take notes over body
parts in Spanish and TPR through un juego de Simon Dice.
Students will be given minimal time to complete alphabet
“books”and be prepared for alphabet oral quiz on Wednesday.
Materials: alphabet notes, el cuerpo notes, alphabet song,
alphabet book.
Follow-up: alphabet books due by end of class/ oral quiz over
alphabet on Wednesday.
Objective: Students will complete warm-up over labeling
TWL: Continue
celebrity body parts and review. Students will chorally practice
learning body parts: el Spanish alphabet song in order to prepare for oral quiz. Teacher
monstruo project.
will briefly review basic numbers and conjugation of tener in
order to facilitate expectations for “el monstruo” project.
Students will take knowledge of numbers, the verb tener, and
body parts and apply these concepts to creating a monster with
complete sentences in Spanish.
Materials: bell-ringer, alphabet song, notes, rubric for el
Follow-up: Quiz Wednesday over body parts/ monstruo project
due by Thursday.
Objective: Students will take oral quiz over alphabet; teacher
TWL: Complete el
will spell out various words using the Spanish alphabet and
monstruo project and students will write down each word. Students will be given this
class time to create monstruos and will present their monstruos
pronunciation in
in Spanish (practicing sentences orally beforehand)on
order to prepare for
Thursday. Rough drafts must be checked by teacher before final
Materials: rubric, body vocabulary, sentences for project, colors
Follow-up: feedback on alphabet quiz on Thursday/ present
monster projects on Thursday.
Objective: Students will present their monsters to the class in
TWL: el monstruo
Spanish. Sentences must include application of knowledge of
numbers, body parts, and conjugation of the verb tener. If time
permits, students will begin learning “tengo celos” song by
Fanny Lu which reiterates concepts of the conjugation of the
verb tener and body part vocabulary. Students will take notes
over translation and practice the first verse.
Materials: monster presentations, tengo celos lyrics sheet.
Follow-up: practice first verse of song at home; test over song
(in groups) two weeks from Thursday.
TWL: Continue
learning “tengo celos”
song and learn
vocabulary that will
enable students to
discuss their class
schedules in class.
Objective: Students will continue translating and practicing
“Tengo Celos” song. Students will aslo be introduced to new
vocabulary that enables them to be able to talk about their
school day. After choral pronunciation of new vocabulary,
students will have a guided conversation in pairs talking about
their classes. Students will listen to others talk about their
schedules in Spanish.
Materials: text/ realidades c.d./ Fanny Lu song.
Follow-up: Make flash cards over new school vocabulary.