El Alfabeto—Spanish Alphabet Aa ah Hh ah-chay Ññ en-yay Uu oo Bb bay Ii ee Oo oh Vv bay Cc say Jj ho-tah Pp pay Ww doh-blay-bay CHch chay Kk kah Qq coo Xx eh-kees Dd day Ll el-lay Rr eh-rray Yy Ee ay LLll ay-yay RRrr eh-rrray Zz Ff ef-fay Mm eh-may Ss es-say Gg hay Nn en-nay Tt tay ee-gree-ay-gah say-tah The Spanish alphabet has a few more letters than the English alphabet. The letter H is always silent when it is used in words. Vowels only have one sound. In Spanish, there is no such thing as long and short vowels. The letters B and V sound exactly the same when said. We often say “Bay de burro” when talking about the letter B. We often say “Bay de vaca” when talking about the letter V. Some Spanish speakers will say “doh-blay-oo” for the W. The R and RR make the same sound, but the RR sound lasts longer. El Alfabeto—Spanish Alphabet Aa ah Hh hache Ññ en-yay Uu oo Bb bay Ii ee Oo oh Vv vay Cc say Jj hota Pp pay Ww dooblay-vay Ch chay Kk kah Qq coo Xx eh-kees Dd day Ll el-ay Rr erray Yy ee-gre-ay-gah Ee ay ll ay-yay rr errray Zz say-tah Ff efay Mm emay Ss essay Gg hay Nn enay Tt tay