Europe Between the Two World Wars: Great Britain, France, and the Successor States of Eastern Europe GREAT BRITAIN After some initial recovery, Great Britain’s economy struggled in the 1920s; in 1926 a General Strike occurred; the Labour Party emerged and became, along with the Conservative Party, one of the major political parties; though the Depression certainly hurt the Economy, Great Britain avoided disaster or violent change in their political system; the Empire showed signs of breaking up (Canada and Australia enjoyed greater independence, part of Ireland became a separate state, and India began the move to self-government) Stanley Baldwin (1867-1947)—conservative Prime Minister for much of the 1920s Ramsey MacDonald (1866-1937)—first Labour Prime Minister (this signals the effective end of the Liberal Party); attempted to enact extensive social reform General Strike of 1926—after coal miners’ wages were cut, they went on strike; ultimately the strike spread to other vocations, but the strikers capitulated (the government did, however, provide more services for workers after the General Strike) The National Government—a coalition of Labour, Conservative, and Liberal ministers that attempted to “deal with” the Depression by raising taxes, abandoning the gold standard, and adopting protective tariffs FRANCE Lacked political stability during the 1920s (27 different cabinets); Conservatives dominated from 1920-1924 and 1926-1931; 1920s generally prosperous for France—the Depression did not hit until 1931; after 1931 political tension between the Left and Right heated up; in 1936 the Popular Front took over; the 1930s were hard for France—they struggled economically and there was deep political division The Blue Horizon Chamber—numerous members of the military elected to the Chamber of Deputies (very conservative—though Clemenceau too lenient) The Little Entente—between Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Yugoslavia (France made an alliance with these states and Poland) The Treaty of Rapallo—between Russia and Germany (secretly established military cooperation between the countries in terms of training—violates Treaty of Versailles) Raymond Poincaré (1860-1934)—very nationalistic Prime Minister; when Germany defaulted on its reparation payments he sent French troops to occupy the Ruhr (the English did not like this and the move hurt the French economy) Edouard Herriot (1872-1957)—in 1924 a coalition of leftist parties took over; they recognized the Soviet Union and were not as heavy-handed in dealing with Germany Action Française and Croix de Feu—radical right-wing groups, predecessors of the Fascists and Nazis Léon Blum (1872-1950)—important French socialists who headed the Popular Front Popular Front—a coalition of Left-wing parties dedicated to social reform; won the election of 1936 EASTERN EUROPEAN STATES In the wake of the demise of Russia, Austria, and Germany (in World War I), several “successor states” were created in Eastern Europe; these new states experimented with liberal democracy but they also faced economic difficulties and the various nationalities (and ethnic groups within these states) were often at odds with one another; POLAND ***In 1926 Josef Pilsudski (1857-1935) led a coup that created a military dictatorship CZECHOSLOVAKIA ***Led by Thomas Masaryk (a well known scholar), Czechoslovakia was the exception to the successor states of Eastern Europe: democracy thrived and the Czechoslovakian economy was relatively strong (and had a strong industrial base) HUNGARY ***Bela Kun (1885-1937) led a short-lived communist state after World War I— he was defeated and Hungary was ruled by Miklós Horthy (1868-1957) in an authoritarian manner AUSTRIA ***We will talk about this with Germany—Austria was dominated by authoritarian groups and its economy struggled YUGOSLAVIA ***Was dominated by the Serbs (the authoritarian rulers were Serbian kings)— ethnic tension between the various ethnicities was high ROMANIA ***Royal dictatorship BULGARIA ***Royal dictatorship GREECE ***Military dictatorship