Perry Hall High School

Perry Hall High School
Class of 2015 Prom---Guest Ticket Form
Please complete this form if bringing a guest who is from another school or over the age of 18. This form must
be completed in order to purchase a guest ticket for the Class of 2015 Prom on Saturday, May 16.
Name of PH Student: _______________________________________Grade: __________
PH Student Phone #: ______________________________________________________
Name of Non-PH Guest: ____________________________________ Age: __________
Guest School: (If there is one) ________________________________________________
Administrator Name: ________________________________ Position: _____________
Contact Information (Phone # and/or Email): ______________________________
Administrator Signature: _________________________________
Date: _________
By signing the line below, you are agreeing to the following:
1. The information on this form is correct.
2. You will notify Ms. Foley or Mr. Armstrong if change your guest.
3. That you are responsible and accountable for your guest if he/she violates any rules in our handbook.
4. That you are aware that your guest MUST bring a photo ID in order to enter the dance.
Signature of PH Student: ____________________________________
Signature of Parent: ____________________________________
----------------------------------------To be completed by Class of 2015 ticket vender-------------------------------------------
PH Student ticket number: ______________
Guest Ticket Number: ___________________