Thermal management in disk lasers: doped-dielectric and semiconductor laser gain media in thin-disk and microchip formats Alan J. Kemp, Alexander J. Maclean, John-Mark Hopkins, Jennifer E. Hastie, Stephane Calvez, Martin D. Dawson and David Burns Institute of Photonics, SUPA, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. Abstract. Finite element and analytical modelling of thermal effects in doped-dielectric and semiconductor disk lasers is used to assess advanced approaches to thermal management. The prospective utility of high thermal conductivity materials such as diamond, particularly to improve the spectral coverage in semiconductor disk lasers and to scale the output power of quasi-monolithic microchip lasers is illustrated. The potential of materials with strong pump absorption to improve the practicality of doped-dielectric thin-disk lasers, particularly for mobile applications, is also outlined. 1. Introduction The use of disk-like laser gain media has enabled the development of highly efficient kilowatt-class diode-pumped bulk solid-state lasers (see e.g. [1]); the almost simultaneous, but largely separate, development of semiconductor disk lasers (also known has vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VECSELs)) [2] has shown that optically pumped semiconductor lasers can be power-scaled whilst retaining both beam quality and the inherent wavelength flexibility of semiconductor lasers – difficult in traditional semiconductor laser geometries [3, 4]. These two classes of disk laser – dopeddielectric and semiconductor (see figure 1) – share many advantages and development challenges. Taken together, they offer the potential for broad wavelength coverage, short pulse operation, and tuneablity from a single laser geometry, merely by changing the gain medium. They are thus a flexible and practical potential solution to the disparate engineering challenges set by today’s sophisticated applications. Disk lasers have three key advantages: the extraction of heat from a small volume through a large area – simplifying thermal management; the absorption of pump light in a plane – improving overlap with low brightness pumps; and the ability to exploit both semiconductor and doped-dielectric gain media – extending wavelength coverage and functionality. In this paper, the prerequisites for practical disk lasers will be discussed; finite-element thermo-optical calculation will be used to analyse advanced approaches to thermal management. In section 2, the use of high thermal conductivity materials will be analysed. Section 3 will discuss the use of high absorption materials to alleviate the typically cumbersome pump recirculation requirements in doped-dielectric disk lasers. Finally, section 4 will deal with the potential for high-power quasi-monolithic microchip lasers using both dopeddielectric [5, 6] and semiconductor gain media [7]. Thin Crystal Simple Cavity Heat Sink Multipass Pump (a) (b) Figure 1: Schematic diagrams of (a) a doped-dielectric thin-disk laser and (b) a VECSEL Heatspreader strongly modifies heat flow Power scaling enabled Heat resistance of substrate and DBR bypassed Temperature Rise (K) Temperature rise reduced Max Temperature Excursion (K) z (mm) 2. Thermal management The disk geometry is intrinsically advantageous from a thermal management perspective – it permits aggressive cooling of a small volume through a large area and it promotes axial heat flow, minimizing the detrimental effects of thermal lensing – however, pushing the boundaries of performance and practicality often requires additional thermal management. In this section the use of high thermal conductivity materials – such as diamond [8-10], silicon carbide [11], and sapphire [12-14] – to improve the thermal management of disk lasers will be discussed. 250 Thin Device soldered to Diamond & Copper 200 150 100 50 Diamond Heatspreader 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 DBR Thermal Conductivity (W/(mm.K)) r (mm) (a) (b) Figure 2: (a) Finite element simulation of a VECSEL with a diamond heatspreader; (b) the variation of the maximum temperature in a VECSEL with the substrate removed and one with a diamond heatspreader as a function of the DBR thermal conductivity. (10W of pump in a 50μm pump spot radius for a 980nm InGaAs VECSEL pumped at 808nm.) Although there are a few reports of the use of diamond in laser systems (see e.g. [8, 9]), its considerable potential to improve thermal management has yet to be widely exploited. One area where it has had considerable impact is in semiconductor disk lasers (VECSELs) [15, 16]. These lasers are particularly thermally sensitive: the gain comes from quantum wells located at the anti-nodes of the intracavity field; as the temperature rises with increasing pump power, the spectral peak of the quantum well gain and the period of this geometrical arrangement tune at different rates, eventually causing the output power to roll-over. There are two widely used solutions: one is to bond a diamond heatspreader to the top of the semiconductor wafer; the other is to remove the substrate on which the VECSEL structure is grown and cool through the distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) mirror structure on the rear (a thin device approach). The thermal impedance of the DBR limits the utility of the latter approach to semiconductor materials systems with high thermal conductivity (see figure 2). By contrast, the diamond heatspreader approach is far less dependent on the thermal conductivity of the semiconductor materials used and has thus facilitated Watt level demonstrations at 670nm [17], 850nm [18], 980nm [7], 1060nm [19], 1320nm [9], 1550nm [15] and 2300nm [20]. Doped-dielectric disk lasers can also benefit from the use of high thermal conductivity materials. The thin-disk geometry has the effect of making the conventional thermal lens nearly negligible. The dominant thermal deformation is thus bowing of the thin laser material resulting in a convex end mirror [21]. This can act both to reduce the beam quality and destabilize the resonator, but more importantly, the associated stresses can lead to disk fracture. Liao and co-authors [22] demonstrated that compressing the disk in a sapphire anvil could at least partially compensate for this effect. The results of our finite-element analysis suggest that bonding to a high thermal conductivity material can significantly reduce stress and temperature rise in doped dielectric disk lasers (see figure 3). The use of diamond rather than sapphire should to further improvement. We have recently bonded diamond to a disk of Nd:GdVO4 by means of liquid capillarity (the same method used to bond diamond heatspreaders to VECSELs) and we are preparing to test the thermal management and laser performance characteristics of this composite. (a) (b) (c) (d) Nd:YVO4 YVO4 Nd:YVO4 Nd:YVO4 Sapphire Sapphire Nd:YVO4 43 -703 3731 98 98 Maximum Temperature Rise (K) 43 148 41 Radius of Curvature of the Deformation (Disk Bowing) (mm) -34199 -2024 -62704 Radius of Curvature of the Thermal Lens (km) 2.4 1.6 2.0 Maximum Stress (MPa) 136 285 86 Maximum Stress in Doped Section (MPa) 136 139 86 (e) Sapphire Nd:YVO4 Sapphire 92 -2296 1.2 126 5 Figure 3: Summary of the finite element analysis results for a range of possible composite thin-disk geometries. 500W of absorbed pump power is assumed in a pump spot of 3.3mm radius. The doped section is assumed to be of 1atm% Nd:YVO4 and to be 122μm thick. The disk diameter is assumed to be 7.5mm, while the total thickness of the undoped sections is taken as 1mm. A constant temperature boundary condition is assumed between disk and heat sink (the bottom element in the diagrams). 3. Practical pumping arrangements The thermal management potential of disk lasers is predicated on the use of thin gain media; thus the advantages are usually bought at the expense of pump complexity – the pump light must be recirculated to achieve efficient absorption. In high power Yb:YAG thin disk lasers, 16 or more pump passes [1] can be required, making the laser cumbersome for mobile applications. One potential solution is to use a composite disk (usually Yb:YAG and undoped YAG) to permit side pumping across the diameter of the disk [23]. An alternative is to take advantage of materials with strong pump absorption such as the Nd:GdVO4 or highly doped Yb:KYW. This approach is motivated by the following analysis. Using some simplifying assumptions (four-level medium, plane-waves, uniform heatload, 1-D heatflow), the maximum temperature rise in the disk can be approximated as: Tmax o 2 r2 2 2 P L h c r out p p e o t 1 2 k H (1) where η is the fraction of the pump power converted to heat, Λ is the single pass passive loss, Λo is the output coupler transmission, r is the radius of the pump mode, laser mode and crystal (assumed to be equal), Pout is the output power, λL is the laser wavelength, λP is the pump wavelength, σe is the stimulated emission cross-section, τ is the upper level lifetime, k is the thermal conductivity, t is the disk thickness, and H is heat transfer coefficient between the disk and heatsink. This equation implies that the disk thickness should be reduced as far as possible and a material of high thermal conductivity selected. However, to treat the disk thickness as an independent parameter is misleading. In a thin-disk context, the disk thickness is set by the requirement for efficient pump absorption. A typical benchmark is 95% pump absorption [1], which, since practicality must limit complexity, should be achieved in N passes. If the finite spectral width of the pump and the absorption are ignored for simplicity, equation 1 becomes: Tmax o 2 r2 2 2 P L h c r out p p e o 3 1 2 N k H (2) where is the pump absorption coefficient. There are two clear strategies to reduce the temperature excursion and hence also the stress. One can increase the spot size r, but this can be done only in so far as the threshold (controlled by the second term in the middle set of parentheses) does not become excessive. Thus one would like a material with a large σe.τ product. From a materials perspective, one would certainly want a large thermal conductivity, but selecting such a material will only be worthwhile if it also has good pump absorption. Comparing equations 1 and 2, it is clear that the appropriate thermal figure of merit for a four level thin-disk material is not the thermal conductivity, but the product of the thermal conductivity and the pump absorption coefficient: k.α. Much like spot size scaling being limited by the consequent rise in threshold, maximising the k.α product is only helpful in controlling the temperature when the heat transfer coefficient, H, is sufficiently high. Thus, the nature and quality of the disk to heat sink interface will be crucial. Nonetheless, high pump absorption materials will be key to rationalizing high power thin disk lasers such that the thermal management advantages can be maintained whilst the practicality is improved by reducing the number of pump passes. The bonding of very thin samples of strongly absorbing gain media to high conductivity materials will be important, not only to improve thermal management, but also be ease handling and mounting. 4. Microchip formats and managed thermal lensing Another area where the use of high thermal conductivity ancillary materials and strongly absorbing gain materials can combine is the field of microchip lasers. These are monolithic lasers made from a plane parallel slice of laser gain material onto which dielectric laser mirrors are directly coated [5, 6]. When this slice of gain material is longitudinally pumped by a diode laser, the thermal lens stabilizes the cavity and a high quality output beam is generated from a package much more convenient and robust than a conventional diode-pumped solid-state laser. However, these lasers typically only produce a few hundred milliwatts of output power before the thermal effects get too strong and either the crystal cracks or the mode quality deteriorates. Our simulation indicate (see figure 4) that the use of diamond to assist in managing the thermal effects in these devices should enable scaling to higher output powers, perhaps in the region of 10W. As mentioned earlier, we have recently succeeding in bonding diamond to Nd:GdVO4, the first step in testing this hypothesis. Temperature rise within the cavity on axis (K) Max. Temperature Rise = 386K TEM00 Mode Radius (FEA) = 26m 10W 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Pump Absorbed 808nm Max. Temperature Rise = 78K TEM00 Mode Radius (FEA) = 41m 200m 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Distance through device (mm) 200 200m Nd:GdVO4 200 200m Diamond Dielectric Mirror Max. Temperature Rise = 93K TEM00 Mode Radius (FEA) = 30m Devices cooled on a 3mm inner diameter annulus on both large face. Gaussian pump profile, single pass pumping 50 120 100 40 80 30 60 20 40 10 20 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Pump Spot Radius ((m) m) (a) 0 300 4 30 Diamond 3.5 25 3 20 2.5 2 15 1.5 10 1 5 0.5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Max Temperature Rise (K) 140 Sapphire Optimum Thickness (mm) 60 Max Temperature Rise (K) Optimum Thickness (mm) Figure 4: Finite element modelling of the potential for improved thermal management in microchip lasers using diamond. 0 300 Pump Spot Radius ((m) m) (b) Figure 5: Optimum heatspreader thickness and maximum temperature rise as a function of pump spot radius for a 980nm microchip VECSEL. The optimum heatspreader thickness is assumed to that which ensures the laser and pump mode radii are equal. The pump power is assumed to be 5W. Microchip lasers can also be fabricated using VECSEL gain media, bringing the advantage of wavelength versatility [7, 24, 25]. Here, a dielectric mirror coating is applied to the outside surface of the heatspreader to form a quasi-monolithic laser. In such lasers, it is important to match the pump and laser mode sizes. If the laser mode is too small, multi-transverse mode operation will lead to lower beam quality; too large and re-absorption losses will occur in the unpumped regions of the semiconductor gain medium. Thus, the thermal lens strength must be appropriately managed. We have used finite element simulations to model the thermal lensing effects in microchip VECSELs with sapphire and diamond heatspreaders (see figure 5). Diamond is predicted to ensure lower temperature rises and mode-matching at reasonable thicknesses. These predictions are in accord with experimental demonstrations where microchip VECSELs using diamond have typically delivered higher beam quality [7, 25, 26]. 5. Conclusions The intracavity use of high thermal conductivity ancillary materials is set to have significant impact on the thermal management of diode-pumped solid-state lasers, both doped-dielectric and semiconductor. In this paper, we have shown that in semiconductor disk lasers such materials can bypass the higher thermal impedance of the semiconductor materials required in the visible and mid-infrared – an important step towards realising a high power wavelength engineerable laser technology. Finite element models of high power doped-dielectric disk lasers show that materials such as sapphire and diamond can reduce bowing of the disk. Bonding to such materials will also render practical the use of very thin slices of strongly pump absorbing materials; the analytical model presented in this paper indicates that this will be a route to realising more practical disk lasers for mobile applications. Materials like diamond will also have an impact on the power scaling of quasi-monolithic microchip lasers, with the simulations presented here suggesting the scaling to multi-Watt power levels with good beam quality is possible. By integrating high performance thermal management, disk lasers have the potential to become enabling sources where applications require both performance and practicality. Acknowledgements AJK and JEH gratefully acknowledge personal research fellowships from the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Royal Academy of Engineering respectively. References [1] C. Stewen et al., IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 6, 650, 2000. [2] M. Kuznetsov et al., IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 5, 561, 1999. [3] J. M. Hopkins et al., Physica Status Solidi (c), 3, 380, 2006. [4] A. C. Tropper et al., Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 39, R74, 2004. [5] G. J. Dixon et al., Proceedings of SPIE, 1104, 107, 1989. [6] J. J. 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