Bio 189- Biodiversity Lab Course Syllabus, Spring 2007 Course Description Bio 189 is the laboratory for Bio 179. This course is designed to provide students with exposure to organisms representing the diversity within the kingdoms of life. Instructors Instructor Dr. Stanley Wiatr Email: Dr. Jim Barron Email: Office Phone Science 139 657-2018 Office Hours (or arranged) MWF 8:00 – 9:00 Science 132 657-2918 MWF 11:30 – 12:30 Required Texts & Readings: Vodopich, D.S & Moore, R. 2005. Biology Laboratory Manual, 7th edition. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. New York. Course Requirements and Regulations 1. Because of weekly pre-lab quizzes and/or in class assignments, regular attendance is essential. 2. Make-up work will not be possible. This includes quizzes and exams. 3. In case of emergency, contact your instructor via telephone or email, or leave a message with Melanie, the Biology Department Secretary (657-2031). 4. No food or drink is allowed in lab. 5. Students are required to arrive on time. Late students will not be given a quiz and will receive a zero. All materials and equipment must be returned to their storage locations after use. Your work area must be clean before departure. Grading 1. Quizzes – 8 quizzes will be given and they will represent 50% of the lab grade. The quizzes will cover material from the previous week’s lab activities AND they will also test your understanding of the current week’s activities. Each quiz will be given at the beginning of the lab period. Your lowest quiz from each half of the course will be dropped. 2. Lab Practical #1 – This will be a comprehensive exam covering all material in the first half of the course. 3. Lab Practical #2 – This will be a comprehensive exam covering all material in the second half of the course. Grading 50% based on 8 quizzes A 90 - 100 % 25% based on Lab Practical #1 B 80 - <90 25% based on Lab Practical #2 C 70 - <80 D 60 - <70 F Less than 60 1 533551156 Bio 189 Lab Schedule Dates 1/18/07 1/25/07 2/1/07 2/8/07 2/15/07 Pre-lab Quiz Lab Activity Orientation Exercise 24 & 25 Algae, Protozoans & Slime Molds Exercise 26 Fungi Quiz on Exercises 2425 Quiz on Exercises 26 2/22/07 3/1/07 Quiz on Exercises 2728 Quiz on Exercises 29 No pre-lab quiz 3/8/07 3/15/07 3/22/07 Quiz on Exercise 35 3/29/07 4/5/07 4/12/07 4/19/07 Quiz on Exercise 36 4/26/07 No pre-lab quiz Exercise 27 & 28 Mosses, Liverworts & Seedless Vascular Plants Exercise 29 Gymnosperms Exercise 30 Angiosperms Midterm Lab Practical Exam First Half of course No Lab Spring Break Exercise 35 Phyla Porifera & Cnidaria Exercise 36 Phyla Platyhelminthes & Nematoda Exercise 37 Phyla Mollusca & Annelida No Lab – Mini-Break Exercise 38 Phylum Arthropoda Exercise 39 Phylum Echinodermata, Hemichordata & Chordata Final Lab Practical Exam Second Half of course Quiz on Exercise 37 Quiz on Exercise 38 2 533551156