Vienna - European Association of Nuclear Medicine

EANM – Committee Inflammation/Infection Meeting
Vienna, April 26, 2013
Attending: A. Signore (AS, chair), E. Lazzeri (EL, Vice-chair and minutes), O. Israel (OI), J. MartinComin (JMC), F. Jamar (FJ), P. Erba (PE), J. Buscombe (JB), Francois Rouzet (FR), Andor
Glaudemans (AG), Riddhika Chakravartty (RC)
A. Bauer and B. Krause participated in a telephone conference in the afternoon.
1. Welcome by AS, chair of the Committee
2. Approval of agenda
All members approved the agenda.
3. Approval of minutes of previous meeting in Milan in October 2012
All members approved the minutes of previous Committee meeting in Milan (October 2012).
All members also approved the minutes of interest group meeting: we would suggest to put on
EANM web site all the news from these meetings and to register by default in the group, all
meeting participants.
4. Introduction of new members
AS explained to the new members the organizational and functional charts of EANM and the aims
of this Committee. AS invited every member to introduce themselves.
5. New rules for Committee and new rules/tasks of Committee members (the matrix)
AS showed the submitted 2013 matrix that was previously approved by all members. Each
Committee member will therefore have his own role within the Committee despite we will keep
working in close collaboration and by sharing ideas and actions.
Alberto Signore, Rome, Italy
Elena Lazzeri, Pisa, Italy
Francois Jamar, Brussels, Belgium
Ora Israel, Haifa, Israel
Josè Martin-Comin, Barcelona, Spain
Riddhika Chakravartty, London, UK
Leader of the Committee; representative of the
Committee in the Advisory Council.
Filling in Committee matrix and follow up of action
item delivery.
Relations with clinical society of Infective diseases,
Orthopaedics and Radiology.
Guidelines on Osteomyelitis
Assists the Committee Chair. Replaces Chair in case
of absence.
Representative in the EANM Congress Scientific
Responsible for teaching courses with JMC.
Relations with clinical society of Cardiology.
Guidelines on Endocarditis
Responsible for agenda, minutes.
Senior tutor of new young members.
Relations with other clinical societies.
Guidelines on Vascular grafts
Representative of the Committee to the ESNM.
Relations with clinical society of Diabetes.
Guidelines on Diabetic foot
Substitute of OI in ESNM.
Contacts with ISORBE.
Responsible for teaching courses with EL.
Relations with clinical society of Gastroenterology.
Guidelines on IBD
Guidelines on IBD
Minutes, Committee Inflammation/Infection Meeting, 02.03.2012, Vienna
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Andor Glaudemans, Groningen, NL
Francois Rouzet, Paris, France
Paola Erba, Pisa, Italy
John Buscombe, Cambridge, UK
Update on new hardware and software.
Responsible of Medline searches and meta-analysis.
Guidelines on Osteomyelitis and Diabetic foot
Responsible of Medline searches and meta-analysis.
Guidelines on Endocarditis and Vascular grafts
Responsible of Medline searches and meta-analysis.
Guidelines on Endocarditis and Vascular grafts
Substitute of EL in Scientific Committee.
Responsible of paper editing and guideline
Promotion of internal and external activities of the
Committee particularly with IAEA.
AS explained the sub-groups and tasks for the diagnostic GL with other societies:
Osteomielitis (OM): coordinated by AS with EL and AG
Vascular Prosthesis (VP) coordinated by FJ with OI and FR
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) coordinated by JMC with AS
Infective Endocarditis (IE) coordinated by EL with PE and FR
Diabetic Foot (DF) coordinated by OI with AS and JB and RC
PE suggest to include CIED into IE Diagnostic flow-chart but others members suggest to create a
new Team for this issue.
6. Report of Committee chair on last discussions with EANM Advisory Council
AS informed the members about the last Advisory Council meeting in particular about the following
key-points listed by Arturo Chiti:
a) Members of EANM should have more clinical CV.
b) Try to reach the leadership in infection imaging.
c) To involve clinicians and radiologists in order to produce shared diagnostic GL of infective
diseases (as our Committee does). FJ asks for a commitment for publication of this important work
d) Young members should have a formal Tutor. AS proposes FJ as Tutor for the new
members. FJ accepts the assignment. OI proposes to the young new members to represent our
Committee during the “Student day” on next EANM Congress in Lyon. FR accepted the
e) Standardization of PET/CT acquisition and imaging interpretation.
f) Extension of EANM practical courses outside of Europe.
g) Development of E-learning courses.
7. Report of Ora Israel responsible for ESNM
OI informed the members about the difficulty to organize an EANM practical course of labelling
procedure out of Vienna. AS proposed that EL and JMC will continue working on the hypothesis to
organize annual “theorical courses” in Vienna and annual “practical courses” in major European
laboratories. We should also prepare and issue a diploma, similar to that made by ISORBE, and
make our teaching courses as similar as possible. EL and JMC accepted the task and will send a
draft of these two courses to be further discussed with EANM.
For the next EANM congress Goteborg 2014 OI proposed as CME topic “The rheumatic patient” or
an interactive session. JB proposes “Hybrid Imaging in Infection” for a symposium or CME or
interactive session. EL proposes to collaborate with Paediatric Committee and ask them to include
our lecture on “Paediatric infection” in their CME or symposium in Goteborg 2014. FJ proposed a
Pre-Congress on “Inflammatory diseases”.
Finally we approved all proposals with involvement of possibly all young members as speakers. FJ
suggest to share the slides of CME with all members to facilitate the aim of the speaker.
8. T-Conference with Committee Coordinator (BJ Krause)
AS asked the Coordinator to improve young members participation to Committee commitments.
Andrea Bauer (AB) asked for the Committee web-page responsible, RC accepted the assignment.
AS proposed to the Coordinator two kind of Teaching Courses by Committee of InfectionInflammation:
Practical Courses of white blood cells labelling, antibodies anti-granulocytes labelling,
interpretation criteria of infection imaging, modality of acquisition of nuclear medicine imaging of
infection etc. These courses should be done in many countries of Europe and outside of Europe for
doctors, biologists, technicians.
Theoretical Courses of Infection Imaging for medical colleagues.
Minutes, Committee Inflammation/Infection Meeting, 02.03.2012, Vienna
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The Committee Coordinator is in agreement with these proposals.
AB explained that every Course (lasting two days) must have only two teachers. AS asks to JB
Krause favourable opinion to prepare a Diploma, similar to the ISORBE one, for those attending
the course. AB will send to AS the Radiopharmacy Diploma to prepare a similar version. AB also
approved that the first course will be done in Rome in December 2013 and will pay some
registrations for young members (5 to 10).
AS informed JB Krause about the progress of the Committee project to share the Diagnostic Guide
Lines (DGL) with clinicians and radiologists (the summary of last EANM Pre-Congress will be
published next months). AS asks for the place and date to meet clinicians and radiologists to
decide how to work to prepare the draft of DGL.
JB Krause and AB recommended Vienna as place of meeting and AS proposes July 19 or 22.
AS will send to Katharina a letter to officially invite infectivologists, radiologists and clinicians who
must be delegated and supported by their respective European Society. All members should arrive
at the meeting with the meta-analysis (at least from 2000) done.
9. Final draft of guideline on “image acquisition and interpretation criteria protocols for
radiolabelled autologous WBC and monoclonal antibodies”
All members read, correct and approve the manuscript (EL should further modify the Tables with
AS and submit to JB for final corrections).
10. State of the art of collaboration with other societies for joint procedural guidelines (see
above) with all members
a. team for Osteomyelitis and PJI (rapporteur AS: everything is OK)
b. team for Vascular Infections (rapporteur FJ who expressed some concerns about the difficulty
to find shared criteria to prepare Diagnostic GL with the colleagues of the team)
c. team for Diabetic foot (rapporteur OI who expressed some concerns about the difficulty to
obtain complete collaboration by infectivologist)
d. team for IBD (rapporteur JMC: the work was done)
e. team for Endocarditis (rapporteur EL: everything is OK)
11. Report on the organization of the 1st Course on Inflammatory-Infection Imaging in Rome on
13-14 December 2013
EL and JMC will submit to EANM the request for the patronage of the Course and for the
contribution to some registration fees.
12. Other items
AS informed all members about IAEA/ISORBE next meetings on infection imaging, and asked JB
and JMC to give to IAEA or ISORBE respectively, our availability to participate to their meetings.
13. Date of next meeting & closing remarks
All members approved the date of next meeting in Lyon (EANM Congress) in October 2013.
Minutes, Committee Inflammation/Infection Meeting, 02.03.2012, Vienna
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