Saint Mary’s Catholic Primary School Gladstone Street, Glossop, Derbyshire. SK13 8NE Tel/ Fax: 01457 854473 / 854486 Email: Head teacher Mr. S.D. Groarke B Ed(Hons) NPQH Assistant Head teacher: Mrs P. O’Hara Friday 21st September 2012 International Peace Day Dear Parents, The children celebrated Mass this morning with Fr Stan and we thought about being peacemakers as it is the International Peace Day today. Year 2 presented a drama about colours uniting to become a rainbow of hope. They did it with such enthusiasm! Thanks to families and parishioners who were able to join us. Interschool Cross Country Despite the pouring rain our teams ran hard representing the school well coming midway in the table. Well done to the girls and boys who took part. Mrs Kenyon’s class visit to the Guardian Newspaper offices was a great day out. Although we had a very early start, the children worked hard to produce front page newspapers working with editors of the Guardian. They enjoyed a tasty lunch provided by the Guardian and they all seemed to really enjoy the experience. As always, the children were well behaved: this was particularly helpful when we were travelling on the Underground. They didn’t even moan that much when the Glossop train was cancelled at Manchester on our return. Well done all of you and to Mrs. Kenyon for helping us win the day out! Important news on attendance and term time holidays: The government have introduced further stringent measures to combat poor attendance: The LA advice to parents about penalty notices makes clear that: Parents must ensure that their child attends regularly and punctually Failure to do so will amount to an offence in law, making them liable to a penalty notice or other statutory action, including prosecution The penalties for continued unauthorised absence can be severe. The advice emphasises that it is vital for parents to contact the school if they have any concerns about their child’s attendance and that only the school can authorise absence or lateness. The full guidance “ Penalty Notices - Advice for Parents and Carers” is on our website for your information. If you do not have access to the internet, a paper copy can be requested from the school office. School Jumpers: It has come to my attention that Bulldog Fashions are stocking our school jumpers. However they have not had permission to use our logo on their clothing items or sell them as our uniform. More to the point, the jumpers are in fact the wrong design, shade and of inferior quality. Please keep Mrs Usher happy by continuing to use her uniform sales while I deal with this matter. Trip to France 2013. I have provisionally booked a visit to Le Chateau du Tertre, Normandy, France for Monday 30th September to 4th October 2013. This is a place we have stayed at before and although the travelling time is long on the coach, the area is well worth seeing. The trip is open to all children who are currently in Year s 4 or 5. Cost of the trip is £260 based on 35 children going. And payments can be spread over the year. If you are interested in your child going to France please indicate on the slip below. No deposits need to be sent in this week but a show of interest would be helpful for me to know whether the trip is viable in 2013. I am interested in my child_________________________________________ Class___________ going on the trip to France 30 th September 2013. I understand that the cost of the trip is £260 per pupil. Signed___________________________________ Date_______________________________ Glossop Swimming Club will be holding its annual Junior Schools Gala on Friday 5 th October 2012. Last year we were very successful – we entered three teams with the girls winning gold and bronze medals and the boys winning silver! We hope to enter four teams this year which will mean we will need sixteen swimmers – four for each relay team. If you would like to swim for one of the teams you will need to be available for both the Gala night and the practice session which is this Tuesday 25th September from 8pm to 8.45pm (there is a £1 fee for this session). Please just turn up on Tuesday evening and meet Andrew Elliott (Benedict’s dad) in the entrance foyer at 7.45pm with a £1 and a mobile contact number. Children need picking up by 8.45pm (parents may stay and watch). If you need to contact Andrew before Tuesday’s session his number is 07967 964159. (For those who are members of the Swimming Club please note that this year, the Schools Gala is on a different night to the Club Gala.) This week’s Star pupils are: Head teacher’s choice Nathan P Mrs. Haworth/Mrs Kays Miss Etchells Sam Gracie Mrs O’Hara Mrs Pickford Mrs Boardley/Mrs Brown Freya Zara Natalie Chosen for: being Peacemakers Well done to all of you. Happy Birthday to: Esme 8 Jacob 6 Enjoy your weekend, Yours sincerely, Mr S.D. Groarke Head teacher Where Children learn to love to live to be Mrs Kenyon Lauren S