Clinical Pathology Accreditation (UK) Ltd CPA Ref No(s): Date of Visit: 1365 03/12/2012 to 06/12/2012 Finding 1. Blood Bank refrigerator mapping data provided for Main Theatre fridge showed breach of stated requirement. No nonconformity had been raised. Clearance Review Form - Main Visit Department: Dept of Haematology & Blood Transfusion Assessors: RA-Cathy Tate Mr. J Connolly Prof. G Smith Clause Classification N Asr A.6.3 D.1.2h JC Hospital: CPA Decision Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS FT Mr.S Conlan Dr. S Pereirera Summary of root cause, corrective action and evidence submitted by laboratory to clear finding Mrs. M Popeck CPA Response Interim Accreditation To maintain accreditation finding to be cleared within 12 weeks from date of visit Expiry date: 25 Feb 2013 2. The records of departmental management meetings do not include target dates to ensure that actions are completed in an agreed and appropriate timescale. N A1.5 CT Interim Accreditation To maintain accreditation finding to be cleared within 12 weeks from date of visit Expiry date: 25 Feb 2013 Document Name: Author: Owner: MV-Ncor Obs Regional Assessment Managers Regional Assessment Managers Page Date Version Key: Asr = Assessor, App = Applicant, Rep = Representative 1 of 15 23 February 2012 3.00 Clinical Pathology Accreditation (UK) Ltd CPA Ref No(s): Date of Visit: 3. 1365 03/12/2012 to 06/12/2012 Clearance Review Form - Main Visit Department: Dept of Haematology & Blood Transfusion Assessors: RA-Cathy Tate Prof. G Smith Clause Finding Classification The departmental training policy (HAPOL 051 v 4.01) states that following initial competency assessment periodic reassessment is not required apart from in certain circumstances, i.e. a period for reassessment has not been defined. However in practice the competency matrices (summaries) are reviewed every six months but the record of what was reviewed and when is incomplete. In addition initial competency records for longserving staff are incomplete, and some tasks are not included (e.g. referral) N Document Name: Author: Owner: Mr. J Connolly Asr A6.3 B6.2h B9.3 CT Hospital: CPA Decision Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS FT Mr.S Conlan Dr. S Pereirera Summary of root cause, corrective action and evidence submitted by laboratory to clear finding Mrs. M Popeck CPA Response Interim Accreditation To maintain accreditation finding to be cleared within 12 weeks from date of visit Expiry date: 25 Feb 2013 MV-Ncor Obs Regional Assessment Managers Regional Assessment Managers Page Date Version Key: Asr = Assessor, App = Applicant, Rep = Representative 2 of 15 23 February 2012 3.00 Clinical Pathology Accreditation (UK) Ltd CPA Ref No(s): Date of Visit: 4. 1365 03/12/2012 to 06/12/2012 Clearance Review Form - Main Visit Department: Dept of Haematology & Blood Transfusion Assessors: RA-Cathy Tate Mr. J Connolly Prof. G Smith Clause Finding Classification A large number of noncontrolled working instructions were in-use (also raised previously at SV 29/11/2010). In addition version discrepancies between footers and front pages were detected in a number of documents. N Asr A8.1 All Hospital: CPA Decision Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS FT Mr.S Conlan Dr. S Pereirera Summary of root cause, corrective action and evidence submitted by laboratory to clear finding Mrs. M Popeck CPA Response Interim Accreditation To maintain accreditation finding to be cleared within 12 weeks from date of visit Expiry date: 25 Feb 2013 Please note clearance evidence should include rigorous document control audit to demonstrate full compliance Document Name: Author: Owner: MV-Ncor Obs Regional Assessment Managers Regional Assessment Managers Page Date Version Key: Asr = Assessor, App = Applicant, Rep = Representative 3 of 15 23 February 2012 3.00 Clinical Pathology Accreditation (UK) Ltd CPA Ref No(s): Date of Visit: 5. 1365 03/12/2012 to 06/12/2012 Clearance Review Form - Main Visit Department: Dept of Haematology & Blood Transfusion Assessors: RA-Cathy Tate Prof. G Smith Clause Finding Classification The Haematology-specific records of the last AMR comprise only of the CPA Executive Summary which describes how the components of the QMS are reviewed but does not include an actual review of the outcomes of:- user satisfaction & complaints, internal audit of the QMS and examination processes, status of preventive, corrective & improvement actions, and quality indicators. N Document Name: Author: Owner: Mr. J Connolly Asr A11.1 b-e gh CT Hospital: CPA Decision Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS FT Mr.S Conlan Dr. S Pereirera Summary of root cause, corrective action and evidence submitted by laboratory to clear finding Mrs. M Popeck CPA Response Interim Accreditation To maintain accreditation finding to be cleared within 12 weeks from date of visit Expiry date: 25 Feb 2013 MV-Ncor Obs Regional Assessment Managers Regional Assessment Managers Page Date Version Key: Asr = Assessor, App = Applicant, Rep = Representative 4 of 15 23 February 2012 3.00 Clinical Pathology Accreditation (UK) Ltd CPA Ref No(s): Date of Visit: 1365 03/12/2012 to 06/12/2012 Finding 6. 7. Clearance Review Form - Main Visit Department: Dept of Haematology & Blood Transfusion Assessors: RA-Cathy Tate Mr. J Connolly Prof. G Smith Clause Classification A number of staff rotate through Immunology and also participate in the shift, OOH & weekend rotas for Haematology. This means that Immunology is short staffed due to these rotas. This has the potential to cause service issues: NEQAS error (LKM1) attributed to lack of experienced staff available for checking by second person. N There are insufficient phlebotomy staff at the Gloucester site to meet the demands of the service. The service has been reduced in some areas leading to adverse incident reports. N Asr B 2.1 SC/SP Hospital: CPA Decision Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS FT Mr.S Conlan Dr. S Pereirera Summary of root cause, corrective action and evidence submitted by laboratory to clear finding Mrs. M Popeck CPA Response Interim Accreditation To maintain accreditation finding to be cleared within 12 weeks from date of visit Expiry date: 25 Feb 2013 B2.1 F3.1a MP Added Standard F3.1a Interim Accreditation To maintain accreditation finding to be cleared within 12 weeks from date of visit Expiry date: 25 Feb 2013 Document Name: Author: Owner: MV-Ncor Obs Regional Assessment Managers Regional Assessment Managers Page Date Version Key: Asr = Assessor, App = Applicant, Rep = Representative 5 of 15 23 February 2012 3.00 Clinical Pathology Accreditation (UK) Ltd CPA Ref No(s): Date of Visit: 1365 03/12/2012 to 06/12/2012 Clearance Review Form - Main Visit Department: Dept of Haematology & Blood Transfusion Assessors: RA-Cathy Tate Mr. J Connolly Prof. G Smith Clause Finding Classification Asr 8. There is only one receptionist in the OPD Phlebotomy area at Gloucester to deal with patients, make appointments for treatment, answer the telephone and answer queries from many visitors who are unsure of hospital departments. The telephone had to be left unanswered whilst the receptionist was attending to these problems. X MP Remove from report – not managed by Pathology 9. Records of CPD and some training events are held only by the individual so the laboratory management does not hold a full staff record. N CT Added Standard B9.5 B6.2g B9.5 Hospital: CPA Decision Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS FT Mr.S Conlan Dr. S Pereirera Summary of root cause, corrective action and evidence submitted by laboratory to clear finding N/A Mrs. M Popeck CPA Response N/A Interim Accreditation To maintain accreditation finding to be cleared within 12 weeks from date of visit Expiry date: 25 Feb 2013 Document Name: Author: Owner: MV-Ncor Obs Regional Assessment Managers Regional Assessment Managers Page Date Version Key: Asr = Assessor, App = Applicant, Rep = Representative 6 of 15 23 February 2012 3.00 Clinical Pathology Accreditation (UK) Ltd CPA Ref No(s): Date of Visit: 1365 03/12/2012 to 06/12/2012 Finding 10. The Specimen reception manager had not been competency assessed for the work she performed and had limited opportunity for her professional development and further education. Clearance Review Form - Main Visit Department: Dept of Haematology & Blood Transfusion Assessors: RA-Cathy Tate Mr. J Connolly Prof. G Smith Clause Classification N Asr B9.1b B9.3 F3.1a MP Hospital: CPA Decision Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS FT Mr.S Conlan Dr. S Pereirera Summary of root cause, corrective action and evidence submitted by laboratory to clear finding Mrs. M Popeck CPA Response Added Standard F3.1a Interim Accreditation To maintain accreditation finding to be cleared within 12 weeks from date of visit Expiry date: 25 Feb 2013 11. The main theatre blood fridge is located in an inappropriate position. The room has poor circulation and is over-heating. The compressor on the fridge is working too hard to maintain temperature. This will reduce lifespan of equipment and increase risk of failure Document Name: Author: Owner: O C1.2a D1.1 JC Classification lowered to Observation Removed Standard D1.4 Added Standard D1.1 Laboratory management to note finding MV-Ncor Obs Regional Assessment Managers Regional Assessment Managers Page Date Version Key: Asr = Assessor, App = Applicant, Rep = Representative 7 of 15 23 February 2012 3.00 Clinical Pathology Accreditation (UK) Ltd CPA Ref No(s): Date of Visit: 1365 03/12/2012 to 06/12/2012 Finding Clearance Review Form - Main Visit Department: Dept of Haematology & Blood Transfusion Assessors: RA-Cathy Tate Prof. G Smith Clause Classification 12. Lack of space in Blood Transfusion laboratory results in incompatible activities taking place in the same work area (e.g. booking in blood products in the analyser processing area) N 13. There is insufficient space for patient recovery facilities in the phlebotomy area at Cheltenham O 14. There is insufficient storage space in the phlebotomy area in Cheltenham for reagents/stock. O Document Name: Author: Owner: Mr. J Connolly Asr C.1.2.c JC Hospital: CPA Decision Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS FT Mr.S Conlan Dr. S Pereirera Summary of root cause, corrective action and evidence submitted by laboratory to clear finding Mrs. M Popeck CPA Response Interim Accreditation To maintain accreditation finding to be cleared within 12 weeks from date of visit Expiry date: 25 Feb 2013 C3.1b MP Classification lowered to Observation Laboratory Management to note finding C4.1f MP Classification lowered to Observation Laboratory management to note finding MV-Ncor Obs Regional Assessment Managers Regional Assessment Managers Page Date Version Key: Asr = Assessor, App = Applicant, Rep = Representative 8 of 15 23 February 2012 3.00 Clinical Pathology Accreditation (UK) Ltd CPA Ref No(s): Date of Visit: 1365 03/12/2012 to 06/12/2012 Finding 15. HazTabs in the spillage kit in Immunophenotyping Laboratory out of date (Exp: 7/2011). Clearance Review Form - Main Visit Department: Dept of Haematology & Blood Transfusion Assessors: RA-Cathy Tate Mr. J Connolly Prof. G Smith Clause Classification Asr N C5.3f GS Hospital: CPA Decision Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS FT Mr.S Conlan Dr. S Pereirera Summary of root cause, corrective action and evidence submitted by laboratory to clear finding Mrs. M Popeck CPA Response Interim Accreditation To maintain accreditation finding to be cleared within 12 weeks from date of visit Expiry date: 25 Feb 2013 16. The procedure ‘BTSOP 044 Maintenance & alarm testing Stroud’ requires clarity for staff on action to be taken in event of failure of equipment & returning blood to fridge if not required immediately N D1.2h JC Removed Standard D3.2d Interim Accreditation To maintain accreditation finding to be cleared within 12 weeks from date of visit Expiry date: 25 Feb 2013 Document Name: Author: Owner: MV-Ncor Obs Regional Assessment Managers Regional Assessment Managers Page Date Version Key: Asr = Assessor, App = Applicant, Rep = Representative 9 of 15 23 February 2012 3.00 Clinical Pathology Accreditation (UK) Ltd CPA Ref No(s): Date of Visit: 1365 03/12/2012 to 06/12/2012 Finding 17. BTS Request form is not time stamped on receipt in Blood Bank and no audit of times to ensure delay acceptable. Clearance Review Form - Main Visit Department: Dept of Haematology & Blood Transfusion Assessors: RA-Cathy Tate Mr. J Connolly Prof. G Smith Clause Classification N Asr E5.1c JC Hospital: CPA Decision Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS FT Mr.S Conlan Dr. S Pereirera Summary of root cause, corrective action and evidence submitted by laboratory to clear finding Mrs. M Popeck CPA Response Interim Accreditation To maintain accreditation finding to be cleared within 12 weeks from date of visit Expiry date: 25 Feb 2013 18. The SOP for Autoimmune profile contains photographs of ANA staining on Hep2 for reference even though the analysis is carried out on mouse LKS slides. N F2.1j SC Interim Accreditation To maintain accreditation finding to be cleared within 12 weeks from date of visit Expiry date: 25 Feb 2013 19. There are many GP clinics performing INR tests locally but there is no evidence of the comparison of results or quality assurance of these tests. (Note: these clinics nor tests are not managed by the laboratory) Document Name: Author: Owner: X MP Removed from report not part of the assessment N/A MV-Ncor Obs Regional Assessment Managers Regional Assessment Managers N/A Page Date Version Key: Asr = Assessor, App = Applicant, Rep = Representative 10 of 15 23 February 2012 3.00 Clinical Pathology Accreditation (UK) Ltd CPA Ref No(s): Date of Visit: 1365 03/12/2012 to 06/12/2012 Finding Clearance Review Form - Main Visit Department: Dept of Haematology & Blood Transfusion Assessors: RA-Cathy Tate Mr. J Connolly Prof. G Smith Clause Classification Asr Hospital: CPA Decision 20. The GRH Laboratory definition of the “Measurement of Uncertainty” does not take into account external factors which could influence the quality of results. However evidence was seen that these factors are considered. O F3.3 GS Laboratory management to note finding 21. BTS telephone of urgent results / blood product not recorded on phone pad or consistently recorded in LIMS phone-browser. N G.3.1f A6.3 JC Added Standard A6.3 Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS FT Mr.S Conlan Dr. S Pereirera Summary of root cause, corrective action and evidence submitted by laboratory to clear finding Mrs. M Popeck CPA Response Interim Accreditation To maintain accreditation finding to be cleared within 12 weeks from date of visit Expiry date: 25 Feb 2013 Document Name: Author: Owner: MV-Ncor Obs Regional Assessment Managers Regional Assessment Managers Page Date Version Key: Asr = Assessor, App = Applicant, Rep = Representative 11 of 15 23 February 2012 3.00 Clinical Pathology Accreditation (UK) Ltd CPA Ref No(s): Date of Visit: 1365 03/12/2012 to 06/12/2012 Finding 22. The report does not contain information about the type of specimen or highlighting of abnormal results for ANA. Clearance Review Form - Main Visit Department: Dept of Haematology & Blood Transfusion Assessors: RA-Cathy Tate Mr. J Connolly Prof. G Smith Clause Classification N Asr G2.3 dg SC Hospital: CPA Decision Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS FT Mr.S Conlan Dr. S Pereirera Summary of root cause, corrective action and evidence submitted by laboratory to clear finding Mrs. M Popeck CPA Response Interim Accreditation To maintain accreditation finding to be cleared within 12 weeks from date of visit Expiry date: 25 Feb 2013 23. Coeliac testing reports do not include gluten dietary advice, nor reference to established guidelines for follow-up. N G5.1 SP Part of finding removed Interim Accreditation To maintain accreditation finding to be cleared within 12 weeks from date of visit Expiry date: 25 Feb 2013 Document Name: Author: Owner: MV-Ncor Obs Regional Assessment Managers Regional Assessment Managers Page Date Version Key: Asr = Assessor, App = Applicant, Rep = Representative 12 of 15 23 February 2012 3.00 Clinical Pathology Accreditation (UK) Ltd CPA Ref No(s): Date of Visit: 1365 03/12/2012 to 06/12/2012 Finding Clearance Review Form - Main Visit Department: Dept of Haematology & Blood Transfusion Assessors: RA-Cathy Tate Mr. J Connolly Prof. G Smith Clause Classification 24. Audit of the department’s examination processes are appropriately scheduled, however the areas to be audited are not planned in advance but selected on an ad-hoc basis. This means that the schedule does not ensure that the full scope of the department’s repertoire is included in the audit cycle. N 25. The results of internal audit are not consistently communicated to staff (similar finding raised previously at SV 29/11/2010). N Asr H4.2a CT Hospital: CPA Decision Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS FT Mr.S Conlan Dr. S Pereirera Summary of root cause, corrective action and evidence submitted by laboratory to clear finding Mrs. M Popeck CPA Response Interim Accreditation To maintain accreditation finding to be cleared within 12 weeks from date of visit Expiry date: 25 Feb 2013 H4.4 H6.5 H1.2 CT Added Standard H1.2 Interim Accreditation To maintain accreditation finding to be cleared within 12 weeks from date of visit Expiry date: 25 Feb 2013 Document Name: Author: Owner: MV-Ncor Obs Regional Assessment Managers Regional Assessment Managers Page Date Version Key: Asr = Assessor, App = Applicant, Rep = Representative 13 of 15 23 February 2012 3.00 Clinical Pathology Accreditation (UK) Ltd CPA Ref No(s): Date of Visit: 1365 03/12/2012 to 06/12/2012 Finding Clearance Review Form - Main Visit Department: Dept of Haematology & Blood Transfusion Assessors: RA-Cathy Tate Mr. J Connolly Prof. G Smith Clause Classification 26. Although some examples were found there is insufficient evidence that the monitoring of corrective action for effectiveness is embedded in the quality improvement process (also raised previously at SV 29/11/2010) N 27. Although some NC data is reviewed for trends, not all sources of NC are included and records of review are not consistently kept (similar finding raised previously at SV 29/11/2010). N Asr H6.2d CT Hospital: CPA Decision Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS FT Mr.S Conlan Dr. S Pereirera Summary of root cause, corrective action and evidence submitted by laboratory to clear finding Mrs. M Popeck CPA Response Interim Accreditation To maintain accreditation finding to be cleared within 12 weeks from date of visit Expiry date: 25 Feb 2013 H7.1g CT Interim Accreditation To maintain accreditation finding to be cleared within 12 weeks from date of visit Expiry date: 25 Feb 2013 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTING CLEARANCE EVIDENCE Please complete the Summary column of the above table and submit this form as a Word document with clearance evidence. Evidence should be submitted as soon as possible and NO LATER THAN FOUR WEEKS BEFORE THE EXPIRY DATE. Please submit evidence to clear all findings at the same time and send electronically to with the Regional Assessor copied in. Document Name: Author: Owner: MV-Ncor Obs Regional Assessment Managers Regional Assessment Managers Page Date Version Key: Asr = Assessor, App = Applicant, Rep = Representative 14 of 15 23 February 2012 3.00 Clinical Pathology Accreditation (UK) Ltd CPA Ref No(s): Date of Visit: 1365 03/12/2012 to 06/12/2012 Clearance Review Form - Main Visit Department: Dept of Haematology & Blood Transfusion Assessors: RA-Cathy Tate Mr. J Connolly Hospital: Prof. G Smith Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS FT Mr.S Conlan Dr. S Pereirera Mrs. M Popeck PLEASE ENSURE THE EVIDENCE FOR EACH FINDING IS CLEARLY IDENTIFIED e.g. via clearly annotating files with finding number, embedding evidence within the clearance review form, or via submitting one email per finding. Document Name: Author: Owner: MV-Ncor Obs Regional Assessment Managers Regional Assessment Managers Page Date Version Key: Asr = Assessor, App = Applicant, Rep = Representative 15 of 15 23 February 2012 3.00