CE 527 Solid Waste Management Lecture 3 - Collection and Transfer Operations Collection Services for Municipal Waste • _______ - homeowner responsible for placing the containers at the curb and returning the empty container for storage • _______ - depending on location, homeowner may be responsible for setting out containers or placed in the alley for collection • _______ - containers are set out from homeowners' properties and set back after being emptied by collection crew • ________ - homeowner responsible for returning the containers to their storage location Example of Types of Containers (from Table 7-4, textbook) Type Range Typical Small Plastic pr galvanized metal 20 - 40 gal 30 gal Disposable Plastic bags 20 - 55 gal 30 gal Medium Container 1 - 10 yd3 4 yd3 Large Open top 12 - 50 yd3 Equipped with self-contained 20 - 40 yd3 compactor Types of Collection Systems: Hauled Container Systems • Hoist Truck System • Tilt-frame Container System • Trash-Trailer Systems Stationary Container System • system with mechanically-loaded collection vehicle • system with manually loaded collection vehicle Collection Routes A. Basic Goals 1. Efficient, economical and reliable collection of refuse 2. Balanced routes and work activities of crews B Analysis of Collection Routes 1. Exact Methods Analyze all possibilities (a) Impractical (b) Time consuming 1 Typical Dimensions 20"D x 26"H 30"W x 40"H 72"W x 42"L x 65"H (4 yd3) 8' W x 6'H x 20'L (35 yd3) 8' W x 8'H x 22'L (30 yd3) (c) Site conditions may be different Mathematical Models (i) Complex (ii) Expensive (iii) Not adaptable to many problems (iv) More as a screening tool 2 Heuristic process - empirical investigation (i) Relies on common sense "rules of thumb" (ii) Requires minimum time, materials and expense (iii) Adaptable to a wide range of problem and flexible C. Data Needed to Develop Collection Routes 1. Daily Collection Activity report (i) Average time for pickup, haul, on site and off-route (ii) Average pickup, hauling and off-route mileage (iii) Number of trips to disposal site (iv) Number of containers per pickup site (v) Average weight of SW per container (vi) Frequency of service needed (no. of days per week) (vii) Collection vehicle - capacity, maximum load, crew size 2. Detailed Community Maps (i) Show number of services by waste type on each street segment (ii) Show one-way streets dead ends, divided streets, obstructions and other necessary details 3. Existing Route Information, if available (i) Indicate existing routes on the map (ii) Indicate current collection vehicle type and crew size D. Factors to consider in designing a routing system 1. Geographical Areas - divide up into 5 basic areas (once per week collection over 5 days) - divide into areas that will be serviced by a single crew or truck over a 5 day period - divide into one day work areas Division can be based on: natural boundaries (rivers, railroads, expressways) time and distance to disposal differences in population density types of SW 2. Some Considerations in Laying out Collection Routes - continuous route with series of clockwise loops - minimize left turns and "U" turns - minimize "dead" distances - avoid heavily traveled streets during rush hours - collect as early in the day as possible - last container to be collected on the route is located nearest to the disposal site - sources with extremely large quantities of wastes generated should be serviced during the first part of the day - hilly area, start at the top of the grade and proceed downhill as the vehicle becomes loaded 2 Collection Analysis Pick up - hauled container system - conventional mode: time spent driving to the next container after an empty container has deposited, the time spent picking up the loaded container, and the time required to redeposit the container after its contents have been emptied exchange container mode: time required to pick up a loaded container and redeposit the container at the next location after its contents have been emptied stationary container system - time spent loading the collection vehicle, beginning with stopping the vehicle before loading the contents of the first container and ending when the contents of the last container to be emptied have been loaded Haul - hauled container system - time required to reach the location where the contents of the container are emptied (eg., disposal site) starting when a container whose contents are to be emptied has been loaded on the truck and continuing through the time after leaving the unloading location until the truck arrives at the location where the empty container is to be redeposited - does not include time spent unloading at unloading location stationary container system - refers to time required to reach the location where the contents of the collection vehicle will be emptied, starting when the last container on the route has been emptied or the collection vehicle is filled and continuing through the time after leaving the unloading location until the truck arrives at the location of the first container to be emptied on the next collection route At-site - time spent at the location where the contents of the container are unloaded Off-route - time spent on activities that are nonproductive • necessary off-route time - time checking in and out , congestion, equipment repairs, maintenance • unnecessary off-route - excess lunch period, talking to friends 3 Hauled Container System Stationary Container system Thcs Thcs = Phcs + s + h = Phcs + s + h h = a + bx h = a + bx Phcs = pc + uc + dbc Pscs = Ct(uc) + (np - 1)(dbc) Nd = [H (1-W) - (t1 + t2)] / Thcs Ct = vr / cf Nd = Vd/(cf) Nd = Vd /vr H = [(t1 + t2) + Nd(Tscs)]/(1-W) where Thcs Phcs s h a b x pc uc dbc Nd H W t1 t2 Vd c f Pscs Ct uc np v r c f Nd Vd t1 t2 = time per trip for hauled container system (h/trip) = pickup time per trip for hauled container system (h/trip) = at-site time per trip (h/trip) = haul time per trip (h/trip) = empirical hual time constant (h/trip) = empirical haul time constant (h/mile) = average round trip haul distance (mile/trip) = time required to pickup loaded container (h/trip) = time required to unload empty container (h/trip) = time required to drive between container locations (h/trip) = number of trips per day (trips/d) = length of work day (h/d) = off-route factor (fraction) = time to drive from dispatch station (garage) to first container location to be serviced for the day (h) = time to drive from the last container location to be serviced for the day to the dispatch station (garage) (h) = average daily quantity of waste collected (yd3/d) = average container size (yd3/trip) = weighted average container utilization factor = pickup time per trip for stationary container system (h/trip) = number of containers emptied per trip (containers/trip) = average unloading time per stationary container for stationary container system (h/container) = number of container pickup locations per trip (locations/trip) = volume of collection vehicle per trip (yd3/trip) = compaction ratio = container volume (yd3/container) = weighted container utilization factor = number of collection required per day (trips/d) = average daily quantity of waste collected (yd3/d) = time to drive from dispatch station (garage) to location of the first container to be picked up on the first route of the day (h) = time to drive from the approximate location of the last container pickup on the last route of the day to the dispatch station (garage) (h) 4 Public vs Private Collection Advantages Disadvantages Public Collection Non profit, so no additional revenue have to be raised for profits government operation results in purchasing advantage capital expenditure take longer to process system flexibility is more easily designed susceptible to political influences short term politics may favor cheapness instead of long term economics personnel efficiency may be lower than that of private firms Private or Contract Collection may be less susceptible to political interferences competition can increase system efficiency and improve service more flexibility in establishing management structure can involve less strain on municipal budget (eg., capital expenditures internal to private firm) profit structure and taxation costs may be passed on to customers community dependence on one contractor may occur minimizing advantages accruing from competition third party administration (required municipal oversight) accountability (financial difficulties and contract problems may hinder service. Transfer Stations • centralized facilities where waste is unloaded from several small collection vehicles and loaded into a larger vehicle for hauling • increase the efficiency of the system, as collection vehicles and crews remain closer to routes • may be integrated with other waste management options such as recycling programs and waste-to-energy facility operations • significant capital and operating costs may be needed Types of Transfer Stations (i) direct-load (ii) storage-load (iii) combined direct-load and discharge load By Size (i) small < 100 ton/day (ii) medium 100 to 500 ton/day (iii) large > 500 ton/day Transport Means (i) Motor Vehicle Transport (ii) Railroad Transport (iii) Water Transport (iv) Pneumatic transport, hydraulic transport Transfer Station Design Consideration (i) Type of Transfer Station (ii) Transfer Station Capacity Requirements (iii) Equipment and Accessory Requirements (iv) Environmental Requirements (v) Health and Safety (vi) Siting Issues 5