MURPHY OIL U.S.A., Inc. MERAUX REFINERY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SSP-0005 Date Issued: Supersedes: Page 1 of 7 04-01-97 01-29-93 TITLE: Asbestos Removal Work Practices PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to set forth criteria for safe working procedures in jobs involving the handling of asbestos in accordance with the OSHA Asbestos Standard 1910.1001. ASBESTOS REMOVAL WORK PRACTICES: A. Small-Scale, Short-Duration Activities Small-scale, short-duration renovation and maintenance activities are tasks such as, but not limited to: 1. Small-Scale Removal of asbestos containing insulation on pipes, valves and flanges. Removal of small quantities material on beams. of asbestos containing Quantity - 1 cubic yard or less which equals to four 55 gallon drums. NOTE: The quantity figure E.P.A. guidelines. 2. is established under the Short-Duration Activities that can be performed within or below the (TWA) time-weighted average of an 8-hour shift. B. Large-Scale Activities (Abatement Project) Large-scale abatement activities consist of removing quantities of asbestos containing insulation material greater than 1 cubic yard or more than four 55 gallon drums. MURPHY OIL U.S.A., Inc. MERAUX REFINERY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SSP-0005 Date Issued: Supersedes: Page 2 of 7 04-01-97 01-29-93 C. Guidelines of Asbestos Activities 1. A proper 2" x 2" sample shall be taken and sent to a lab for analysis. 2. Prior to any removal, the proper State agencies must be notified. The contractor shall receive a copy of the notification permitting the removal prior to the start of the process. 3. Prior to the removal process, the asbestos removal team shall have: a. A current annual physical by a physician. b. A current respirator fit test and proper training. c. Proof of current asbestos training direction of a certified instructor. d. Information on the job scope. e. All the necessary safety supplies, equipment and tools to perform the job safely. under the 4. A certified competent person will be on the job site at all times and write a letter of feasibility if needed. The certified competent person is responsible for selecting the safest and most feasible method for removal of the asbestos. 5. During the asbestos removal process, employee exposure monitoring shall be conducted. When all employees within the regulated area are equipped with supplied-air respirators operated in the positive-pressure mode, exposure monitoring may not be required. 6. Regardless of the abatement method used, a regulated area shall bear the proper warning signs visible from all angles. MURPHY OIL U.S.A., Inc. MERAUX REFINERY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SSP-0005 Date Issued: Supersedes: Page 3 of 7 04-01-97 01-29-93 D. Methods of Compliance - The Removal of Asbestos There are four acceptable methods for the safe removal of asbestos. They are the Glove Bag Method, Mini-Enclosure, Removal of Entire Structures, and Full Enclosure under Negative Pressure. Regardless of the method used for removal, the following items and personal protective equipment are considered mandatory: Properly fitted respirator with HEPA cartridges Disposable coveralls with hood and boot coverlets Approved gloves Hard hat, safety glasses, and goggles Disposable towels and underclothing Necessary tools such as, razor knives, snips, and nylon scrub brushes 6 mil plastic bags, sheeting, and structural supports Tape for proper sealing of bags/sheeting Paste-like substance for sealing rough edges of structures Water or wetting agent Portable garden sprayer Asbestos signs and barricade tape Vacuum equipped with a HEPA filtration system Air monitoring pump with 25mm cartridges approved for asbestos monitoring Potable drinking water Shower stall connected to a water supply with HEPA drain filtration MURPHY OIL U.S.A., Inc. MERAUX REFINERY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SSP-0005 Date Issued: Supersedes: Page 4 of 7 1. 04-01-97 01-29-93 Glove Bag Practices - Small Scale/Short Duration a. Glove bags are approximately 40" wide by 64" long fitted with arms by which the work can be performed. b. Glove bags shall be installed so that they completely cover the asbestos to be removed. c. All openings shall be sealed with duct tape and the bottom seam shall be taped to prevent any leaks. d. Thoroughly wet the asbestos material with the garden sprayer using the slot in the glove bag. e. Use the required tools to remove the asbestos material using care not to cut the plastic bag with any sharp objects. f. After the asbestos has been removed, wash down the surface with water and scrub with the nylon brush. g. The work area shall be cleaned and free of all asbestos material. h. Rinse off the tools and pull them through the fitted arms. i. Remove the pump sprayer nozzle and insert the HEPA vacuum to draw out all excess air. Squeeze the bag and compact it tightly to assure removal of air. j. Cut the fitted arm close to the end, remove any tools and tape the bag shut. k. Remove the bag from the structure, then remove the vacuum hose and use the "goose-neck" method to twist and seal the upper part of the bag. MURPHY OIL U.S.A., Inc. MERAUX REFINERY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SSP-0005 Date Issued: Supersedes: Page 5 of 7 2. 04-01-97 01-29-93 l. Dispose of the bag ONLY in the designated 55 gallon drum or dumpster. m. Employees are required to vacuum off their suits and respirators, and wash their respirator with water before removing it to eat or drink/and or leaving the regulated area. n. Employees are required to shower at the completion of the abatement. Mini Enclosure Practice - Small Scale/Shift Duration a. The mini-enclosure shall be constructed on all four sides, top and floor of double layered 6 mil polyethylene plastic supported by area structures. The area should be small enough to restrict entry to two (2) asbestos workers and their equipment. b. A change room shall be constructed and should be contiguous to the mini-enclosure. This change room will allow the worker to vacuum off his protective coveralls and respirator prior to leaving the area. c. The asbestos material shall be removed using the wet method. In cases where removal is performed on or near live electrical equipment or areas where water will seriously damage the surrounding area, a nonconductive wetting agent shall be used. d. The work area shall be clean and free of all asbestos materials prior to removing the enclosure. e. The employee must vacuum his suit and wash their respirator with clean water before removing it. f. Employees are required to shower upon leaving the work area. MURPHY MERAUX REFINERY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SSP-0005 OIL U.S.A., Inc. Date Issued: Supersedes: Page 6 of 7 3. 04-01-97 01-29-93 Removal of Entire Structures a. The asbestos-containing insulation shall be wrapped with double layered 6 mil polyethylene plastic and securely sealed with duct tape. b. If a pipe is completely insulated with asbestoscontaining materials, small sections should be stripped using the glove bag method. These stripped areas shall be used to cut the pipe into smaller pieces for transit. 4. Full Enclosure Practices using Negative Pressure a. The enclosure shall be constructed on all four sides, top and floor of double layered 6 mil polyethylene plastic supported by the area structures or additional 2" x 4" supports. All openings shall be sealed with duct tape. b. A hygiene facility shall be constructed and should be contiguous to the enclosure. This facility shall consist of three chambers. The dirty chamber shall be adjacent to the area where the work is to be done. A shower chamber shall be connected to the dirty chamber, and lastly, a clean chamber shall be next in line for storage of "street clothes". The certified competent person shall ensure proper erection of the hygiene facility. c. An initial air sample shall be taken after negative pressure is obtained within the enclosure. d. Once the negative air pressure machine is turned on to begin the asbestos striping, it must operate 24 hours per day. The primary and secondary filters must be changed as described by the manufacturer. MURPHY MERAUX REFINERY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SSP-0005 OIL U.S.A., Inc. Date Issued: Supersedes: Page 7 of 7 04-01-97 01-29-93 e. The asbestos material shall be removed using the wet method. In cases where removal is performed on or near live electrical equipment or areas where water will seriously damage the surrounding area, a nonconductive wetting agent shall be used. f. An excursion air sample must be taken on every job at the peak of the removal period. This air sample is taken for 30 minutes and processed by a lab. g. The work area shall be clean and free of all asbestos materials prior to removing the enclosure. h. After all asbestos removal work and the final cleanup is completed, the negative pressure air machine shall be turned off. i. The employees must vacuum their suits and wash their respirators with water before removal. j. Employees are required to shower upon leaving the work area, prior to eating and after the work shift has ended. Issued by: William C. Turnage, Jr. Approved by: S.J. Breaux