maternity entitlement

M o d e l
L e t t e r s
P a c k
This information should only be used by those
responsible for managing the maternity process, i.e.
Managers, Supervisors or Recruitment and Payroll
Teams etc.
Separate documentation: Quick Reference Guides
to Maternity (MA11 Maternity Provisions
Guidelines) have been produced for employees
detailing their maternity entitlements.
Produced by Fife Council Human Resources Section
19 December 2011: Issue Number 5.2
Fife Council December 2011
This pack brings together model letters for use with employees prior to and during
maternity leave. For detailed guidance on how and when to use each letter please
see MA71 Guidance Notes for Administering Maternity Arrangements.
The model letters in this pack should only be issued by Managers,
Recruitment and Payroll Teams or other staff responsible for
administering maternity entitlements.
Service Managers or Supervisors requiring advice and guidance around administering
maternity entitlements should email the employee helpline. (
Fife Council December 2011
Mat 1
<<Employee Name and Address Here>>
<<Supervisor contact details
Having received your completed Maternity Form, I am now able to give you
details about your entitlement and the conditions you must meet in order to
claim your maternity leave and pay. The contents of this letter are
provisional until I receive your Maternity Certificate (MAT B1) confirming your
expected date of childbirth.
As you have advised that you intend to return to work after the birth of your
baby, your entitlement is as follows:Leave
Ordinary Maternity Leave (OML) – 26 weeks; and
Additional Maternity Leave (AML) – 26 weeks
6 weeks @ 9/10 pay +
12 weeks @ half-pay & Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) (Flat
Rate) +
21 weeks SMP (Flat Rate)
Your total maternity pay will not exceed your normal basic
full pay.
To claim your entitlement:a) You must confirm to ……………, in writing, by the end of the 15th week
before the expected week of childbirth (EWC): the week your baby is expected to be born (EWC)
 when you want to start your maternity leave – the earliest date you
can begin your maternity leave is the start of the 11 th week before the
b) As you may qualify for Occupational Maternity Pay (OMP) you should
confirm, in writing, whether you intend to return to work on the expiry of
your leave for a period of at least 3 months.
c) You must forward, to ……………, a Maternity Certificate (MAT B1) as
early as possible, but at least 28 days before your maternity leave begins.
Fife Council December 2011
This form will be provided to you by your Doctor or Registered Midwife
after the 26th week of pregnancy.
To satisfy both a) and b) above please complete, sign and return the attached
Declaration Form.
Once we have received your completed Declaration Form we will write to you
within 28 days stating the date we will expect you to return to work if you
take your full (52 weeks) entitlement to maternity leave.
Should you wish to return to work prior to the date given to you, you must
provide 8 weeks notice, in writing, to your Service of the date you intend to
return. Should you fail to provide the full 8 weeks notice, you will not be able
to return until the full 8 weeks notice period has expired. The leaflet ‘MA80
Getting the Balance Right’ is enclosed, which outlines the flexible working
options you may want to consider on your return to work.
If, during your maternity leave, you decide that you do not intend to return to
work you must resign giving the appropriate length of notice specified in your
If you do not return to work at the end of your maternity leave, or return to
work for less than 3 months, you will have to repay the Occupational
Maternity Pay that you have received (12 weeks half-pay). Please note, that
although you will have received this pay with Tax and National Insurance
deducted, you may have to repay the gross amount of the half-pay.
Please return a signed copy of the attached Declaration Form, as soon as
possible, to show that you have understood and agree to abide by the
conditions of the scheme.
Finally, I would like to remind you that Fife Council employees with parental
responsibilities are also eligible to save up to *£933 per year with childcare
vouchers, free of tax and national insurance through the Childcare Vouchers
Scheme. Employees can apply online at or for any
help and advice call a member of the dedicated Helpline Team on 0800 161
3042. They are available to answer queries by telephone, fax, e-mail and
text. Alternatively, if you would like someone to call you to discuss the
scheme, just text ‘childcare’ and ‘your name’ to 81025. The Helpline Team
are available during their normal office hours (9.00 -am to 5.30 pm). Outwith
these hours you can leave a message on the answering machine for the team
to respond too.
*savings based on a lower rate tax paying employee
calls and text messages are charged at your standard network rate
May I take this opportunity to wish you well in the coming months.
Yours sincerely
Fife Council December 2011
Post title:………………………………………………………………………………
Hours of work per week: ..................................................................................
Section: ………………………………………………………………………………....
Approximate date baby is due (EWC):…………………………………………..
Date you propose to commence maternity leave: ..........................................
Please exclude annual leave from this date
I wish to take maternity leave and propose to return to work, in accordance
with the conditions of the SJC Maternity Leave Scheme, for a period of at
least 3 months. I understand that if I do not return for this period, I shall be
liable to repay to the Council any sums paid to me in respect of my
entitlement to 12 weeks at half-pay.
Signature …………………………………….
Date ……………………..
Please retain a copy of this form for your own records and forward your
original completed copy to:
Fife Council December 2011
Mat 2
<<Employee Name and Address Here>>
<<Supervisor contact details
Having received your completed Maternity Form, I am now able to give you
details about your entitlement and the conditions you must meet in order to
claim your maternity leave and pay. The contents of this letter are
provisional until I receive your Maternity Certificate (MAT B1) confirming your
expected date of childbirth.
As you have advised that you intend to return to work after the birth of your
baby, your entitlement is as follows:Leave
Ordinary Maternity Leave (OML) – 26 weeks
Additional Maternity Leave (AML) – 26 weeks
6 weeks @ 9/10 pay +
12 weeks @ half-pay (Occupational Maternity Pay) & Maternity
Allowance (MA), if you are eligible +
Your total maternity pay will not exceed your normal basic
full pay.
As your average earnings are below the limit for National Insurance
contributions, you are not entitled to Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP). You
may, however, be eligible for Maternity Allowance (MA) from the Department
of Work and Pensions. You will be issued with a SMP Exclusion Certificate
(SMP1) by Pay Unit, which you must take to your local Job Centre Plus
Office, who will advise you of any entitlement to Maternity Allowance.
To claim your entitlement to maternity leave and occupational maternity pay:a) You must confirm to ……………, in writing, by the end of the 15th week
before the expected week of childbirth (EWC): the week your baby is expected to be born (EWC)
 when you want to start your maternity leave – the earliest date you
can begin your maternity leave is the start of the 11 th week before the
Fife Council December 2011
b) As you may qualify for Occupational Maternity Pay (OMP) you should
confirm, in writing, whether you intend to return to work on the expiry of
your leave for a period of at least 3 months.
c) You must forward, to ……………, a Maternity Certificate (MAT B1) as
early as possible, but at least 28 days before your maternity leave begins.
This form will be provided to you by your Doctor or Registered Midwife
after the 26th week of pregnancy.
To satisfy both a) and b) above please complete, sign and return the attached
Declaration Form.
Once we have received your completed Declaration Form we will write to you
within 28 days stating the date we will expect you to return to work if you
take your full (52 weeks) entitlement to maternity leave.
Should you wish to return to work prior to the date given to you, you must
provide 8 weeks notice, in writing, to your Supervisor of the date you intend
to return. Should you fail to provide the full 8 weeks notice, you will not be
able to return until the full 8 weeks notice period has expired. The leaflet
‘MA80 Getting the Balance Right’ is enclosed, which outlines the flexible
working options you may want to consider on your return to work.
If, during your maternity leave, you decide that you do not intend to return to
work you must resign giving the appropriate length of notice specified in your
If you do not return to work at the end of your maternity leave, or return to
work for less than 3 months, you will have to repay the Occupational
Maternity Pay that you have received (12 weeks half-pay). Please note, that
although you will have received this pay with Tax and National Insurance
deducted, you may have to repay the gross amount of the half-pay.
Please return a signed copy of the attached Declaration Form as soon as
possible, to show that you have understood and agree to abide by the
conditions of the scheme.
Finally, I would like to remind you that Fife Council employees with parental
responsibilities are also eligible to save up to *£933 per year with childcare
vouchers, free of tax and national insurance through the Childcare Vouchers
Scheme. Employees can apply online at or for any
help and advice call a member of the dedicated Helpline Team on 0800 161
3042. They are available to answer queries by telephone, fax, e-mail and
text. Alternatively, if you would like someone to call you to discuss the
scheme, just text ‘childcare’ and ‘your name’ to 81025. The Helpline Team
are available during their normal office hours (9.00 -am to 5.30 pm). Outwith
these hours you can leave a message on the answering machine for the team
to respond too.
*savings based on a lower rate tax paying employee
calls and text messages are charged at your standard network rate
May I take this opportunity to wish you well in the coming months.
Yours sincerely
Fife Council December 2011
Post title:………………………………………………………………………………
Hours of work per week: ..................................................................................
Section: ………………………………………………………………………………....
Approximate date baby is due (EWC):…………………………………………..
Date you propose to commence maternity leave: ..........................................
Please exclude annual leave from this date
I wish to take maternity leave and propose to return to work, in accordance
with the conditions of the SJC Maternity Leave Scheme, for a period of at
least 3 months. I understand that if I do not return for this period, I shall be
liable to repay to the Council any sums paid to me in respect of my
entitlement to 12 weeks at half-pay.
Signature …………………………………….
Date ……………………..
Please retain a copy of this form for your own records and forward your
original completed copy to:
Fife Council December 2011
Mat 3
<<Employee Name and Address Here>>
<<Supervisor contact details
Having received your completed Maternity Form, I am now able to give you
details about your entitlement and the conditions you must meet in order to
claim your maternity leave and pay. The contents of this letter are provisional
until I receive your Maternity Certificate (MAT B1) confirming your expected
date of childbirth.
As you have advised that you do not intend to return to work after the birth of
your baby, and your earnings are above the lower limit for National Insurance
contributions, your entitlement is as follows:Leave
Ordinary Maternity Leave (OML) – 26 weeks
Additional Maternity Leave (AML) – 26 weeks
6 weeks @ 9/10 pay
33 weeks Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) (Flat Rate)
Your total maternity pay will not exceed your normal basic
full pay.
To claim your entitlement:a) You must confirm to ……………, in writing, by the end of the 15th week
before the expected week of childbirth (EWC): the week your baby is expected to be born (EWC)
 when you want to start your maternity leave – the earliest date you
can begin your maternity leave is the start of the 11 th week before the
b) You must forward, to ……………, a Maternity Certificate (MAT B1) as
early as possible, but at least 28 days before your maternity leave begins.
This form will be provided to you by your Doctor or Registered Midwife
after the 26th week of pregnancy.
Fife Council December 2011
To satisfy a) above please complete, sign and return the attached Declaration
Your post will not be filled on a permanent basis until after your period of paid
maternity leave (39 weeks), or you confirm that your baby has been born and
submit written notice of your resignation based on the notice required by your
contract of employment.
We will assume that you have resigned with effect from the end of your period
of paid maternity leave unless you provide an alternative resignation date in
Please return a signed copy of the attached Declaration Form as soon as
possible, to show that you have understood and agree to abide by the
conditions of the scheme.
May I take this opportunity to wish you well in the coming months.
Yours sincerely
Fife Council December 2011
Post title:………………………………………………………………………………
Hours of work per week: ..................................................................................
Section: ………………………………………………………………………………....
Approximate date baby is due (EWC):…………………………………………..
Date you propose to commence maternity leave: ..........................................
Please exclude annual leave from this date
As I have indicated my intention not to return following my maternity leave, I
understand my date of resignation will be at the end of my period of paid
maternity leave, unless I provide an alternative resignation date in writing,
based on the notice required by my contract of employment.
Signature …………………………………….
Date ……………………..
Please retain a copy of this form for your own records and forward your
original completed copy to:
Fife Council December 2011
Mat 4
<<Employee Name and Address Here>>
<<Supervisor contact details
Having received your completed Maternity Form, I am now able to give you
details about your entitlement and the conditions you must meet in order to
claim your maternity leave and pay. The contents of this letter are
provisional until I receive your Maternity Certificate (MAT B1) confirming your
expected date of childbirth.
As you have advised that you do not intend to return to work after the birth of
your baby, and your earnings are below the limit for National Insurance
contributions, you are not entitled to Occupational Maternity Pay (OMP) or
Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP). You may, however, be eligible for Maternity
Allowance from the Department of Work and Pensions. You will be issued
with a SMP Exclusion Certificate (SMP1) by Pay Unit, which you should take
to your local Job Centre Plus Office, who will advise you of any entitlement to
Maternity Allowance.
Your entitlement is as follows:Leave
Ordinary Maternity Leave (OML) – 26 weeks
Additional Maternity Leave (AML) – 26 weeks
6 weeks @ 9/10 pay
33 weeks Maternity Allowance (if eligible)
Your total maternity pay will not exceed your normal basic full
To claim your entitlement to maternity leave:a) You must confirm to ……………, in writing, by the end of the 15th week
before the expected week of childbirth (EWC): the week your baby is expected to be born (EWC)
Fife Council December 2011
 when you want to start your maternity leave – the earliest date you
can begin your maternity leave is the start of the 11 th week before the
b) You must continue to be employed up to and including the 15 th week
before the EWC. You may, however, have stopped work before this
because of sickness or holidays. Please note, that Maternity Allowance is
not payable until after the start of the 11th week before the EWC.
c) You must forward, to ……………, a Maternity Certificate (MAT B1) as
early as possible, but at least 28 days before your maternity leave begins.
This form will be provided to you by your Doctor or Registered Midwife
after the 26th week of pregnancy.
To satisfy point a) above please complete, sign and return the attached
Declaration Form.
Your post will not be filled on a permanent basis until after your period of
Ordinary Maternity Leave, or you confirm that your baby has been born and
submit written notice of your resignation based on the notice required by your
contract of employment.
We will assume that you have resigned with effect from the end of your period
of Ordinary Maternity Leave unless you provide an alternative resignation
date in writing.
Please return a signed copy of the attached Declaration Form as soon as
possible, to show that you have understood and agree to abide by the
conditions of the scheme.
May I take this opportunity to wish you well in the coming months.
Yours sincerely
Fife Council December 2011
Post title:………………………………………………………………………………
Hours of work per week: ..................................................................................
Section: ………………………………………………………………………………....
Approximate date baby is due (EWC):…………………………………………..
Date you propose to commence maternity leave: ..........................................
Please exclude annual leave from this date
As I have indicated my intention not to return following my maternity leave, I
understand my date of resignation will be at the end of my period of paid
maternity leave, unless I provide an alternative resignation date in writing,
based on the notice required by my contract of employment.
Signature …………………………………….
Date ……………………..
Please retain a copy of this form for your own records and forward your
original completed copy to:
Fife Council December 2011
Mat 5
<<Employee Name and Address Here>>
<<Supervisor contact details
Having received your completed Maternity Form, I am now able to give you
details about your entitlement and the conditions you must meet in order to
claim your maternity leave. The contents of this letter are provisional until I
receive your Maternity Certificate (MAT B1) confirming your expected date of
Your entitlement is as follows:Leave
Ordinary Maternity Leave (OML) – 26 weeks
Additional Maternity Leave (OML) – 26 weeks
You may be eligible to claim Maternity Allowance (39 weeks)
Your average earnings are above the limit for National Insurance contributions
but, as you do not have 6 months continuous service with Fife Council at the
qualifying week, you are not entitled to Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP). You
may, however, be eligible for Maternity Allowance (MA) from the Department
of Work and Pensions. You will be issued with a SMP Exclusion Certificate
(SMP1) by Pay Unit, which you must take to your local Job Centre Plus
Office, who will advise you of any entitlement to MA.
To claim your entitlement to Ordinary Maternity Leave:a) You must confirm to ……………, in writing, by the end of the 15th week
before the expected week of childbirth (EWC): the week your baby is expected to be born (EWC)
 when you want to start your maternity leave – the earliest date you
can begin your maternity leave is the start of the 11 th week before the
b) You must continue to be employed up to and including the 15 th week
before the EWC. You may, however, have stopped work before this
because of sickness or holidays. Please note, that Maternity Allowance is
not payable until after the start of the 11th week before the EWC.
Fife Council December 2011
c) You must forward, to ……………, a Maternity Certificate (MAT B1) as
early as possible, but at least 28 days before your maternity leave begins.
This form will be provided to you by your Doctor or Registered Midwife
after the 26th week of pregnancy.
Point a) above has been fulfilled by your completion of the Maternity Form. A
Declaration Form is attached to this letter. This form only needs to be
completed and forwarded if any of your details have changed from the
information provided on the Maternity Form.
We will write to you again within the next 28 days stating the date we will
expect you to return to work if you take your full (52 weeks) entitlement to
maternity leave.
Should you wish to return to work prior to the date given to you, you must
provide 8 weeks notice, in writing, to your Supervisor of the date you intend
to return. Should you fail to provide the full 8 weeks notice, you will not be
able to return until the full 8 weeks notice period has expired. The leaflet
‘MA80 Getting the Balance Right’ is enclosed, which outlines the flexible
working options you may want to consider on your return to work.
If, during your maternity leave, you decide that you do not intend to return to
work you must resign giving the appropriate length of notice specified in your
Finally, I would like to remind you that Fife Council employees with parental
responsibilities are also eligible to save up to *£933 per year with childcare
vouchers, free of tax and national insurance through the Childcare Vouchers
Scheme. Employees can apply online at or for any
help and advice call a member of the dedicated Helpline Team on 0800 161
3042. They are available to answer queries by telephone, fax, e-mail and
text. Alternatively, if you would like someone to call you to discuss the
scheme, just text ‘childcare’ and ‘your name’ to 81025. The Helpline Team
are available during their normal office hours (9.00 -am to 5.30 pm). Outwith
these hours you can leave a message on the answering machine for the team
to respond too.
*savings based on a lower rate tax paying employee
calls and text messages are charged at your standard network rate
May I take this opportunity to wish you well in the coming months.
Yours sincerely
Fife Council December 2011
Post title:………………………………………………………………………………
Hours of work per week: ..................................................................................
Section: ………………………………………………………………………………....
Approximate date baby is due (EWC):…………………………………………..
Date you propose to commence maternity leave: ..........................................
Please exclude annual leave from this date
Signature …………………………………….
Date ……………………..
Please retain a copy of this form for your own records and forward your
original completed copy to:
Fife Council December 2011
Mat 6
<<Employee Name and Address Here>>
<<Supervisor contact details
Having received your completed Maternity Form, I am now able to give you
details about your entitlement and the conditions you must meet in order to
claim your maternity leave. The contents of this letter are provisional until I
receive your Maternity Certificate (MAT B1) confirming your expected date of
Your entitlement is as follows:Leave
Ordinary Maternity Leave (OML) – 26 weeks
Additional Maternity Leave (AML) – 26 weeks
Your average earnings are below the limit for National Insurance contributions
and, as you do not have six months continuous service with Fife Council, you
are not entitled to Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) and you may not be entitled
to Maternity Allowance (MA). You may however, be eligible to claim other
Social Security benefits. You will be issued with a SMP Exclusion Certificate
(SMP1) by Pay Unit, which you must take to your local Job Centre Plus
Office, who will advise you of any entitlement to Maternity Allowance.
To claim your entitlement to Ordinary Maternity Leave:a) You must confirm to ……………, in writing, by the end of the 15th week
before the expected week of childbirth (EWC): the week your baby is expected to be born (EWC)
 when you want to start your maternity leave – the earliest date you
can begin your maternity leave is the start of the 11 th week before the
b) You must continue to be employed up to and including the 15th week
before the EWC. You may, however, have stopped work before this
because of sickness or holidays. Please note, that Maternity Allowance is
not payable until after the start of the 11th week before the EWC.
c) You must hand in, to your Supervisor, a maternity certificate (MAT B1) as
early as possible, but at least 28 days before your maternity leave begins.
Fife Council December 2011
You should be able to obtain this from your Doctor or Registered Midwife
after the 26th week of pregnancy.
Point a) above has been fulfilled by your completion of the Maternity Form. A
Declaration Form is attached to this letter. This form only needs to be
completed and forwarded if any of your details have changed from the
information provided on the Maternity Form.
We will write to you again within the next 28 days stating the date we will
expect you to return to work if you take your full (52 weeks) entitlement to
maternity leave.
Should you wish to return to work prior to the date given to you, you must
provide 8 weeks notice, in writing, to your Supervisor of the date you intend
to return. Should you fail to provide the full 8 weeks notice, you will not be
able to return until the full 8 weeks notice period has expired. The leaflet
‘MA80 Getting the Balance Right’ is enclosed, which outlines the flexible
working options you may want to consider on your return to work.
If, during your maternity leave, you decide that you do not intend to return to
work you must resign giving the appropriate length of notice specified in your
Finally, I would like to remind you that Fife Council employees with parental
responsibilities are also eligible to save up to *£933 per year with childcare
vouchers, free of tax and national insurance through the Childcare Vouchers
Scheme. Employees can apply online at or for any
help and advice call a member of the dedicated Helpline Team on 0800 161
3042. They are available to answer queries by telephone, fax, e-mail and
text. Alternatively, if you would like someone to call you to discuss the
scheme, just text ‘childcare’ and ‘your name’ to 81025. The Helpline Team
are available during their normal office hours (9.00 -am to 5.30 pm). Outwith
these hours you can leave a message on the answering machine for the team
to respond too.
*savings based on a lower rate tax paying employee
calls and text messages are charged at your standard network rate
May I take this opportunity to wish you well in the coming months.
Yours sincerely
Fife Council December 2011
Post title:………………………………………………………………………………
Hours of work per week: ..................................................................................
Section: ………………………………………………………………………………....
Approximate date baby is due (EWC):…………………………………………..
Date you propose to commence maternity leave: ..........................................
Please exclude annual leave from this date
Signature …………………………………….
Date ……………………..
Please retain a copy of this form for your own records and forward your
original completed copy to:
Fife Council December 2011
Mat 7
<<Employee Name and Address Here>>
<<Supervisor contact details
Having received your completed Maternity Form, I am now able to give you
details about your entitlement and the conditions you must meet in order to
claim your maternity leave and pay. The contents of this letter are
provisional until I receive your Maternity Certificate (MAT B1) confirming your
expected date of childbirth.
As you have advised that you intend to return to work after the birth of your
baby, your entitlement is as follows:Leave
Ordinary Maternity Leave (OML) – 26 weeks
Additional Maternity Leave (AML) – 26 weeks
6 weeks @ 9/10 pay +
12 weeks @ half-pay (Occupational Maternity Pay) + Maternity
Allowance (MA), if you are eligible +
21 weeks MA (Flat Rate), if you are eligible
Your total maternity pay should not exceed your basic full
pay. Should this occur an adjustment will be made and
SMP will be reduced so that maternity pay equals your
basic full pay.
As you do not have 6 months continuous service with Fife Council, you have
no entitlement to Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP). You may, however, be
eligible for Maternity Allowance (MA) from the Department of Work and
Pensions. You will be issued with a SMP Exclusion Certificate (SMP1) by
Pay Unit, which you must take to your local Job Centre Plus Office, who will
advise you of any entitlement to Maternity Allowance.
To claim your entitlement to Occupational Maternity Leave/ Pay:a) You must confirm to ……………, in writing, by the end of the 15th week
before the expected week of childbirth (EWC): the week your baby is expected to be born (EWC)
 when you want to start your maternity leave – the earliest date you
can begin your maternity leave is the start of the 11 th week before the
Fife Council December 2011
b) As you qualify for Occupational Maternity Pay (OMP) you should confirm,
in writing, whether you intend to return to work on the expiry of your leave
for a period of not less than 3 months.
c) You must hand in, to your Supervisor, a Maternity Certificate (MAT B1) as
early as possible, but at least 28 days before your maternity leave begins.
You should be able to obtain this from your Doctor or Registered Midwife
after the 26th week of pregnancy. Pay Unit will then return this certificate
to you when they issue form SMP1, as it is also needed to claim any
maternity benefits.
d) We will assume that you will receive Maternity Allowance unless you
provide a copy of the appropriate letter (DSS form BF1011) confirming that
your application has been unsuccessful. This means that you will be paid
only the difference between Maternity Allowance and your OMP, until you
show that you have applied for and been refused Maternity Allowance.
To satisfy both a) and b) above please complete, sign and return the attached
Declaration Form. Once we have received your completed Declaration Form
we will write to you within 28 days stating the date we will expect you to
return to work if you take your full (52 weeks) entitlement to maternity leave.
Should you wish to return to work prior to the date given to you, you must
provide 8 weeks notice, in writing, to your Supervisor of the date you intend
to return. Should you fail to provide the full 8 weeks notice, you will not be
able to return until the full 8 weeks notice period has expired. The leaflet
‘MA80 Getting the Balance Right’ is enclosed, which outlines the flexible
working options you may want to consider on your return to work.
If, during your maternity leave, you decide that you do not intend to return to
work you must resign giving the appropriate length of notice specified in your
If you do not return to work at the end of your maternity leave, or return to
work for less than least 3 months, you will have to repay the Occupational
Maternity Pay that you have received (12 weeks half-pay). Please note, that
although you will have received this pay with Tax and National Insurance
deducted, you may have to repay the gross amount of the half-pay.
Please return a signed copy of the attached Mat 7 Declaration as soon as
possible, to show that you have understood and agree to abide by the
conditions of the scheme.
Finally, I would like to remind you that Fife Council employees with parental
responsibilities are also eligible to save up to *£933 per year with childcare
vouchers, free of tax and national insurance through the Childcare Vouchers
Scheme. Employees can apply online at or for any
help and advice call a member of the dedicated Helpline Team on 0800 161
3042. They are available to answer queries by telephone, fax, e-mail and
text. Alternatively, if you would like someone to call you to discuss the
scheme, just text ‘childcare’ and ‘your name’ to 81025. The Helpline Team
are available during their normal office hours (9.00 -am to 5.30 pm). Outwith
Fife Council December 2011
these hours you can leave a message on the answering machine for the team
to respond too.
*savings based on a lower rate tax paying employee
calls and text messages are charged at your standard network rate
May I take this opportunity to wish you well in the coming months.
Yours sincerely
Fife Council December 2011
Post title:………………………………………………………………………………
Hours of work per week: ..................................................................................
Section: ………………………………………………………………………………....
Approximate date baby is due (EWC):…………………………………………..
Date you propose to commence maternity leave: ..........................................
Please exclude annual leave from this date
I wish to take maternity leave and propose to return to work, in accordance
with the conditions of the SJC Maternity Leave Scheme, for a period of at
least 3 months. I understand that if I do not return for this period, I shall be
liable to repay to the Council any sums paid to me in respect of my
entitlement to 12 weeks at half-pay.
Signature …………………………………….
Date ……………………..
Please retain a copy of this form for your own records and forward your
original completed copy to:
Fife Council December 2011
Mat 8
<<Employee Name and Address Here>>
<<Supervisor contact details
Having received your completed Maternity Form, I am now able to give you
details about your entitlement and the conditions you must meet in order to
claim your maternity leave and pay. The contents of this letter are
provisional until I receive your Maternity Certificate (MAT B1) confirming your
expected date of childbirth.
As you have advised that you do not intend to return to work after the birth of
your baby, and your earnings are above the lower limit for National Insurance
contributions, your entitlement is as follows:Leave
Ordinary Maternity Leave (OML) – 26 weeks
Additional Maternity Leave (AML) – 26 weeks
6 weeks @ 9/10 pay
33 weeks Maternity Allowance (if eligible)
As you do not have 6 months continuous service with Fife Council, you have
no entitlement to Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP). You may, however, be
eligible for Maternity Allowance (MA) from the Department of Work and
Pensions. You will be issued with a SMP Exclusion Certificate (SMP1) by
Pay Unit, which you must take to your local Job Centre Plus Office.
To claim your entitlement to maternity leave / pay:a) You must confirm to ……………, in writing, by the end of the 15th week
before the expected week of childbirth (EWC): the week your baby is expected to be born (EWC)
 when you want to start your maternity leave – the earliest date you
can begin your maternity leave is the start of the 11 th week before the
b) You must continue to be employed up to and including the 15 th week
before the EWC. You may, however, have stopped work before this
Fife Council December 2011
because of sickness or holidays. Please note, that Maternity Allowance is
not payable until after the start of the 11th week before the EWC.
c) You must hand in, to your Supervisor, a Maternity Certificate (MAT B1) as
early as possible, but at least 28 days before your maternity leave begins.
You should be able to obtain this from your Doctor or Registered Midwife
after the 26th week of pregnancy. Pay Unit will then return this certificate
to you when they issue SMP1, as it is also needed to claim any maternity
Your post will not be filled on a permanent basis until after your period of
ordinary maternity leave (26 weeks), or you confirm that your baby has been
born and submit written notice of your resignation based on the notice
required by your contract of employment.
We will assume that you have resigned with effect from the end of your period
of ordinary maternity leave unless you provide an alternative resignation date
in writing.
To satisfy point a) above, please complete, sign and return the attached
Declaration Form as soon as possible. This also confirms that you have
understood and agree to abide by the conditions of the scheme.
May I take this opportunity to wish you well in the coming months.
Yours sincerely
Fife Council December 2011
Post title:………………………………………………………………………………
Hours of work per week: ..................................................................................
Section: ………………………………………………………………………………....
Approximate date baby is due (EWC):…………………………………………..
Date you propose to commence maternity leave: ..........................................
Please exclude annual leave from this date
As I have indicated my intention not to return following my maternity leave, I
understand my date of resignation will be at the end of my period of paid
maternity leave, unless I provide an alternative resignation date in writing,
based on the notice required by my contract of employment.
Signature …………………………………….
Date ……………………..
Please retain a copy of this form for your own records and forward your
original completed copy to:
Fife Council December 2011
Mat 9
<<Employee Name and Address Here>>
<<Supervisor contact details
I refer to the Maternity Form which I sent to you on ……………………………
and I note from my records that I have not received your completed Form.
To allow me to confirm what your entitlements are, you must complete and
return the Maternity Form to me as soon as possible.
I enclose a further copy of the Form in case the original has gone astray.
If you feel it would be worthwhile arranging a meeting to discuss any queries
you have, then please feel free to contact ……………………. to arrange a
date and time. Alternatively, if you would prefer to discuss any queries over
the phone, then please call at a time convenient to you.
In the meantime, if you require any further assistance please let me know.
Yours sincerely
Fife Council December 2011
Mat 10
<<Employee Name and Address Here>>
<<Supervisor contact details
I refer to my letter to you on <<Date>> telling you of your provisional
maternity entitlements.
I note, from my records, I have not received your completed Declaration
I enclose a further copy of the above letter in case the original has gone
If you require any assistance in completing the Declaration Form, please let
me know. Otherwise, I would appreciate it if you would complete and return
the form within the next few days.
In the meantime, if you require any further assistance please let me know.
Yours sincerely
Fife Council December 2011
Mat 11
<<Employee Name and Address Here>>
details here>>
MATERNITY - Expected Date of Return
Thank you for providing me with your completed and signed Declaration
I can now confirm that you are entitled to a total of 52 weeks maternity leave,
made up of 26 weeks ordinary maternity leave and 26 weeks additional
maternity leave.
You have advised you wish to commence your maternity leave on
………………………… Please note that you can start your maternity leave on
any day of the week and if you decide to amend the date you wish to start
your leave, you must provide written confirmation of your new intended start
date as soon as possible or at least 28 days before this date. It is
recommended that any accrued annual leave be taken immediately before
your maternity leave starts.
Based on your entitlement to 52 weeks maternity leave, I can confirm your
expected return to work date will be …………………………… You need take
no further action if you intend to return on this specified date.
However, if you intend to return before this date you must give 8 weeks
notice, in writing, of your intention to return early. This should be forwarded
to your Line Manager and copied to……………
Your date of return to work should be prior to any annual leave/public
holidays you have accrued over your maternity leave period. Your annual
leave and public holiday leave entitlement continues to accrue throughout the
year as normal regardless of your 52 weeks of maternity leave. It is
recommended that leave accrued is calculated and taken immediately before
your maternity leave begins and again immediately after your maternity leave,
subject to agreement with your manager. The leaflet ‘MA80 Getting the
Balance Right’ is enclosed, which outlines the flexible working options you
may want to consider on your return to work.
Based on your entitlement and intended maternity start date, your period of
paid maternity leave will be exhausted on ……………..
Finally, I would like to remind you that Fife Council employees with parental
responsibilities are also eligible to save up to *£933 per year with childcare
vouchers, free of tax and national insurance through the Childcare Vouchers
Scheme. Employees can apply online at or for any
Fife Council December 2011
help and advice call a member of the dedicated Helpline Team on 0800 161
3042. They are available to answer queries by telephone, fax, e-mail and
text. Alternatively, if you would like someone to call you to discuss the
scheme, just text ‘childcare’ and ‘your name’ to 81025. The Helpline Team
are available during their normal office hours (9.00 -am to 5.30 pm). Outwith
these hours you can leave a message on the answering machine for the team
to respond too.
*savings based on a lower rate tax paying employee
calls and text messages are charged at your standard network rate
If you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact
Yours sincerely
Fife Council December 2011
Mat 12
Payroll Team Leader, Finance and Asset Management
I write to advise that the above employee will return to work from maternity
leave on (date).
Please update your records accordingly.
If you have any queries please contact me.
<<Job Title>>
Fife Council December 2011
Mat 13
Payroll Team Leader, Finance and Asset Management
The following employee signed the Maternity Declaration Form which states
that she proposed to return to work in accordance with the conditions of the
SJC Maternity Leave Scheme for a period of at least 3 months.
She signed to confirm that she understood that if she did not return for this
period, she would be liable to repay to the Council any sums paid to her in
respect of her entitlement to 12 weeks half-pay (OMP).
She has failed to return to work for three months. She did not return after
maternity leave / came back to work on <date> and resigned on <date>‡.
Please arrange to reclaim the maternity payments made.
Employee Name
Service / Section
Yours sincerely
<<Job Title>>
Copy to employee
Delete from, and add details to, this sentence as appropriate.
Fife Council December 2011